Dear Church Family,
The themes of Advent are loaded. We’re in the middle of the week of HOPE, and I must say that the messages that came from Pastor Stephanie, Noah Juricic and Jon Turner in worship, and from Echo Eraso in Adult Ed. have framed me for truly Christian hope. I am ready to live more fully in the moment, knowing that there is Someone out in front of us, Someone in-breaking toward us. As one beautiful Advent song puts it, “I looked up, and I saw my Lord a coming. Hallelujah Christ is coming, hallelujah Christ is near, hallelujah Christ is coming, hallelujah Christ is here.” That’s the kind of hope I feel already, even before any sort of ‘actual physical arrival takes place.’ I feel Christ is coming, Christ is near, Christ is here. I feel the anticipation of this arrival happens again and again, and the feeling of hope occurs before any sort of culmination of a total moment of resolution.
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Storms have always been gathering. This entire last year there has been a storm of horrible events in the world that have brutally claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. There are unresolved wars, growing famines. Here there are changes coming—some of which promise to make things very hard for people we love from already vulnerable communities. This is no time to pretend all is well. But Christian hope doesn’t pretend that at all.
God did not wait until the world was ready, or perfect, to arrive in the Christ child, and God won’t wait this year either. Look for Christ, live in hope. Hallelujah, Christ is coming.
Peace to you,
Pastor Seth
Check out our photo gallery at the end of this newsletter for November church family highlights!
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Upcoming December Events & Happenings |
Upcoming Blessing Bag Ministry Gathering!
On Saturday, December 7th at 10:00am, we will continue our ministry to support the work of Dr. Norma Bowe and her team, who serve the unsheltered and under-served people in and around our community. Last month was wonderfully resourced, and was fun and meaningful for all ages.
We would like to create about 120 bags this month, so we need your help! Please consider joining us to assemble bags, or support us by purchasing and donating any of the needed items on our Sign-Up Genius list!
If you have any questions, and/or to provide any additional items for future months, please talk to Pastor Amos.
Saturday, December 7th is the South River Bazaar
RCHP, our congregation in South River has its 3rd Annual Holiday Bazaar since the time our two congregations merged together. I hope you’ll consider coming out from 10am-2pm on Saturday for a beautiful morning of fellowship and connections. See the flyers further down in this section in Spanish and English for complete details.
Sunday, December 8th, Angel Tree Gifts, Healing Liturgy, New Members in morning worship
While some church members picked up Angel Tree names on December 1 during worship, we are added 106 more names to the tree (mostly unaccompanied minors and local children whose families live in properties owned by RCHP-AHC). Please consider taking an Angel Tree name and bringing those gifts to worship on December 15th, when we have our pageant!
Sunday morning worship will include our healing liturgy and we will receive a number of new members into our congregation.
Tuesday, December 10th, Would you like to help host an RCHP-AHC Christmas Party for tenants?
On Tuesday night, December 10th, we will invite all tenants living at RCHP-AHC units to come to the church for dinner, for Christmas singing and for an overall pleasant evening. Involvement could be helping to set-up, to serve, to clean up or to help transport some people to the church social hall from our various properties. Let Lisa in the church office know if you can lend a hand.
D.E.P.T.H. - Thursday, December 12th at 7pm
The next DEPTH (Discussing and Exploring Personal Theologies Honestly) meeting will be held virtually at 7pm on Thursday, December 12th and we'll discuss the concept of sin and grace, based on the writings of Paul Tillich. If you'd like to join the conversation and aren't on the email list, email Austin at for the Zoom link and some thought-starters.
Saturday, December 14th, Christmas for the Animals and Pageant Preparation (followed by Ginger Bread Housing Making)…and Caroling if you’re still standing!
On the 14th join us at RCHP at 9am to carpool to read a Christmas story and then head to the little wooded area adjacent to Donaldson Park to decorate the woods with ornaments for the animals. We’ll sing carols to the birds and deer and try to help them get in the mood for Hope, Peace, Love, Joy (though they seem to do a pretty good job of it without our intervention!).
Come back to church to prepare for the Pageant and to then join Wendy Nussman for Gingerbread Housing Making in the Quilt Rm. (see details below).
Join us from 2pm-4pm, on Saturday afternoon, for a time of Christmas Caroling for shut-in or homebound members of RCHP.
Gingerbread House Making! - Saturday, December 14th
Save the date: make your own gingerbread house, Saturday Dec 14th at approximately 12 noon.
Immediately following the Fall hike and Christmas Pageant Rehearsal. Lunch provided.
Optional: do you have too much leftover Halloween candy? We have the solution! Bring your candy to Lisa in the church office for the gingerbread house event.
For more information, call or text Wendy Nussman: 732-715-9025
Men’s Fellowship Ministry meets Saturday, December 14th and December 28th from 12pm - 1pm
All who identify as male are invited to this new group which will meet every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month for a prayer breakfast and more! For more info, contact Justan at
Sunday, December 15th, Christmas Pageant in the morning, Longest Night Service in the Evening
On December 15th we have our annual Christmas Pageant and all children and youth are invited to be in the pageant and/or to be instrumentalists in Pastor Amos’ famed youth orchestra. Please let Pastor Amos know immediately if you want to learn the songs and help us out musically! The pageant takes place at the 9am and the 11:15am services, and we invite you to participate in both or 1 of the services. You might be a shepherd at 1 service and mother Mary at the second!
In the evening of December 15th join us for Longest Night. Sometimes the overall good cheer of the holidays can exacerbate the pain of loss or sadness. This is an invitation to all who need quiet, and comfort, and a place to reflect and to be in the presence of God. It is, frankly, one of the most peaceful and love-filled moments in our annual calendar.
Sunday, December 22nd, Christmas Music Service in Highland Park, Christmas Pageant in South River
On December 22nd we’ll be holding a Christmas Pageant in South River during the morning service at 9:30. We invite anyone who can help us out there to please attend! We would LOVE to have more children in attendance.
At RCHP, at both 9am and 11:15am, we will have services shaped by instrumental music and our choirs. We call this Christmas Music Sunday. If you are interested in joining a choir just for the season please do so! A few extra voices filling out each part is a blessing. There will be no Sunday school between the services on the 22nd. Instead, a large coffee hour of hot chocolate, coffee and Christmas cookies and the likes. (There will be NO TABLE on the 22nd).
Tuesday, December 24th, Christmas Eve at RCHP in South River and Highland Park (Noon, 7pm, 11pm)
This year we have three beautiful options for worship at RCHP. The first option is to attend South River at noon on the 24th. Join us in that beautiful sanctuary where together we can thank God for the arrival of Christ. You can join us at 7pm on Christmas Eve at RCHP, where there will be candle lighting, special music and a sermon. And/or join us at 11pm and hear two beautiful reflections from RCHP Youth who will give us a sense of what Christmas means to them, in a service shaped entirely by the youth.
Advent Devotions
Looking for a simple Advent devotion? Join your church friends on Discord for an online read-a-long of the Gospel of Luke during the season of Advent. We'll be reading and discussing a chapter every day in this informal study and you can participate as much or as little as you'd like.
Discord is a group message board platform where only members of a group can see the conversation. You can use it on your computer or on your phone. The link to the server is:
Please email Elizabeth Townley if you have questions about using Discord.
Towards a Waste-Free Holiday Season
Submitted by Sandy Russell Jones
As we move toward the holiday season, there are many wonderful traditions to look forward to: delicious meals with family and friends, holiday events, gift-giving and more are some of the ways we mark and celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years.
This year, and in the years to come, it is especially important to consider the products we buy and use. One of the many policies the new Republican administration has pledged to enact is the deregulation and boosting of the fossil fuel industry ("Drill, baby drill!").
For those who don't know, not only oil and gas, but also plastics are produced from fossil fuel.
The effects of plastic production, from extraction to production to end-of-life, disproportionally affect communities of color, low-income communities, and people who depend on marine resources for work. They also wreak devastation on the environment and wildlife.
As the world moves away from oil and gas out of concern for climate change, fossil fuel companies are looking for ways to maintain profit margins. They are doing this by planning a 40% increase in plastic production. This will result in an annual production of 1.2 billion metric tons of plastic by 2060.
What You Can Do...................
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Christmas Morning Worship at RCHP in Indonesian Language
If you would like to worship on Christmas morning itself please join Pastor Henny and the members of RCHP who hold an annual Christmas Day worship service in our sanctuary. Please contact Pastor Henny for more details..
December 29th, RCHP will have 1 Sunday Service at 10am, with no Sunday school and NO TABLE
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Global Grace Marketplace
The Holidays are almost here!
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New Jersey Interfaith Center for Cancer Care - New Online Cancer Support Group! See flyer for details.
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Living Nativity - Saturday, December 14 from 5-8pm: A message from Rev. George Montanari
Middlebush Reformed Church warmly invites you to attend our 21st annual Living Nativity! Come enjoy this walk-through experience of the Christmas story, hearing the story of Jesus' birth while on a candle-lit stroll, taking in the nativity scene with the characters and animals from the story, singing along with Christmas carols, and being warmed by hot apple cider and good fellowship. Admission is free, though donations are accepted. Hope you can make this part of your Advent/Christmas celebrations this year!
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Worship and Education Opportunities | |
December 8th, Spanish Worship at RCHP
Our monthly Spanish worship service will take place on Sunday, December 8th, at 7pm. Join us for song, prayer, a sermon by Pastor Amanda and also for a time to continue sharing ‘Know Your Rights’ information with our neighbors who face new risks.
Manna Cafe—Every Thursday Night in South River: Please join our South River members for this important community meal ministry! Contact for more info
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The Table, (Every Sunday after 2nd Service)
In mid September we relaunched “The Table” as an afternoon meal (after 2nd service) that is for the homeless, poor, and all who are lonely and need a meal and for those who just attended church. It’s for everybody! If you’d like to assist us with the Table you can:
-donate money (bring it to Lisa or put it in the food pantry wagon on Sundays)
-donate non perishable goods (rice, beans, pasta, sauces, canned veggies etc…)
-offer to help with set up and food prep while 2nd service is going on.
-offer to stay and help with dishes.
-prepare something at home that you can bring in to share.
These are just a few ways to be a part of this ministry!
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Wednesday Nights are Music Nights (Continuing through the Fall)
Kids Choirs 5pm-5:30pm…followed by Pizza! If you are 3yrs-6th grade join us for one of the two choirs offered to kids at RCHP. Pastor Amos leads “Voices of Praise” for the older kids, and Pastor Seth leads “First Voices.” These opportunities are so much fun!
Gospel and Chancel choirs meet on Wednesday evenings
Gospel choir meets at 6pm
Chancel choir meets at 7pm
Come out and give one or both choirs a try!
If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Amos at
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DEC 8: Christmas Light Seeing (High school)
Dec 11: Cookie Decorating (Middle School)
Dec 24: HS Youth Led Christmas Eve Service 11pm
Please contact for exact times and info on these events!
Fun Zone - Gathering Opportunity for Youth - Every Wednesday Evening!
Every Wednesday in the Cave from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. all kids ages 9 through 12 are welcome to join us for an hour of Billiards, Board Games and more! Questions? Please reach out to Justan Mitchell at 732-621-6064 or
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Opportunities for Daily/Weekly Spiritual Growth, through discussion, study and prayer
Morning Prayer, 9am-9:30am, Zoom: Each morning, Mon-Sat, since the pandemic started in March of 2020, RCHP has held a daily morning prayer. Different church members and pastors share for 10 minutes or so and then there is a time of prayer and sharing. All are welcome. Cut and paste this link into your browser to access the Zoom call:
Wednesday Morning Bible Study in Full Swing, 7:45am (RCHP)
Weekly bible study is amazing right now. Join 12-14 of us on Wednesdays to discuss The Book of Revelation and to apply it to our lives! This study is led communally, but facilitated by Pastor Seth
Contemplative Spaces
We are continuing our practice of creating space for contemplation and meditation, journeying in reflection groups through the traditions of Christian mysticism. We now offer two separate times for gathering:
- Every other Thursday evening, from 6:00 to 7:00pm, we meet in the community room above the social hall (Room 201). This group is exploring a book and podcast with Richard Rohr.
- Every other Friday at noon, we meet in the RCHP sanctuary to reflect on a collection of letters and memoirs of Etty Hillesum.
Contact Carrie Dirks for more information, or visit this webpage.
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Connecting With One Another | |
Crafts and Conversation
Once a month (usually on a Wednesday) a small group of adults get together to do a craft. The crafts are simple and fun, the materials are provided, and you'll leave with a cute gift for yourself or someone you love! It’s a great way to meet new people. No artistic ability is required, and there’s no charge for supplies.
If you'd like to be included in the monthly invitation, please text Wendy Nussman at 732-715-9025, and you'll receive a text message each month with date, time, and other details.
Game Day
Do you like getting together with friends to play board games? About one Saturday morning per month, a small group gathers at church for non-competitive fun with board games. Lately, it's been Rummikub, but suggestions are always welcome, and there are many games available to choose from.
If you'd like to be included in the monthly invitation, please text Wendy Nussman at 732-715-9025, and you'll receive a text message each month with date, time, and other details.
Movie Mondays - Join us!
On most Mondays at 10:30 am, a small group gets together in the church parlor to watch a "feel-good" movie that the group has decided on. All are welcome! Examples of movies that have recently been seen are The Perfect Game, Mamma Mia (Both 1 & 2!!), Hidden Figures, Big, and Fly Away Home. Your suggestions are also welcome!
If you have any interest, please contact Cecilia with your cell phone number. You will be included in the text invitation, which is on a week-by-week basis. Bring your own snack and drink, and join whenever you'd like to hang out for a casual Monday morning with your church friends! Cecilia: (732) 809-2638,
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"LitLovers" Reading & Culture Group
If you love talking about media and arts, and would like a lightly structured format for sharing, give LitLovers a try on Tuesdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Each week, participants are welcome to share about books, movies, TV shows, music and culinary delights. For more info, contact Cecilia Rowedder Please email to receive the Zoom link.
Weekly Virtual "Drop-In"
All are welcome to drop-in for an hour of friendly, free-wheeling conversation on Thursdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Contact our host, Carol Perry for more information and for a Zoom link.
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Opportunities for Spiritual Growth through Sewing & Knitting/Crocheting
On Thursdays, from 10am-1pm, the Women’s Sewing Circle meets to create beautiful items that are incorporated into the annual bazaar. This group, meeting year round, also is a wonderful form of support and encouragement for all who are involved.
On Tuesdays, from 7pm-9pm, the Prayer Shawl Ministry creates beautiful shawls that are then distributed to church members and to others who are prayed for in our worship services. All are invited to learn this craft and to contribute in this way.
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Serving and Working For Justice & the Beloved Community | |
Lower Raritan Watershed Partnership
December 14th Boat Build with LRWP @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Learn woodworking with the Lower Raritan Watershed Partnership as we construct cedar strip and other wooden boats for use on the Raritan River!
This is an “in person” build session at our Boat House location at 101 Raritan Avenue in Highland Park. Volunteers will learn through hands-on activities.
Registration is FREE and is limited to eight (8) participants. Click here to register
Close toed shoes are required when in the boat house. Bring your own eye protection if you have it. For more information contact:
HP Food Pantry
Food Pantry needs for December:
During these challenging times the Highland Park Community Food Pantry is currently not taking individual donations. Instead we now have an Amazon Wishlist where folks wishing to donate have several options to choose from as well as an option to donate Gift Cards. We appreciate greatly any donation as we are facing an increase of folks in need. Thank you all so much. You can access the Wishlist here:
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Most needed items:
In addition to the Amazon wish list, items may be purchased from big box stores like Costco or Sam's Club; contact Kathi for further details:
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Supporting Each Other During Difficult Times | |
Fall Grief Support Group continues through December
This Fall, as we approach the holiday season, we are reminded that this is a time we spend with loved ones. This season of celebration has been engraved into our hearts and into our families from a young age. Holidays are one way we mark the passage of time. They are one of the many milestones we share with each other, and they often represent time spent with family and friends. For many of us, this is the hardest part of grieving our losses. Together in our support group we create a circle of healing to hold each other up during our most difficult times.
Our group is a safe and welcoming space that allows us to explore our thoughts and feelings related to grief and loss. It is a place to receive and provide support and understanding, while finding new ways to approach the challenges presented by grief. Come and meet others who seek meaning, offer perspective, and lessen the sense of isolation so many of us have felt as we walk through this process. Our group will provide you with emotional and spiritual support in a safe and non-judgmental environment.
Please join us at 6:30pm in the Parlor at RCHP. We continue to meet the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month. If you would like to be part of our group, please contact Pastor Stephanie at RCHP, Kathleen Malkiewicz at or Nicci Spinazzola at
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Online Chronic Pain & Illness Support Group - New Members Welcome
Has your life has been changed by physical pain or chronic illness? Are you willing to share your experience, strength and hope with others on this lonely journey? Drop in to a Weekly Support Group on ZOOM that meets throughout the summer on Tuesdays from 5pm-6pm. Contact Facilitators: Carla Epstein-Teliha, or Pat Kaufman, for additional information and for a Zoom Link
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Bereavement Calendar
RCHP remembers all those who died in December and all those who still mourn
The following names have been offered for remembrance in December 2024:
Barbara Betz, Beloved Sister of Carol Feliciano and Robert Betz
Ethel Bone, Beloved Grandmother of Renee DiGrigoli
Nanna Marjorie, Beloved Grandmother,
and John Board, Beloved Great Uncle of Jess Munger
Salvatore DiGrigoli, who always found a reason to smile,
Father, Father-in-Law, and Grandfather of the DiGrigoli Family
Rupert Hopwood and Iris Nelson,
Beloved Parents and Grandparents of the Beckford Family
Jim Hudson, Beloved Husband, and Sarah Bellak, Beloved Mother of Elaine Hudson
Louis Keszler, Beloved Father of Luanne Downey, Illona Faust and Susanne Kucsma
Bryce Lewis and Esther Ziegler, Beloved Grandparents of Kathy Lombardi
Adelayda Limpel and Leonard Poulan, Beloved Parents of Pastor Henny Poulan
Wayne Molnar, Beloved Brother of Joan Molnar-Schafer
Diane Faust Santiago, Beloved Sister-in-law of Illona Faust and Andrea Faust
Suzanne ‘Berti’ Turner, Beloved Daughter of Roberta Knowlton
Joan Wagner, Beloved Mother and Mother-in-Law of Fran and Diane Wagner,
and Beloved Grandmother of Amber, Alyssa, and Maddie
If it would be a comfort to include your loved ones in a monthly memory calendar, call Lisa at the RCHP office at 732-249-7349.
Fabulous Females, past and present - In early November, we celebrated the life of long-time church member Dottie Maitland.
Pastors LL, Stephanie and Amanda pose at the conclusion of a heartfelt and meaningful Interfaith Thanksgiving service.
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Presence of Presents - there were potential gifts aplenty to choose from at the Annual Bazaar!
Global Grace Marketplace displays items that include creations by the Interfaith-RISE Recycled Woodshop.
Members of the RCHP Youth Group put the “fun” in fundraising!
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The Youth Group did an amazing job hosting The Table at the end of November! | |
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