The FUUSN Chime

Weekly Newsletter of the

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton

January 9, 2025

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 A simple beige book cover with thin red lines on the left and right sides, which reads, "ON TYRANNY - TWENTY LESSONS FROM THE TWENTIETH CENTURE - TIMOTHY SNYDER."
A book cover depicting a red silhouette of a man standing on a pedestal with his left arm upraised and pointing to the left, overlaid on a black and white photo of a large crowd of people, mostly men in suits and ties, with the words, "STRONGMEN - WITH A NEW EPILOGUE - Mussolini to the Present - 'A TIMELY ANALYSIS OF HOW A CERTAIN KIND OF CHARISMA DELIVERS POLITICAL DISASTER' - TIMOTHY SNYDER, AUTHOR OF ON TYRANNY - RUTH BEN-GHIAT"

Sunday, January 12, 2025 at 10:15am

Worship Service: For a Time Such As This

Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner

The inauguration is January 20th. How can we prepare ourselves for the changes to come? Rev. Debra will offer lessons from two books – On Tyranny and Strongmen – to consider how Unitarian Universalists might need to respond. She will share why she believes that our social justice efforts must be directed to protecting democracy and our neighbors.

Join Us On Zoom:

Share Your Joys or Sorrows

Minister's Musings

Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner

I asked you in my sermon last week, "What would happen if we committed to transformation as a shared FUUSN intention for 2025? How can we grow as a community? How can FUUSN become even more alive, more committed to its mission in the world? How can you engage more authentically so that your spirituality is deepened, so you open yourself to change? 

I made ten suggestions for you to consider:   

  1. Try to come to worship every Sunday. Okay, most Sundays. We need you to be here. Even if the topic doesn’t interest you, your being here might be the smile or hug one of your fellow congregants needs.
  2. Meet one person who is new to you each week. Don't just talk to your existing friends. Your new best friend may be waiting to meet you on Sundays! 
  3. Invite someone to have lunch with you or to take a walk after services. Get to know people better.
  4. Join a small group ministry, sign up to teach religious education, join the choir. Say yes when someone asks you to play a role.  Active involvement benefits you and our community.
  5. Try being on a committee that is new to you. We need more volunteers on almost every committee. Try something new! 
  6. Bring friends or neighbors to church on Sunday. Might you commit to bringing five friends or neighbors over the course of the year? How many new members might come of that?
  7. Volunteer for one of our social action programs. Do service for others. There will be lots of opportunities to show up in the year ahead.  
  8. Take an adult RE class or plan to teach an adult RE class next fall. What expertise might you have to share? 
  9. Get to know people of different ages. Attend or volunteer for an intergenerational event. 
  10. Remember to always show compassion and appreciation for each other, even when you are disagreeing. Treat each other with dignity, respect, and love at all times.

And if you've been waiting to become a member, January would be a great month to join FUUSN. We provide a current count to the UUA at the end of this month, and we will be recognizing new members in February at a worship service. Talk to a member of the membership committee or reach out to Devin, Rev. Joel, or me.

Can you commit to at least two or three of these in 2025?

Let's make this a great year at FUUSN!

Happy New Year,

Rev. Debra 

A stylized logo in teal of two cupped hands holding three simple human figures, with the letters, "JFS"

Split the Plate: JFS of MetroWest

In January, the Board and Ops Council have approved an experiment with a new way to do the offering called “Split the Plate.” Each month, except for our Stewardship month, a new task force will choose one local, national, or international organization to share our collection. Half of the funds we raise during worship or that are  contributed to the collection online during the month will go to that organization and half will go to FUUSN’s annual budget. If you are interested in becoming part of that task force or if you have ideas for organizations to support, please email Rev. Debra.

January's recipient is JFS of MetroWest, which is working diligently to settle as many refugees and asylees as they can before the next administration takes office. Rev. Debra had the opportunity to meet and listen to their executive director at a meeting on immigration convened by the Massachusetts Council of Churches in December, and an urgent appeal was made for funds.


Since 1979, JFS has helped newly arrived refugees, asylees, and their families in our area achieve self-sufficiency and adjust to life in their new country. JFS work with refugees to provide pre-migration support, housing support upon arrival, enrollment in medical, food and cash assistance, and development of individualized resettlement plans to create a path to self-sufficiency. JFS also offers free assistance to anyone granted asylum in the United States including enrollment in employment and ESL services, medical, food and cash assistance and general case management support.


Recent immigrants may be endangered in the coming month and the doors to our country for those fleeing persecution may be closed soon. During the past year, 100,000 people emigrated legally to the US; in the last year of the last Trump administration, it was only 12,000. I hope you will be generous with our collection this month so that we may help these new neighbors settle legally before they can no longer do so.


Flyer with a gray background and a headshot of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the lower left corner reads, "Harmony Foundation Community Food Drive - Hosted by the Rotary Club of Newton and The Village Bank in Partnership with: City of Newton's 57th Annual Community Celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. - Only When It is Dark Enough Can You See the Stars - Martin Luther King, Jr. - Registration: - Learn more: - About the Food Drive: Benefitting Newton's 3 Food Pantries, Janyary 13-18, Drop off at Village Bank sites, City Hall, Police Headquarters, Library, Scandinavian Living Center, Star Market, 33 Austin St., and Stop and Shop, 171 Watertown St., Newton Village Bank branch collections through noon on 1/18 - The Requested Itens: Breakfast cereal (kid friendly, name brands preferred), Hearty canned soups (meat, beans, vegetables), White tuna in water, Shampoo, deodorant, toothpast, Macaroni and Cheese, Cereal/Granola bars, Baby wipes *non-expired items only, please+ - The Village Bank Event Lead Sponsor, Myrtle Baptist Church, Newton Youth Success Collaborative, NILA, NCE, Story Starters, Newton Public Schools, FORJ, First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton, Rotary Club of Newton"

New Staff Phone Numbers

FUUSN has recently implemented Google Voice, which gives all staff direct phone numbers. You can now call and leave messages for specific staff!

These numbers appear at the bottom of every Chime newsletter and Sunday Reminder. The main office number (617-527-3203) is also still available.

Events This Week

Parents' Night Out

Friday, Jan. 10, 2025, 6-9pm

Member Services and the RE Committee have worked together to offer parents free childcare for ages 6mo. through 5th grade (6th and 7th graders become helpers) at FUUSN once a month between December and May.  Reserve space for your kids today and plan that date night (RSVP required)! 

Volunteer to provide childcare.

Community Lunch

Sunday, January 12, 2025 at 11:30am

On Sunday, Jan. 12th, immediately after the service (~11:30), we will offer three different all-you-can-eat soups (Portuguese kale, white bean and tomato, and cold cream of butternut squash), salad, bread, and fruit for the congregation for $5 each (kids under 12 are free). (Vegan, Vegetarian, and Gluten Free options available.)

To make this happen we need volunteers, ESPECIALLY CHEFS!  Please sign up to help.

UU Plant-Based Eating Club Small Group Potlucks

Sunday, January 12, 2025, 6-8pm

The UU Plant-Based Eating Club is hosting small-group potluck dinners to be held on Sunday, January 12th at 6pm. We will host these plant-based potluck dinners in the homes of multiple PBEC members, with each group comprised of 7-10 people. If you are a PBEC member, please RSVP to Dede Vittori by the end of the day Thursday January 9th if you would like to attend. If you are not yet a PBEC member and would like to be, or are not sure if you are on the list, please send an email to

A flyer with a bright green background reads, "Centering Environmental Justice with Fierce Hope - Featured Speaker Naia Tenerowicz, Springfield Climate Justice Coalition - UU Mass Action Climate Justice Team Gathering - Wed. Jan 15th 5pm-6pm." In the upper left corner a photo shows a dark-haired woman in a wheelchair wearing glasses, a mask, a light blue jacket, red gloves, a flower-print dress, brown socks, and black boots, holding a sign that reads, "STOP THE TOXIC PIPELINE -"

Centering Environmental Justice with Fierce Hope

Jan. 2024 UU Climate Justice Team Gathering: Wednesday Jan. 15th, 5pm - 6pm, on Zoom

We know we must keep going, and yet how? This gathering we will hear from featured speaker Naia Tenerowicz from the Springfield Climate Justice Coalition on how we ground ourselves and continue, especially in solidarity with environmental justice communities. We will be launching a rapid response team and sharing more about our new priorities for the upcoming legislative session.

The UU Mass Action Climate Justice Team organizes with Mass Power Forward (a statewide grassroots climate coalition) to win collective political victories for climate and environmental justice while also connecting and building community. 

Register in advance for this meeting

Events Calendar

Thursday, January 9

6-7:30pm: RE Committee Meeting, online

Friday, January 10

6-9pm: Parents' Night Out, Children's Chapel and Nursery

6-7pm: Coming of age Mentors Dinner, Alliance Room

7-9pm: Coming of Age Mentors and Candidates Meeting, Headstart Room

Saturday, January 11

2-5pm: Community Lunch Setup, Parish Hall, Alliance Room and Chapel

Sunday, January 12

11:30am-12:30pm: Community Lunch, Parish Hall, Alliance Room and Chapel

11:45am-1pm: Band Rehearsal, Sanctuary

3:30-5pm: JourneySongs Rehearsal, Children's Chapel

6-8pm: UU Plant-Based Eating Club Small Group Potlucks, members' homes

Tuesday, January 14

7-8pm: Member Services Meeting, online

Wednesday, January 15

5-6pm: Climate Action Meeting, online

Recurring Events

Wed., 6:30pm: Tai Chi Class

Wed., 7:30pm: Choir Rehearsal

Fri., 11am: Over 60s Walking Group - contact Ruth Comstock for details

Pickleball at McGrath Park: Notify either Brian Gill or Kevan Hartshorn to get on Pickleball play times email list!

Next Week's Events

Photo of a red board game box depicting a large yellow sun rising between two mountain ranges with a small rustic village on a hill between them, a forest to the right, and a road leading up to the village with pasture and sheep to the left and mature wheat to the right, with three medieval villagers in the foreground and the words, "Klaus Teuber's CATAN - Trade Build Settle."

Fun and Games for All Ages

Friday, January 17, 2025, 5:30-7:30pm, Parish Hall

Fun and Games for All Ages is held on Friday evenings 5-8pm. Bring board games and food to share to a low-key gathering of FUUSNites of all ages! This is a lovely opportunity to get to know FUUSN folks better. Sign up here.

New to Unitarian Universalism Class

Saturday, January 18, 2025, 9:30am-noon, Children's Chapel

The New to Unitarian Universalism class from 9:30 AM to Noon in the Children's Chapel is an opportunity to learn more about Unitarian Universalism and FUUSN and to find out more about becoming a member of our congregation. It's a great opportunity to learn more about us, and we strongly urge you to attend.  Please RSVP.

Alternative Coffee Hour

Sunday, January 19, 2025, 11:40am

Are you looking for a different way to experience coffee hour? After you grab your coffee, feel free to join a small group (7 or 8) of fellow FUUSNites to discuss topics arising from the service. Just come to the Member Services table and you will be assigned to a group and meeting room at random.

A flyer with a gray patterned background and a black and white headshot of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a Black man with short hair and a mustache wearing a dark suit, white shirt, and tie, with the words, "Harmony Foundation - Save the Date January 20, 2025 - First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton (FUUSN) | 9am - 1326 Washington St., Newton - City of Newton's 57th Annual Community Celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. - 'Only when it is dark enough can you see the stars' -Martin Luther King, Jr." with sponsorship logos from The Village Bank (lead sponsor), Newton Youth Success Collaborative, NILA, Story Starters, Newton Public Schools, FORJ, First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton, Rotary Club of Newton

Reserve Your Spot at Celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Newton's 57th Annual Celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. is right around the corner, and this year, FUUSN was selected to host the event.  

Join FUUSN, the Harmony Board and the City of Newton, dedicated event partners, and fellow community members on Monday, January 20th, starting at 9am, for reflection, music, student voices, children's programming with Story Starters, and a community reception.

This year's theme will be "Only When It Is Dark Enough Can You See the Stars". 


Learn more here about the event and program and our annual food drive (Jan. 13-18) organized by the Rotary Club of Newton and Village Bank. 

Please note that registration is requested to help with our planning and to ensure we are able to communicate with you in case of a weather emergency (or as needed). 

Kindly register using this link:

If you have any questions at all, please send an email to

Save the Date

New Greeter Team Training

Sunday January 26, 2025 after service

We are seeking new members for our team of people who welcome visitors and newcomers to FUUSN each week before the service. If you are extroverted, love FUUSN, and can volunteer at least twice a month, please join current greeters for a training on how to best welcome and engage visitors. Sign up here. Current greeters, please sign up as well.  

Over 60s Presentation: Philosophic Religion, FUUSN's Heritage

Sunday, January 26, 2025 at 12pm, Alliance Room

Arthur Anderson, JD. Author, Researcher

As a religion researcher, Arthur Anderson will trace the classical Greek philosophical religious way of life perspective to their resurrection in the 19th century Transcendental movement and the founders of FUUSN. Arthur’s expansive historical perspective powerfully enlarges our understanding of our UU roots and FUUSN’s foundation. Discussion and lunch bites.

Fabulous FUUSN Mardi Gras Services Auction is Coming!

Don't miss our Mardi Gras Services Auction on Saturday, February 1! This party is one of the more enjoyable Saturday nights you will have all year.

  • Doors open at 5:30pm for dinner, socializing, and browsing raffle and auction items.
  • Live Auction starts at 6:30pm. Optional bidding on great items such as weekend vacation homes, gourmet dinners, and other services. End time 8:30/9:00pm.
  • $10 per adult entry INCLUDES dinner and drinks!! (Wine/beer as well as non-alcoholic options.)
  • Childcare in the Children’s Chapel included throughout the evening! There will be games, crafts, and movies for the kiddos while adults relax, enjoy each other’s company, and are entertained by the auctioneers. Kids can bring PJs and sleeping bags for the movie.
  • No need to RSVP.
  • You are encouraged to wear your most festive Mardi Gras party outfits - nothing is too silly!

The success of the auction is by nature dependent on the donation of services by FUUSN folks. We are always looking for donations of services, particularly from folks who have not donated services in the past. You can view last year's auction catalogs. Feel free to be creative in thinking about what service you can donate. 

As part of the auction activities, we also sell raffle tickets for special offerings leading up to the auction itself. We will have a Services Auction table set up in the Parish Hall after services on January 11, 18, and 25. We will be selling raffle tickets and/or you can sign up to donate a service. Or if you just want to learn more about the Services Auction, this is the place to come. 

Questions or if you want to discuss offering a service? Please contact Pat Rohan.

Kudos Corner

Rev. Joel and Rev. Debra were asked by the new police chief, Chief George McMains, to offer the invocation and the benediction at his swearing-in ceremony this afternoon. We are honored to have FUUSN play this visible role in our community.

With sincere gratitude, we thank you for helping the Healthy Baby Healthy Child Program team bring joy to Boston families during our annual toy drive. This event was filled with laughter, warmth, and community spirit. Over 120 Families came together to share in the festive season, creating lasting memories with cookie decorating, games, and a magic show.


This year marked a special milestone, as the program hosted its first-ever holiday celebration. The initiative was made possible through generous contributions to Healthy Baby Healthy Child's annual toy drive, ensuring that children received gifts to brighten their holidays.


Your support made the magic of the holidays possible for children of our Healthy Start Systems Programs and many who might otherwise not have the opportunity to observe the winter holidays, including Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa. 


In this time for hope, magic, and community, we’ve helped families find stability and joy one smile at a time. The generosity of those who have donated brought happiness and dignity to even more families than we could have imagined, we’re grateful.

Shieda Gilles, Nurse Manager at Healthy Baby Healthy Child Program

Thank you to all who contributed to our Christmas offerings -- we collected almost four thousand dollars for the Ministers Discretionary Fund. These funds are used for confidential emergency support for extraordinary member needs in the congregation. We are moved and grateful for your generosity towards each other in this and so many other ways. 

Rev. Joel and Rev. Debra

Submit News and Events

Have a news item you want to share? Want to schedule a FUUSN Event? Please use our web forms! Note that any event using physical space at FUUSN must be approved by Agatha, and until you receive confirmation from her, that event will not be scheduled or added to our Events calendar.

Submissions for each newsletter must be sent in by the preceding Tuesday at 9am.

Submit News
Submit an Event

FUUSN Contacts

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton | 617-527-3203

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