937-426-3988 /
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A Message from
Pastor Laurie Steele
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I got to thinking this week we are on the home stretch of preparation, gift buying and plan making. The chaos of the season is almost over, and yet the best part of all the chaos is the love that arrives in the form of a child. It makes sense that the best memories we have of the season either involve our times as a child or the children that have touched our lives in some way. Just go to a mall and watch the kids in line for Santa. Bouncing in excitement or crying in fear of the big guy. It’s pretty entertaining either way. But as Christ-Followers, our excitement comes from the knowing just how loved we are, and the love that came down on Christmas.
That love didn’t just bring us a busy holiday or just a great story to tell, it came to bring the kind of love that forgives and saves. The kind that loved first and regardless of our worthiness. And with that loving-forgiveness means we are to love and forgive… even when it’s hard to do, perhaps especially when it's hard. And believe me, there are things that harm that are hard to forgive, much less love someone after. But if we love like God loves us, and has forgive us beyond any sense of worthiness; then we are to have a love that leads to forgiveness.
The Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Colossae about how we do this, “Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.” Colossians 3:12-14 (CEV)
Forgiveness doesn’t mean no consequences or accountability. It doesn’t even assure a restored relationship. That is not always the point. But it does help to let go of the resentment that we let take up space in our hearts, and keeps healing from taking place.
I wish for each of you this holiday season, that you embrace the peace that comes in the chaos of the birth of Christ, and begin the New Year with a heart ready to love like we are loved by our God, to forgive as we’ve been forgiven.
Merry Christmas to you all!
Pastor Laurie
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UWF Cookie Walk
Attention Bakers, the annual UWF Cookie Walk will be here on December 7 from 9AM - 12PM. Bakers, now is the time to start thinking about baking cookies to donate to the Cookie Walk. All proceeds will be used to support missions. If you have any questions, call Michele Donaldson, 937-684-3828 or Susan Lehneis,
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Christmas Caroling 2024
This is a family event on Sunday evening, December 8. Christmas Caroling will definitely get your whole family in the Christmas spirit. Our caroling and especially seeing the children means so much to our shut-ins who can’t get to worship with us regularly. They need to feel that they are important to us. The plan is to gather at the church in the Hospitality Center about 5:30PM. We break into groups, receive our caroling routes, get into cars, vans, etc. and through our singing, show our love and concern for our members who can’t be with us. We also take a basket of cookies and fruit to them (which I will provide). After we have completed our assigned route, we can return home and remember to bring our song booklets back on Sunday. The plan is to complete our route and still be home by 8PM. Any questions? Contact Karen Engel at 426-3988 or
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Karen Engel and Gail Simpson, two of our long-serving staff members, ended their service to Aley on Dec. 31st.
Just three more days and Karen would have completed 20 years as the director of Caring Ministries (previously Lay Pastoring.) She has been a wonderful servant to countless people over the years, providing them with the love and care of Jesus. She's also recruited and trained dozens of care partners to serve Aley people. Karen plans to continue her beloved quilting activities, travel to see her two sons in St. Charles, Mo., and The Big Island in Hawaii (tough, but someone has to do it,) and do a few things on her to-do list.
Gail was the community life coordinator for almost eight years. It seems as though we saw Gail everywhere at once, but so much of her service was behind the scenes making sure things ran smoothly at the activities she planned for the congregation. Need some pizza? Just make sure it's Jet's, according to Gail. We'll still see Gail because she is continuing as Aley's lay leader and as a member of the Adult Ministries Team.
Staff-Parish Relations along with the pastors are working to find the right person for Karen's position. With Gail's position, the Adult Ministries Team worked with her to transition what she does to the team. That team consists of MIke Collins, Teri Manker, Penny Plumley, Trent Rader, Kelly Shields and Gail.
On Jan. 5 during the Sunday School hour, we'll celebrate Karen's and Gail's service with a reception in the Hospitality Center. There will be a place for cards so you can express your personal gratitude.
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12/01/24 - "UGLY THOUGHTS" Philippians 4:4-8; Luke 2:8-11 Pastor Laurie
12/08/24 - "UGLY WORDS" James 3:3-12 Pastor Abby
12/15/24 - "UGLY MOTIVES" Matthew 6:1-18 Pastor Laurie
12/22/24 - "UGLY ACTIONS" Colossians 3:12-17 Pastor Laurie
12/24/24 - Family Worship @ 5:00 pm "The Ugly Christmas Sweater Rebellion"
12/24/24 - Candlelight Worship @ 8:00 pm "Paul's Christmas Letter"
12/29/24 - "Road to Epiphany" One Blended Worship @ 10:00 am
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Care Ministry at Aley UMC has been gifted with the leadership of Karen Engel for 19 years. Karen will be celebrating retirement effective December 31, 2024. This will be a great opportunity for her to quilt... alot, visit more with family and serve on other teams and areas of ministry. We thank her for her faithfulness.
We will be looking for a servant volunteer to lead the care partners and a new Caring Ministry Team in 2025. If you are interested in leading this team please pray about serving in this new role and contact Pastor Laurie to start the conversation about how we shepherd each other in 2025.
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Thank you!
Well done good and faithful servant...
The prayer time spent around the stations was an example of God's church loving God's people... The world is changed by your faithfulness.
The time in fellowship and mission together will ripple out into the community around us, and our community will be changed.
You did:
*4 blankets for an organization that serves children and families of abuse in Greene Co.
*45 Love letters for survivors of human trafficking
*56 rabbit enrichment toys for the humane society
*120 kits of appreciation and encouragement for staff of 2 local elementary schools
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Family Ministries at Aley | |
Youth At Aley (YAA)
Don’t forget that on Wednesday’s grades 6-12 are now meeting 6-7:30pm in our newly renovated youth space!! Enter door 2 and head up the stairs. We’ll spend some time together in a large group and some time together in breakout groups divided by grade. Wednesday’s are a great time to get to know other students and have some fun while exploring our faith journeys and engaging in faith-based discussion with others all in a safe space.
Sunday mornings we meet to take a little deeper dive and grow deeper with God and each other from 9:40-10:20am.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Abby (
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Kids Ministry
Every Sunday, kids are offered several different experiences to encourage their faith journey.
Please contact Susan Grinkemeyer for more info about our Kids Ministry! (
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At YAA, we desire for students to explore and embody sacred, authentic, and shared love, value, and belonging. It’s both about the environment created for students when they walk in the door at Aley UMC and the environment students create and carry with them throughout their days. Each component of the mission is connected to the others and helps students live into Aley UMC’s mission to “Love God. Love People. Make Disciples.”. At YAA we aim to create a community in which students experience and embody sacred love, sacred value, sacred belonging; authentic love, authentic value, authentic belonging; shared love, shared value, shared belonging.
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Six students from Aley kicked off their Thanksgiving break by serving at two local organizations. In the morning they helped sort, organize, and prepare ornament gifts for students served through Feed the Creek. In the afternoon they went to Neighborhood Bridges which serves Mad River students with clothing, personal care items, school supplies, or other items they need to have all basic needs met and be set up for success.Your copy should address 3 key questions: Who am I writing for (audience)? Why should they care (benefit)? What do I want them to do (call-to-action)?
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Aley kids and students would like to thank everyone who came to join us for Sunday Morning 940a and tour of our spaces on November 24th! We loved hosting you and we loved showing off our spaces. Kids and students are loving having a space that is designed with them in mind and a space where they can feel at home.
Thank you for continued support of these vital ministries!
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2nd Annual Night in Bethlehem!
December 15th is the date!!
Join us from 4:00pm-5:00pm following the Christmas Choir Cantata!
Visit our Bethlehem village as it awaits the arrival of a special visitor. There will be crafts, games, food and fun for the whole family. The Nativity will feature live animals. Be sure to invite family and friends.
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Parents grow your faith as you kids grow theirs!
Parents, come join other parents as we dive into the same themes our kids and students will be exploring on Sunday mornings 9:40-10:20am. Kids will meet in the kids wing, students will meet in the youth space, and parents will meet in the hospitality room behind the dividers. This is a great chance for your whole family to
intentionally grow as individuals and together as a unit, imagine the great conversations you can have on the way home, to lunch, or to the ball field after church. Join us weekly on Sunday’s 9:40-10:20 in the hospitality center.
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December 15, 2024 @ 3:00pm
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The Chancel choir will be performing the Christmas cantata, "A New and Glorious Morn (Celebrating the Light and Life of Christmas)" by Lloyd Larson on December 15 at 3:00pm, as part of the Night in Bethlehem event.
A New and Glorious Morn! reminds us of the reality that, in Christ, the old is gone and the new has come. Through the birth of this tiny baby, the promise of eternal life is now given to anyone who will receive God’s message of salvation through faith. Using his signature blend of familiar lyrics and melodies coupled with compelling original material, Lloyd Larson retells and celebrates this timeless story in a unique and memorable way.
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ST. Paul Breakfast
Greetings Aley Friends!
It is time for Aley to provide food for St. Paul’s on the Second Saturday, December 14, 2024 for Breakfast at 7:30 am – REMEMBER WE BRING ALL THE FOOD! Please sign-up on the Sign-Up Genius located on Aley's website under ' GET INVOLVED '. If you have questions please call Susan Lehneis at 937-901-4398.
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From your Finance Committee | |
Did you complete your
Open Season planning?
This time of year can be hectic and it will be gone before you know it. For many, it means planning for your healthcare, dental or vision coverage for the upcoming year, adjusting IRA contributions, or maybe it is just planning where to shop on Black Friday. But this time of year is also a time to consider sharing your blessings with others around you. As part of your end of year planning, consider setting aside a portion of any bonus, pay increase, capital gains distributions or even holiday spending to help Aley. A check or online (visit the ‘online giving’ tab of our website) contribution to Aley is the most direct way to support us, but even simple, no cost steps like designating us as your charity of choice in the Kroger Rewards Program (search for Aley United Methodist Church) provides us an ongoing benefit.
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Do you give the fourth gift at Christmas?
In this materialistic society, sometimes it is difficult to 'limit' the amount of gifts we give at Christmas. In recent years, several people have adopted the 3-gift rule, give a gift the person wants (Gold), a gift to strengthen the person spiritually (Frankincense), and a gift the person may need (Myrrh). Many times, a 4th gift is added or substituted by giving a gift to others in need (i.e. charity). A check or online (visit the 'online giving' tab on our website) contribution to Aley can be a meaningful way to honor someone with your gift giving.
The 2024 Christmas Mission Offering & Collection is another great opportunity...
This year Aley's Christmas offering is designed to support a specific organization or opportunity. This year, it will be designated for the meal packing that Aley hosts each spring. If you've not joined us, each spring Aley gathers in the hospitality center to pack thousands of shelf-sustainable meals that are sent to areas experiencing food insecurity; we gather as a community to prepare meals that feed neighbors around the world. You can place your offering in the plate on Christmas Eve, or you can place it in the plate on a Sunday morning or bring into the office during the week with it clearly marked "Christmas Offering".
Additionally, we will be collecting hats, mittens and gloves for local students in need. One of the local school counselors was very grateful for our donation last year and shared that they were all distributed rather quickly, when bus drivers picked up students who didn't have gloves, they were able to provide them with a pair immediately. Last year we collected 33 items, let's work together and double our collection for 2024!
These items can be placed in a bin located in the narthex. The Aley Mission Team thanks you for your faithfulness and adding these items to your list when our shopping this season.
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Leadership Moving Aley Forward... | |
Your Adult Ministry Team is working faithfully to offer small group opportunities both during the week and on Sundays. Because of this growth we need to grow into a space that currently houses the library.
Like so many things in the life of a church a library like we have at Aley has reach a season that asks us to evaluate the need. The Aley library has not had a book checked out since 2019. We realize you may or may not have borrowed a book in the recent years, but because no record shows that we simply have to use what records we have. That said, the way it currently looks will change. The room will be made into another adult usable space and the books will be narrowed down to some current titles and devotionals, placed on a rolling cart and made available for anyone to borrow. Historical items have been removed to the Caring Ministry office for safekeeping and the Adult Ministry Team is working on sorting books to keep or donate.
WE WILL NOT be taking in new books without (1) checking with Adult Min Team to see if we have a need (2) you are donating current books that are theologically aligned with the UMC.
Please know this is an exciting move forward for Aley UMC that we have a growing need for ways to grow in our discipleship. God's kingdom is made known when we do.
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See the picture above? Yeah, that is what happens in a busy church like Aley.
Because of all that we have going on in our desire to live out our mission to Love God, Love People, Make Disciples; things like communication can slip through the cracks even with all of our technology. It is real easy for two things to happen: (1) we can think we told some person or group about a change or event happening, (2) ministry areas can get into 'silo' mode and not communicate what ministry plans they have and we end up with overlap or no time to let the congregation know what mission or ministry opportunities are coming and (3) we do TOO much 'asking' and the resources of the church get stretched too thin.
So, coming in 2025 Ministry areas will see policies being put in place to make sure that we are not over asking for financial or physical donations, and there will be forms to complete when requesting dates on the calendar, announcements needed and other communications, such as, newsletter, online signups and slides for Sunday. Some deadlines have already been in place and used this year, but a more formal policy is coming from your Finance Team and Administrative Council.
None of this is designed to stop ministry and mission opportunities. In fact, just the opposite. This should help with communication and make sure all the opportunities to serve the community are available to everyone.
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We would like to celebrate all of those
whose birthdays are in
You are special to us
& deeply loved by God...
Have a great You day!
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