Dear St. Lukers,
Happy Thanksgiving! On this day of gratitude, we want to let you know what a privilege it is to be in ministry at St. Luke's with you. Being on staff together and serving with you as a congregation brings us FULL JOY, and makes our lives abundant. Thank you for all the ways you support the ministry of St. Luke’s with your time, talent, prayers, and presence, making St. Luke’s a beacon of light and love in our community.
In the Sanctuary this past Sunday, I couldn’t help but see both the tree of Purpose-Full living we have had on the stage this fall and the Chrismon tree in the transept. With the quick turnaround between the last Sunday of fall and the first Sunday of Advent, all happening over the Thanksgiving holiday, we had to have a Sunday of transition in our décor. But I found beauty in the metaphor–we often find ourselves in the space between “two trees." Sometimes, life is about sitting in the midst of the “between” seasons in our life–moments of great production and harvest and moments of waiting for something new to be birthed. There is something powerful about learning to sit with oneself and God “in-between”–learning to trust, hope, and find peace in what was and what is to come, learning to set aside the anxiety and worry to put our trust in God.
This Sunday, we move toward “something being born” with the beginning of Advent, the season of “between” when we prepare our hearts and lives for the new life God will birth in us through the Incarnation of Christ. He is not born yet–no need to jump to Christmas Eve. First...