
November 2024: Featuring Ancient Black Pearl Sessions and Virtual Workshop

I’m Back Again! Resurrecting Ladybug Wellness Newsletters!

Time appears to be flying by these days, waiting for no one. Do you feel like you’re behind on everything you want to accomplish in life? There is an explanation for this phenomenon:

As Earth energies change, and as the collective frequency vibration rises, particles move faster so it also appears that time is moving faster. I love scientific explanations, and I love even more that we have energy balancing tools to assist us through these intense energies. More info in Ascension page...

March 2023 was the last time I sent out a monthly newsletter. It’s hard to believe that almost two years have passed since I last connected with you through a regular email platform. So much has happened….

Ascension  Page

First things first though…

I would like to keep in touch, would you? I have converged all of my contacts into one list to send out this email to you in hopes of re-establishing my email newsletter list. If I have been in contact with you via email at any point, you are receiving this email. 

Please assist me in letting me know if you would like to remain on this contact list, or not, so I can ensure that my newsletters are reaching those who are interested in the self empowerment, energy balancing, and trauma relief information that I share. 

Much has changed on the global technology landscape since March 2023.

What you can do:

If you are open, willing, and interested in furthering your personal growth journey;

If you are a sponge of learning and taking in relevant information, as I am;

If you would like to remain on this contact list to receive periodic update emails from me--- Jackie and Ladybug Wellness --

You’re welcome to do nothing and these emails will continue;

You can reply to say “hi and welcome back”, I would love to hear from you!

You can update your contact information, if you so choose. 

Thank you! I appreciate you and look forward to continuing this connection. 

However, if you are not interested in receiving periodic emails (usually monthly), simply and kindly, please reply to this email, ensuring the email address is , and write “REMOVE” in the subject line so I can manually remove you from my contact list and not bother you again. Thank you. 

Visit Ladybug Wellness Website

Now on to catching up! 

In the last 18 months, I have continued to upgrade and grow both personally and professionally; and now I have so much more to offer to you of self empowerment and energy balancing resources

I have shared some ongoing updates in a newsletter archive:

Newsletter Archive

Specific Highlights to Share

~ Half Priced Deals. These flash sale promotions run quarterly. The next one is November 21 2024. Mark your calendar now.

~ Free weekly remote Reiki sessions are still being offered ongoing since 2020. This is a great way to keep up with some regular energetic maintenance and self care. Sign up for one or more sessions. 

~ I completed the Court of Atonement Facilitator course early in 2023, a soul level intervention modality I use constantly in my daily life, and in my client sessions. 

~ Tucson Dowsers monthly meetings: I am a volunteer admin assistant. Incredible speakers sharing their wisdom. Join us if you can! 

~ Many more videos on my YouTube channel: Mini energy clearing sessions, book recommendations, and interviews, 

~ Professional highlight of 2023: I was the guest speaker on the Tucson Dowsers platform talking about Balancing Hormones.

~ Website updates with a site map arranged with Client Information, Do It Yourself Resources, a Let’s Talk About section, and of course, many of my own personal adventures and writings to inspire you

~ May 2024 birthday, I manifested and enjoyed an incredibly memorable trip to Abingdon Virginia to train with Master Dowser Raymon Grace.

~ Following this training, I also manifested a new-to-me vehicle, a red Ford F150 truck, which now has eye catching Ladybug Spots! Those stories in website!

Ladybug Wellness Site Map

Ancient Black Pearl Sessions and Virtual Workshop

The Ancient Black Pearl Technique is one of my favorite transformative session services to offer my clients. 

You’re welcome to book in for private sessions, either in person or distance. Yes, this session is just as powerful and effective as a distance session.

Note: Periodically, I have offered the Phenomenal Ancient Black Pearl session as the free weekly remote group session. The feedback and appreciation for these sessions was incredible! 

There was so much interest globally to learn this technique, that I did my best in creating an online version of a day long workshop so that we could accommodate many different time zones and you can learn at your own pace.

Sign up for the free previews of this virtual workshop and then decide if purchasing the course with the downloadable prerecorded sessions would be the best option for you. 

Bonus with purchase: THREE downloadable prerecorded session videos you can use ongoing for yourself and loved ones.

Learn an extraordinarily powerful and peaceful energy technique to relieve and reverse challenging health conditions!

The Ancient Chinese Black Pearl Technique works on your nervous, parasympathetic, sympathetic and neurovascular systems as well as your amygdala. A delightful combination of meridian clearing and energy healing, it releases deep-seated traumas and stress from these systems.

When these systems are stress free, the amygdala shrinks and becomes like a black pearl, hence the name. The Black Pearl Technique focuses on a deep level energetic healing of the amygdala to release trauma, as well as balancing the fight or flight system.

The processing time for this technique is two weeks, so you may notice subtle shifts over that time frame.

There are no pre-requisites to take this workshop. 

Dive into the world of energy healing with this amazing virtual course available to you now! Once you go through the material and learn this beautiful modality, you are welcome to use these techniques with your own clients, friends, and family. 

You can also use the downloadable manual to create your own training class for your students.

I really made this a value-added investment for you! 

Drawing from my own experiences and other trainings, I enriched this workshop with so much more information than just the original manual. 

There is currently no expiry on this course.

There is even an affiliate option so you can earn a commission on sharing this workshop. 

You will learn to work on:

– Central Nervous System

– The Circulatory System

– The Meridian Pathways

– The Subtle Energy System which are connected to every cell in the body and are in constant contact with one another

– there are 30 points you will learn to work on

Even if you are not interested in learning the technique, you are welcome to skip through to download the pre-recorded session videos for your personal use. This is a worthwhile investment in itself. The Schumann Resonance is the Earth’s heartbeat. These Earth energies are changing, collective vibrations are rising, and all this can create sleep issues, irritability, and aches and pains when we are not energetically aligned and balanced. 

The Black Pearl technique is a deeply effective modality to bring our minds and bodies into alignment. 

More Information: Black Pearl Sessions and Virtual Workshop

Til next time...

Now, I know life gets busy and I have shared a fair bit here. 

Just bookmark the Ladybug Wellness website and YouTube channel and go in there when you create some time to focus on your self care. Use the site map or search bar in the website and check out the playlists in my YouTube channel to bookmark your faves. 

Do it now: 

1. Mark your calendar November 21 for Half Priced Deals, register early for faster access to this Flash Sale

2. Bookmark Ladybug Wellness Website

3. Bookmark Ladybug Wellness Youtube

I’ll be back next month just to say “hi” with another gentle reminder to check out the Ladybug Wellness website and to share anything new I have for you. 

That is all for now folks…

If you have read this far, thank you so much for your time and attention. I truly appreciate you! ~ Jackie at Ladybug Wellness

Half Priced Deals Website
Visit Ladybug Wellness YouTube