Ancient Black Pearl Sessions and Virtual Workshop
The Ancient Black Pearl Technique is one of my favorite transformative session services to offer my clients.
You’re welcome to book in for private sessions, either in person or distance. Yes, this session is just as powerful and effective as a distance session.
Note: Periodically, I have offered the Phenomenal Ancient Black Pearl session as the free weekly remote group session. The feedback and appreciation for these sessions was incredible!
There was so much interest globally to learn this technique, that I did my best in creating an online version of a day long workshop so that we could accommodate many different time zones and you can learn at your own pace.
Sign up for the free previews of this virtual workshop and then decide if purchasing the course with the downloadable prerecorded sessions would be the best option for you.
Bonus with purchase: THREE downloadable prerecorded session videos you can use ongoing for yourself and loved ones.
Learn an extraordinarily powerful and peaceful energy technique to relieve and reverse challenging health conditions!
The Ancient Chinese Black Pearl Technique works on your nervous, parasympathetic, sympathetic and neurovascular systems as well as your amygdala. A delightful combination of meridian clearing and energy healing, it releases deep-seated traumas and stress from these systems.
When these systems are stress free, the amygdala shrinks and becomes like a black pearl, hence the name. The Black Pearl Technique focuses on a deep level energetic healing of the amygdala to release trauma, as well as balancing the fight or flight system.
The processing time for this technique is two weeks, so you may notice subtle shifts over that time frame.
There are no pre-requisites to take this workshop.
Dive into the world of energy healing with this amazing virtual course available to you now! Once you go through the material and learn this beautiful modality, you are welcome to use these techniques with your own clients, friends, and family.
You can also use the downloadable manual to create your own training class for your students.
I really made this a value-added investment for you!
Drawing from my own experiences and other trainings, I enriched this workshop with so much more information than just the original manual.
There is currently no expiry on this course.
There is even an affiliate option so you can earn a commission on sharing this workshop.
You will learn to work on:
– Central Nervous System
– The Circulatory System
– The Meridian Pathways
– The Subtle Energy System which are connected to every cell in the body and are in constant contact with one another
– there are 30 points you will learn to work on
Even if you are not interested in learning the technique, you are welcome to skip through to download the pre-recorded session videos for your personal use. This is a worthwhile investment in itself.
The Schumann Resonance is the Earth’s heartbeat. These Earth energies are changing, collective vibrations are rising, and all this can create sleep issues, irritability, and aches and pains when we are not energetically aligned and balanced.
The Black Pearl technique is a deeply effective modality to bring our minds and bodies into alignment.