Dear Queen of Martyrs Families,
We are so excited to see everyone tomorrow at our 10:30am Family Mass and Back to School Bash. Our Faculty and Staff is already busy preparing for a great school year, and we can't wait for our students to return on Wednesday!
Strategic Investments for the Future
During the summer, Queen of Martyrs School continued to make long term investments for the future with upgrades to our curriculum and renovations to our building. Renovations in our Junior High Classrooms included the installation of new floors, whiteboards, and the removal of old tiles from the walls. Additionally, the rooms were freshly painted to match our new Junior High Science lab, which has renovated last winter. We can't wait for our QM families and students to see the new rooms!
Additionally, we are excited to announce that we have invested in a new Science Curriculum (Elevate Science for Grades 1-8). By partnering with Savaas Learning Company, students will have access to a comprehensive Science Curriculum based upon the Next Generation Science Standards. The curriculum includes new science lab kits, online access for students to videos and resources, and new textbooks. We are so grateful to the Wildcat Wheel and our many benefactors who have contributed to these purchases and renovations!
School Supplies
The school supply list is available on the website through School Toolbox. By clicking on the grade level, parents can print the list to purchase items at local stores as well. School supplies can be dropped off in the classrooms tomorrow after the Family Mass.
Our admissions officer, Mrs. Meagan O'Connor-Roossien, is hard at work giving tours and welcoming new families to QM. We continue to add to the over 40+ new families joining us this fall. If you know of families considering Catholic education at QM, please pass them along to Meagan at Word of mouth from our parents is the best recruiting tool we have!
I am including in this week's newsletter information regarding:
Back to School Family Mass and Bash ~ See everyone tomorrow!
- Uniform ordering forms ~ Additional Order forms available in Main Office for purchase and pickup on August 18th
- First Day of School Information ~ 11:30 Dismissal
- Back to School Procedures and Routines
- Gianna Fest ~ Save the Dates (Sept. 20-22)
- Gianna Fest Mega Pass Pre Sale Dates
- FSA Meetings for 2024-2025
May Our Lady, Queen of Martyrs, guide and protect us!
Mr. Stephen Davidson