real. life. together.

We are so glad that you chose to come to one of our services today. You could have been a lot of other places, but you chose to be with us, and for that we are truly grateful. If you are new here, and you have not already stopped by our welcome center on the way in, we would love for you to stop by. We have a gift for you and hopefully can answer any questions you might have about our church. We want you to know that we really hope you feel at home today at Grove City Alliance. We hope that you will be challenged and encouraged by the message and music. Again, thank you for joining us!

Bulletin & eNews

Have our weekly Bulletin emailed to you and receive eNews event reminders by joining our mailing list HERE.

Text Announcements

Text "GCALLIANCE" to 797979 to sign up for important GCAC announcements over text.

Church App

Use the steps below as a guide to download the Church Center App!

1. Find the "Church Center App" on your device's app store or click HERE.

2. Select Get Started

3. Allow the app to use your location.

4. Select Grove City Alliance Church

5. Follow the prompts to sign in!

Contact Info


Follow Us @grovecityalliance on Instagram & Facebook.

The Bible teaches us that everything we have is a gift from God (1 Chronicles 29:14). As you give both faithfully and sacrificially, the mission of God advances, the gospel is preached, lives are touched, and the Church is strengthened.

Sunday, January 19


Sanctuary Venue

  • Nursery available for Birth - Age 5


Sanctuary Venue | C.O.R.E. Venue | Livestream

  • Nursery available for Birth - Age 2
  • Preschool for Ages 3-5
  • Kids Church for K-Grade 5
  • The Well - College Ministry


Sanctuary Venue | C.O.R.E. Venue | Livestream

  • Nursery available for Birth - Age 2
  • Preschool for Ages 3-5
  • Kids Groups for K-Grade 5
  • Student Ministry
In-Person Details
Online Details

Deeper Life Conference

Living Life in the Fullness of the Spirit

Friday, February 14 - Sunday, February 16

Grove City Alliance Church

Guest Speaker // Tim Keller


Friday, February 14, 6:30PM

The Need


Saturday, February 15, 9:30AM

More Like Jesus


Saturday, February 15, 6:30PM

Freedom and Faith


Sunday, February 16, 8:00AM, 9:30AM, 11:00AM



Sunday, February 16, 6:30PM

The Presence of God

More Details & Child Registration

Childcare will be available for birth - age 5 during the evening sessions. Preregistration is required by Tuesday, February 11.

The Bible Recap

Read the Bible with us in 2025!

Who? Grove City Alliance Church Family

What? Reading through the Bible

Where? Anywhere. In your living room. In your bedroom. Listening in your car. Outside on your porch. At the kitchen table. Beside the fireplace.

When? Starting in January of 2025. The Bible Recap is laid out to complete in a calendar year by engaging in the daily scheduled readings. However, the hope and joy is to read the Bible completely and so if that takes you longer, we cheer you on as you take this journey.

Why? God has written us a love story, His story. He wants us to meet with Him each day – to enjoy His presence, to teach us, and to make us more like Him.

How? Sign up to participate with us utilizing The Bible Recap as a reading plan and guide to read through the Bible chronologically each day.

Reading plans are available for both adults and families. Click the button below for more details.

The Bible Recap

Winter Carnival

Friday, January 31

6:00 – 8:00PM


All kids in 2nd grade and younger are invited to join us for some fun indoor games and activities! Older siblings are welcome, but please know it’s geared toward our younger crowd. 

Free admission!


·         Bounce House

·         Games

·         Prizes

·         Face Painting

·         Carnival Food

·         Fun!

Winter Carnival Volunteers

If you are interested in helping with the Winter Carnival, please fill out the interest form below.

Interest Form

AWANA | T&T Taco Night

Wednesday, January 22


T&T families: Join us BEFORE AWANA (4:45-5:45pm) for our next Awana Family Dinner!

Our Awana program meets weekly on Wednesdays from 6:00 – 7:30PM for ages 3 through 6th grade. (Must be 3 by September and able to use the restroom independently)

More Information or to Register for Awana

High School Ministry

Thrift Store Night

Sunday, January 19


Find the best thrift store outfit you can for $5 this week and wear it to Youth Group Sunday night! The best outfit will win a prize.

Middle School Ministry

Students vs. Leaders

Thursday, January 23


Come out and compete in a series of weird games directly against your leaders! It’s you versus them, who will come out on top?

High School Girls Day Out

Saturday, February 1

Meet at GCAC at 12:45PM

High School girls, come out for a day of fun. We will meet at the church at 12:45PM, leave at 1:00PM to head to Pittsburgh to go ice skating! We will return to the church for pizza and a movie.

Super Souper Bowl

Get those orders in for your soup!

Pick up date is Sunday, February 9 after each service. 

Your donation will help our students who will be attending the Life 2025 conference this summer. Choose from Chicken Noodle, Cheddar Broccoli, Vegetable, Chili and Tomato Soups. All quarts feed 3-4 people and include bread and dessert.


The Well

The Well meets on Sundays at 9:30AM.

Transportation is available:

GCC Students meet behind the PLC at 7:45AM, 9:10AM and 10:40AM in the yellow school bus.

SRU Students please text the number below if you need a ride.

Any questions, text 724-406-2295. See you then!

More Info!

College students, connect with other GCC or SRU students that attend Grove City Alliance Church by clicking the corresponding button below!

GCC Telegram
SRU GroupMe

January begins a new year. A fresh start. Are you looking to make a deeper connection with the Lord and others as you launch into 2025? Why not register for one of these Connect Groups starting in January?

Tuesdays at 6:30PM

Started January 7

Feeling spiritually dry? Jesus offers us life abundant, don’t settle for counterfeit.


Sundays at 6:00PM

Starting February 2

In this conversation, we'll discover fourteen foundational principles centered on the gospel that can overflow into our Parenting. Freed from the burden of trying to manufacture life-change in our children's hearts, we can embrace a grand perspective of parenting overflowing with vision, purpose, and joy.


Sundays at 6:00PM

Started January 5

Join us on this 6-week adventure to launch The Bible Recap. We will have the privilege of gleaning insights from Genesis, Job, & Exodus as we gather together around the Word.

Sunday Night Women

Sundays at 11:00AM

Started January 5

A community to journey through God’s Word together in 2025.

The Bible Recap

Sundays at 9:00AM

Starting February 2

Powerful and foundational truths of the faith are studied, and deep connections are made as we walk deeper with Jesus.


Thursdays at 6:30PM

Starte January 9

Studying Exodus 19-40, the story of how God shepherds His newly liberated children into an understanding of what their freedom means: lives consecrated for service to God and to one another.

Thursday Women

Fridays at 9:30AM

Starting January 31


Come on a journey to find the acceptance and love of Jesus together in a community of deep friendship.

Living Loved

Sundays at 9:30AM

Started January 12

When we explore science, history, and archeology, do they confirm the truth of the Bible? You will be intellectually stimulated and equipped to share with your friends about God through these discussions.

Science Reveals God

Young Adult BOWLING


Sunday, January 26, 1:00 - 3:00PM

Bowl-O-Drome, Grove City

Cost | $12 / Person for 2 games & shoes

Hang with the crew. Laugh. Bowl.

RSVP for Bowling

Men’s Breakfast

Saturday, February 1, 9:00 – 11:00AM

Grove City Alliance Church

Eat a hearty breakfast. Find out about various opportunities to connect with God and other guys. Hear from Andrew DiDonato, Head Football Coach at Grove City College.

RSVP for Men's Breakfast

Alliance Women

Tuesday, January 21 at 6:30PM

Grove City Alliance Church

Please join us on Tuesday, January 21 at 6:30pm to hear from our guest speakers, representatives from the local chapter of Days for Girls (DfG). DfG is a non-profit organization that helps girls around the world stay in school and retain dignity. DfG helps to empower girls, women, and communities with access to sustainable menstrual solutions and health training which teaches them how their bodies function, and how to defend themselves against human trafficking. The local Grove City team, alongside DfG teams around the world, makes washable menstrual health kits and other health menstrual solutions so they can go to school or work any day of the month. 

Alliance Women meet every third Tuesday of the month from September to July at 6:30PM.

“He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you helped His people.” Hebrews 6:10

Thank you for taking part in Operation Christmas Joy 2024!   


Because of your generosity, you blessed many who are a part of our District family. See their words of gratitude below:

  • Retired Pastors and Wives

“Thank you so much for the generous Christmas gift. It is always a joy to know we are in your thoughts and prayers.”


  • WPA District International Workers/Active and Retired

“Thank you for the OCJ gift!! It is wonderful to be a part of this district!”

  • Widows 

“Thank you so much for the check from Operation Christmas Joy! I really appreciate you remembering me in this way.”


  • Active Pastors and their families

“Thank you for the wonderful blessing you gave us by adopting our family. The amount of love and appreciation we have felt this Christmas season cannot be matched.”     

Thank you for giving!

Spring 2024 Baptism

Sunday, April 27

8:00AM, 9:30AM, 11:00AM

Adult Interest Forms are due by Sunday, January 26.

Adult baptism candidates need to attend the Rooted Connect Group, which serves as a baptism preparation and discipleship course for baptism.

Baptism Interest Form

Grief Share

When a loved one dies, it can feel like you're alone. Few people understand how painful and isolating your grief can be. But that doesn't mean you have to suffer by yourself. At GriefShare, you'll find a safe, comforting place where you can talk with others about your grief. You'll find support, direction, and guidance on how to make it through.

The group will meet weekly on Thursdays at 6:30PM from February 6 to May 8 (no class on April 17). There is a $20 fee for the workbook, which can be paid for and picked up on the first evening. 

Register Here

Bless 1

On February 2 and 9 there will be a Bless 1 board in the lobby. On the board there will be three types of envelopes. Please take an envelope from the board and return it to the main office or offering box. You may also give online.

Teacher & Staff Appreciation: Your giving will be used for monthly tokens of appreciation for the teachers and staff at Grove City Area Middle School

Equip A Classroom: Your giving will be used to purchase supplies for the classrooms at the Grove City Area Middle School

Grove City Medical Closet: Your giving will be used to help fund the start-up of the Grove City Medical Closet

Celebrate Recovery

In person - Every Saturday at 6:30PM at GCAC. Please enter through the door on the right side of the building.

Online - Friday at 9PM on Facebook.


Follow the new GCAC Celebrate Recovery page on Facebook for LIVE messages and encouragement every week.

Connect on Facebook
Everyone struggles with a hurt, a hang-up, or a habit in some shape or form. In Mark 2:17, we see a beautiful reminder from Jesus:

"On hearing this, Jesus said to them, 'It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.' "

Our goal in Celebrate Recovery is to stop unhealthy behaviors that are destroying ourselves and others around us and help us live the purposeful life Christ died for us to live.

Giving Envelopes

Giving Envelopes for 2025 are available in the church office.

Outward Mission

Financial Update

Great Commission Fund

December 2024

Giving Goal.......................$15,833

Giving Total......................$15,364

Great Commission Fund

July 2024 - December 2024

Giving Goal.....................$95,000

Giving Total....................$82,564

Salt & Light Fund

December 2024

Giving Goal........................$4,583

Giving Total........................$4,800

Salt & Light Fund

July 2024 - December 2024

Giving Goal......................$27,500

Giving Total.......................$25,944

Emerging Adults Specials Fund

December 2024

Giving Goal........................$4,167

Giving Total.......................$4,388

Emerging Adults Specials Fund

July 2024 - December 2024

Giving Goal.......................$25,000

Giving Total......................$21,290

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel!

Did you know you can find our services directly on YouTube?

Search for GCAC Live Stream or click the button below the image.

Don't forget to click subscribe!

GCAC YouTube Channel

Follow Us on Instagram & Facebook

Follow us @grovecityalliance!

Click on the buttons below to follow us!

Click HERE to Follow Us on Instagram!
Click HERE to Follow Us on Facebook!





Sanctuary | C.O.R.E. Venue | Online


Sanctuary | C.O.R.E. Venue | Online

(Available on demand any time after)

Grove City Alliance Church

845 North Liberty Road

Grove City, PA 16127

724-458-8497 |

Facebook  Youtube  Instagram