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Award Winning Pearl's Premium

Significant Savings on

Lawn Maintenance

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American Cemetery & Cremation Magazine "2024 Innovator of the Year"

Hello Jackson,

Buy Now For Fall Planting

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This fall, plant our award winning drought tolerant lawn!

Fall is the best time to plant a lawn! Make an easy changeover to the most environmentally friendly lawn in the world, with huge time, money & water savings while reducing atmospheric carbon with safe, sustainable, low maintenance turf.

Plant right over your existing lawn to outcompete old grass and weeds.

Unlike standard lawns, Pearl’s Premium, now in its 7th Generation solves the biggest lawn problems by using 75% less water, stays green without using toxic chemicals, 8-foot roots sequester 12x the carbon of other lawns to help lessen climate change, and needs only once a month mowing.

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PEARL'S PREMIUM Ultra Low Maintenance

Lawn Seed!


Northern states Buy Now to plant from late August to mid-October. Southern states Buy Now, keep in a cool place, and plant between early October and mid-February. Or plant whenever soil temperatures are between 50 and 70 degrees Farenheit soil temperature.

Or buy and plant now with the Hydro-seed method up to 110 degrees Fahrenheit.

15% Off!

Use Code:


Pearl's Premium grows well in all climates and soils around the world!

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Get 20% OFF!

Orders over 200 lbs.




Now in it's 7th generation, award-winning Pearl's Premium Ultra Low Maintenance Lawn Seed is a US Patented blend of premium, all perennial seeds that are nonGMO and create a lush, dark green, all natural lawn that is People, Pet & Planet Friendly™. No chemicals ever to stay green year round in the heat of summer and cold of winter. Grows well in all climates and soils around the world!

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See Dramatic Savings!

Have a lush, dark-green, cost-saving lawn,

in as little as one month!

Just 3-weeks payback if doing it yourself, or less than 2-month's payback if hiring someone to do it for you, at cost of seeds. You'll see Dramatic Savings on mowing, weed-whacking, water, fertilizer, never needs chemical treatments and far less machine wear. Huge savings of generally $6,000 to $12,000 per acre, per year from mowing only once every 4-6 weeks, and using 75% less water depending on local labor and water rates.

Pearl’s Premium Ultra Low Maintenance Lawn Seed is the only grass to receive

LEED credits from the US Green Building Council. 

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  • 8-Foot roots need 75% less water & looks better in a drought
  • Mow and weed whack only once a month rather than weekly
  • Needs no chemicals to stay green
  • Lush Dark Green Grass
  • Stays green year round in hot or cold temperatures
  • Plant right over your existing lawn to outcompete old grass and weeds
  • Sequesters 12x the carbon to lessen climate change
  • Grows in all climates and soils around the world
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Above: On the left is an ordinary weed-filled lawn next to a lush, dark-green Pearl's Premium lawn on the right, with hardly any weeds. Deep 8- foot roots make our lawn extremely drought tolerant and relatively weed-free, without chemicals.

15% OFF if you buy now ahead of fall planting!

Be sure to store in a cool, dry place, out of the sun.

Use code: FALL15


Worried About Mosquitos and Ticks?

Tick Tock Naturals® is an entirely new type of natural insect repellent that does not contain DEET or other harmful chemicals. Tick Tock insect repellent uses the laws of natural chemistry to increase the time of its effectiveness. The formula is hydrophilic which means it is water-loving. This increases the bioactivity of the product from 1 hour to 4 hours per application. Say goodbye to pesky bugs and hello to long-lasting protection. This makes it the ultimate bug repellent that works against ticks, mosquitoes, and spiders. 

Tick Tock Naturals Organic Insect Repellent

2.5 oz


Buy Now


Jackson Madnick, inventor of Pearl's Premium, and Dr. Susan Eisen, Founder of Tick Tock Naturals® will be exhibiting at the event below. Stop by our side-by-side booths and get answers to your grass questions, and learn about a new type of natural insect repellent.

13th Annual HEALTH

Wellness & Lifestyle Expo 2024

September 7th, 2024

Saturday, 7AM-6PM

Harbor Point Boardwalk - 1 Harbor Point Rd

Stamford, CT

More Information

Jackson is available to give a talk in your community.

Call 508-653-0800 for more information.

Pearl's Premium is dedicated to finding solutions that will address climate change, extreme weather, health, and water issues around the world. Each time you buy Pearl's Premium Grass, you're doing your part to help save the planet. We thank you and Earth thanks you!

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Our 501 (c) (3) Non-Profit: donates grass seed to charities for children, animals, environmental education and worthy causes, including Habitat for Humanity for Wounded Warriors. Above is a Pearl's Premium lawn donated as a Habitat for Humanity home. 

American Cemetery Magazine 2024 Innovator of the Year Award

Winner of Multiple National & International Awards for Innovation. Over 600,000 Lawns Nationwide and Around the World. Over 400 Rave Reviews By the Experts including: 

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Stay Connected!

Pearl's Premium 

Ultra Low Maintenance Lawn Seed


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