Pecan Orders
It's almost PECAN time!
We are ordering SCHERMER PECANS again this year so we need your orders by September 1! We will have the same options as previous years:
16 oz. bags of halves and pieces
12 oz. gift bags of:
- cinnamon glazed
- chocolate (milk)
- dark chocolate
All bags will be $12...with NO price increase!
Please sign up on the bulletin board in the kitchen/entry hall, or call the church office. As usual, we will collect the money when we deliver to you in November! With your support of our Pecan Sales, our C/GP Circle is able to support other organizations, such as the African feeding program, UMFS/Auxiliary and UMCOR Hygiene Kits for Conference to name a few. Many thanks to you all for your continued support while you enjoy these fresh pecans from Schermer's!