Our Next Club 56 Event is Friendsgiving

November 7th @ 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.

Club 56 meets at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

We are kicking off the holidays with our tastiest event of the year! With everyone sharing their favorite foods and fun Fall activities, our Friendsgiving events are always a huge hit.

Friendsgiving is a potluck-style event, so please sign up to bring your favorite dishes to share -- your recipes will help make our event even more awesome! Click the button below!

Friendsgiving Potluck Sign Up
Children's Ministry Health Form 2024-2025



Students who have attended any of our Club 56 events this calendar year will be entered into a drawing for some Apple AirPods that will be raffled off at this event! Students who bring a friend get a bonus ticket entry for each friend they bring (and their friends will each get a ticket too). Don't miss out!

About Club 56

Our messy world can make it hard to know what's true. The culture that has been created for our young people by the internet, social media, and even kids’ TV shows, is running away from Christ...and head-first into a brick wall.  Mixed messages about what’s real abound in today’s society... so it’s no surprise that our young people [younger by the day] are getting scared, confused, and doubtful about who they can trust.

But, there is HOPE.

Here at Club 56, we want to push away the confusion and pave a clear path to the truth - not just by helping kids get to know God, but teaching them how to think about and apply what they learn.  As we start building up their skills to think through confusion, we’ll give them the solid truth of the Gospel and the reassurance that, no matter what the world might throw at them, Jesus is always trustworthy.

Our Mission

Showing God’s love to our 5th & 6th grade students by creating a safe, fun community of peers and adults who will: Teach them the fundamentals of their faith, show them how to recognize and speak the truth, help them grow in their relationship with Christ, and build confidence in their true identity, which is found in Christ alone.

Stay Up-To-Date

Join the Club 56 GroupMe Chat to get information, schedule changes, updates, ask questions, and more! *Scan the QR code or click the button below to get started.

Club 56 GroupMe Chat

We are looking forward to our this event! 

Remember parents - you are always welcome to hang out with us during Club 56 if you are curious about our programming. And if you're ever available to help out with planning, driving, snacks/drinks, or games - we can definitely use extra hands and would enjoy working with you!


(1 per child if you have multiple in this age group. If you have already filled one of these out for this year, you do not need to turn in another one until the start of next school year.) You can find the link to our health form below.

*If your child has severe allergies or other types of limitations, please let us know ahead of time. Please also be thorough in that section of the health form. The more info you can provide, the more likely we are to be able to accommodate any special needs.

Children's Ministry Health Form 2024-2025

We’re excited for you to join us in this new ministry endeavor!

If you have any questions or concerns, simply reply to this email or reach out to me at: