I was six or seven the Christmas I got my first Barbie. I knew exactly the Barbie I wanted--the one to the right, which aficionados know as 1959 vintage brunette Barbie with ponytail. I marked her in the catalogs we received in the mail. I put her on my list to Santa. I told my mom how much I wanted brunette Barbie with ponytail. Barbies were expensive, and I didn't expect to get a second one for a long time.
On Christmas morning under the tree, I found... bubble cut blond Barbie.
I hope I hid my disappointment.
As time went on, I grew to love that doll. When the hair started looking ratty on my friends' Barbies with ponytails, bubble cut Barbie's 'do still was fresh. I had her for years, until the bottom of her head cracked too much. (That was before Mattel told us to put on Barbie's clothes from the feet up, "like the fashion models do.")
I'm thinking this Advent about Barbie. She wasn't the gift I wanted, but she turned out to the best gift for me. And I think about how people of the times generally didn't understand how Jesus's birth and life fulfilled the prophecies. Some rejected Him because of that. Some rejected Him because He wasn't the warrior king they wanted. And so, Barbie helps me remember that what we need may look nothing like what we want, and to trust in God's wisdom and love.