This is an abbreviated newsletter for the remainder of the month of January. It contains information on the upcoming Winter Stated Meeting and Pastor-to-Pastor Clergy Gatherings and prayer requests. The February edition will be sent out in two weeks. | |
Southern California is facing multiple uncontrolled fires, exacerbated by strong winds and dry conditions. Tens of thousands of residents have been forced to evacuate and more than 57,000 homes are threatened.
PDA is in communication with the affected presbyteries to offer resources in the aftermath of the fires. So far, we are aware of one Presbyterian church destroyed (Pacific Palisades Presbyterian Church) and several more are threatened. We will know more once the fires are contained and evacuation orders have been lifted. We pray for all lives affected, for swift containment and the safety of first responders. Click here for more on PDA's response.
We join with Presbyterians across the nation and offer this prayer by Rev. Jihyun Oh, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly.
God, our refuge and our strength, you are an ever-present help in trouble.
You see the devastation caused by the California wildfires. You hear the cries of those suffering loss. You know the fear and anxiety and exhaustion of those waiting, hoping, helping as they watch the fires burn.
For those forced to abandon their homes and shelters in search of safety, we pray for your guidance to find places of rest. For those called to fight the fires, we pray for your strength to persevere. For those ministering to the injured, we pray for your wisdom and guidance to heal. For those mourning loss, we pray for your comfort. For those accompanying others, near or far, we pray for your upholding. For those still in danger’s path, we pray for your protection.
Now and in the days and weeks to come, we trust that you are present. You have promised that even in the darkest of valleys, you will never leave nor forsake your children.
God, our refuge and our strength, you are an ever-present help in trouble. As your incarnate presence brought hope to those in need, may the Church, your body, be the presence of help and hope in Los Angeles County and beyond.
In the name of Christ Jesus,
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2025 Winter Stated Meeting
by C. Anderson James, Stated Clerk
The Winter Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta will be held on Saturday, February 8, from 9:00am until 1:30pm at Eastminster Presbyterian Church in Stone Mountain. This message contains many important details about the meeting—please read it carefully. Pastors, please share it with your clerk of session and elected ruling elder commissioners.
Format: Upon the decision of the presbytery’s Council, this meeting will be held fully in-person. A livestream will be available of the meeting, although persons joining via livestream will not be able to participate in discussion, vote, or have their attendance recorded. Our morning break will feature a substantial snack, but lunch will not be served.
Theme, Worship, and Business: Our theme for 2025 is Beyond the Building: Living as Grounded Disciples in the World. At this meeting, we will be exploring the gift of journeying and the ways that the people of God have experienced the presence of God along the way. Our preacher for the day as we look at the story of the Tabernacle from Exodus will be the Rev. Dr. Bill Brown, the William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary.
This meeting will feature the consideration of amendments to the Book of Order as approved by the 226th General Assembly (2024). Please review these amendments and resources around their consideration that are available on the Presbytery website at
In other business for this meeting, we will consider the Presbytery’s budget for 2025, hear stories about the work of the Presbytery and its New Church Development Commission, examine persons for service in the church, and welcome seven new candidates preparing for ministry.
The commissioner handbook with the full business for the meeting will be available on the Presbytery website by Wednesday, January 29.
Pre-Registration for the Meeting: Online pre-registration is strongly encouraged by the deadline of Monday, February 3 so that our hosts can be prepared to welcome us and other arrangements can be made to support the meeting. The pre-registration process is available at
Childcare: The staff and volunteers qualified to provide childcare at Eastminster are unfortunately unavailable on the day of the meeting, so childcare will not be available.
Health and Safety: We encourage all attendees to use the time between now and the meeting to get current with covid and other vaccinations, and those who do not feel well on the day of the meeting should stay home and watch the livestream of the meeting. All are welcome to wear a mask throughout the meeting if they feel more comfortable doing so.
Pastors and clerks of session, please share this information with your ruling elder commissioners now so that they can register by the February 3 deadline.
If you have any questions about the meeting, contact Stated Clerk Andy James at We look forward to seeing you on February 8!
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2025 Pastor-to-Pastor Clergy Gatherings |
2025 Regional Clergy Gatherings:
Northside Clergy Gathering
1st Thursdays – 12-1:30 p.m. – Rotates Roswell/Duluth
- Thursday, May 1 Roswell area
- Thursday, October 2 Duluth
Decatur Clergy Gathering
3rd Thursdays – 12-2 p.m. – North Decatur PC
- Thursday, April 24
- Thursday, October 16
OTP Eastside Clergy Gathering
3rd Thursdays – 12-1:30 p.m. – Rotate Churches
- Thursday, May 15
- Thursday, August 21
Southside Clergy Gathering
5th Thursdays – 12-1:30 p.m. – Positano Pizza
- Thursday, May 29
- Thursday, October 30
=/< 40 Clergy Gathering
4th Wednesdays – 11:30 a.m.- 1 p.m.
- Wednesday, May 28
- Wednesday, September 10
New Approach for 2025 Clergy Gatherings
Aligning the P2P Clergy Gatherings with the 2025 theme of "Beyond the Building" and the desire for more meditative time, we are inviting you to "Days of Reflection" offered by the Ignatius House in 2025.
The regional clergy gatherings are now in the Spring and Fall. We hope to see you at Ignatius House. A member of the Presbytery team will also be in attendance.
Each individual will register directly through Ignatius House. Cost is $75 including lunch and facilitator.
February 24, 2024 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.:
A Day of Reflection; Care of Body, Care of Soul
March 5, 2025 @ 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Ash Wednesday: Day of Reflection
May 6, 2025 @ 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Day of Reflection: Care of Body, Care of Soul
August 25, 2025 @ 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Day of Reflection: Care of Body, Care of Soul
November 11, 2025 @ 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Day of Reflection: Care of Body, Care of Soul
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Pastor to Pastor Prayer Concerns |
Paul Abell (HR) has returned to Vitality after completing his rehabilitation after a fall in November resulting in a fractured leg.
Ed Albright and wife Helen. for continuing good care and health. Ed, (HR) former PGA Executive Presbyter, gains much strength from our PGA prayer cheering team!
Patrick Day (Member at large) for safety and provision for transitions home from his mission in the Middle East where he serves as Chaplain for his Infantry Battalion. The Facebook group link that people can follow is
Toni Griffin-Fields (CRE) and her husband, Larry, who has stage 4 cancer and is going through treatment. She is very grateful for the prayers and praising God for giving them strength and community to sustain this season of healing.
Young Chul Jeon (retired pastor from New Presbyterian Church of GA) continues chemo/radiation treatment for stage 4 lung cancer. Please pray for both Rev Jeon and his wife as they journey on the path of healing.
Ally Lee (Interim Pastor, Fayetteville PC) and her family whose home in Altadena, California completely burned down from the fires in the area. Their friends were living in their home in Altadena, and lost everything. She would very much appreciate prayers for all of them as they deal with this heartbreaking loss, and she is grateful that everyone is safe. Their good friends created a GoFundMe page to help with Ally and her husband's expenses related to recovery.
Connie Lee (HR, Interim Pastor, Rice) and daughter, Dee, who is doing much better and able to be in her own home. She is still receiving home therapy for which Connie is very grateful.
Rachael Whaley Pate (member at large) and family.
Irving Simon (HR) had a stroke two years ago. Pray for comfort for the loss of his wife and best friend of 62 years and for a stable living environment so he can remain in his home.
Jeanne Simpson (Pastor, Philadelphia) and husband. Please pray for continued healing and strength. They are doing well and are very appreciative of the prayers and love shared with them.
Sarah Smith (Pastor, Stonehaven Carronside Parish Church, Scotland) as she journeys in her call in Scotland.
George Tatro (Senior Pastor, Johns Creek PC) and his wife, Carrie.
Blake (Chaplain Grady Hospital) and Anna George Traynham (Sr. Pastor, Shallowford) are expecting their second child in February, 2025.
Ken Wilmesherr (HR) is in the hospital in Athens. Please pray for his wife Sandi (HR), son, Drew (Campus Minister, UKIRK Atlanta) daughter-in-law, Emily (AP Decatur PC) and family.
Roosevelt (Rosey) Winfrey (HR) while experiencing some memory loss, is responding well at home to physical therapy and the loving care of his wife of 55 years, Bernita.
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Each month we are taking the time to pray for our churches and new worshiping communities throughout the year. Please take a moment each week to lift up the following communities in prayer:
1/12 - Breathing Space/SumTeo*, Bremen, Buford
1/19 - Carrollton, Casa Brasil, Central
1/26 - Centro Familiar Cristiano, Chin, Church in Motion
*Denotes New Worshiping Communities
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The Presbytery Staff will never email or text you asking for money or gift cards. If seeking donations, staff will direct you to the Presbytery website or invite you to mail a check. If you have any suspicion, please reach out to a staff member directly before responding! Stay safe in cyberspace! | |
Click here for CTS's Center for Lifelong Learning courses and events.
Click here for the Calvin Center's programs.
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The presbytery advertises employment opportunities within our congregations and partnerships. If you would like to browse opportunities or submit a new opening click here.
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The next newsletter will go out the beginning of February. Articles will be accepted through January 20. The following newsletter will go out early March. To request space for an article, email your Congregational Consultant or Mark Sauls at Click here to view submission guidelines.
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Top Graphic Attribution:
Swanson, John August. Wedding Feast, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. [retrieved January 15, 2025]. Original source: Estate of John August Swanson,
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