The Currency Transaction Report — more commonly known as the CTR — is required to be filed online with FinCEN whenever cash transactions totaling over $10,000 occur on a single business day and are by, or on behalf of, the same person. Transactions might include deposits, withdrawals, cash advances, on-us check cashing, or loan payments performed by a member or a non-member.
The threshold can be met with one transaction or multiple transactions in a single branch visit, multiple branch locations, and various methods of transaction. The credit union should not aggregate transactions when calculating whether or not the triggering amount is met. In other words, if a deposit of more than $10,000 in cash comes in and the person also withdraws $3,000 in cash from a separate account of theirs, the threshold is met for the deposit and a CTR would be required.
The CTR is a pretty straightforward, fill-in-the-blank report that must be submitted within 15 calendar days of the date the transaction(s) occurred. Depending on your credit union's procedures, a CTR alert may trigger at the time of the transaction. If that transaction is in person, it can be a good opportunity for the teller or employee to review the data system and transaction to see if identification and other details on your member (or non-member) are needed before the person transacting leaves the credit union.
Most credit unions have an internal process involving review of the CTR report from your data processing system the next day by the BSA compliance officer. That daily report, which shows all reportable transactions from the previous day, is an important record to show the credit union is meeting its CTR filing obligations.
Credit unions who fail to file a CTR within the 15 day timeframe could face fines of $10,000 for missing the deadline, as well as further fines for each day a required report is not filed.
Make sure you know how the CTR function works in your credit union and get advice on how to proceed if you see alerts or transactions meeting the threshold, as well as what information you need to ensure is collected for non-member transactions that trigger filing.