Events & ACTIONS August and Fall 2024

Monthly Meetings

The Homegrown National Park

Wednesday August 21 7-8:30 PM


Friends of Bees and the Life-Friendly Garden Tour will introduce Doug Tallamy's Homegrown National Park. 

Homegrown National Park is a national challenge to increase habitat by reducing lawn, removing invasive plants, and planting keystone native plants. If we replaced half of what is now lawn nationwide, that could restore roughly 20 million acres -- an area larger than any single National Park -- to habitat we can enjoy at our own homes.

We will view a video about these principles. Then we will discuss how our home gardens can increase habitat for pollinators, birds, and biodiversity. 

From the mightiest oak to the fleeting Virginia bluebells, every native plant we add can make a difference.

White oak, Melissa McMasters, Wikimedia Commons

zoom link

SAVE THE DATES for Next Monthly Meeting

Sept 18 7-8:30 Representative Stephen Owens will speak about how legislation proceeds through the legislative process in the Massachusetts House and Senate.

Events from our Working Groups

Next Life-Friendly Garden Tour

September 8 from noon to 3 pm. (Rain date September 15).

A social hour will follow at Watertown Free Public Library from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm.

This tour will follow up on our Monthly Meeting on the Homegrown National Park

For more information and the latest updates, you can email us at

Its Time To Be Afraid, Its Time to Take Action -

Nuclear War: Consequences and Alternatives

Saturday, September 14 from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm

Watertown Free Public Library, Watertown Savings Bank Room

Film Showing: What Would Really Happen During a Nuclear War


Dr. Ira Helfand, Nuclear Abolitionist and Inaugural Activist-in-Residence for the Ellsberg Initiative

Anduin DeVos, Organizing Coordinator at Warheads to Windmills

Sponsored by: Peace and Common Security Working Group 

Politics of Beauty Film about Stuart Udall the first American public official to warn us about global warming.

Oct 10

Race Reels will be starting up again in October. Starting with this film. Stay tuned for more details.

Cosponsored with Progressive Watertown

Watertown Celebrates Indigenous Peoples Day

Sunday, October 13th from 12:00 - 4:00 PM

at the Hosmer Elementary School. 

The afternoon will feature: Indigeneous food, performances, crafters, artisan and vendors In collaboration with Branch Line Restaurant, James Beard award winner, Chef Sherry Pocknett's Indigenous cuisine will be offered as part of a fixed price meal on Tuesday, October 8th. Chef Pocknett will be preparing the meal and will be in attendance at the restaurant that evening.

Events from our Friends

Sunday, August 11 at 1:00 PM EDT.

Register at

Richard Falk is Professor Emeritus of International Law at Princeton University. He was former UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Territories for the UN Human Rights Council 2008-2014.

Professor Falk will talk about the situation in Gaza, the rulings of the ICJ and the ICC and how they are being, or can be, enforced by the signatories of the convention, and the crumbling of the pillars which are foundational to U.S. democracy, i.e. the Supreme Court and Congress.

Sunday August 18th from 4:00 to 7:00

Tremont Street & Park Street

Boston, MA 02108

As political decision-makers gather for the Democratic National Convention starting August 19, join us to send a message to Kamala Harris and the establishment: the people call for not another bomb!

In order to achieve a lasting ceasefire in Gaza, the U.S. must stop arming Israel’s brutal war and occupation on Gaza by enacting an immediate arms embargo. Sign the Not Another Bomb national petition.

Sign up to attend the Not Another Bomb rally in Boston on August 18 at 4pm and to receive updates as plans solidify.

Other Not Another Bomb rallies:

Springfield – August 18, 1pm.  Sign up here

Elsewhere in the country –

Calls to Action!

Weekly Vigil Peace and Common Security Working Group

Join us on Saturdays in Watertown Square from 12 noon to 1:00 PM under the banners - "Let Gaza Live" "Permanent CEASEFIRE in Gaza and Palestine". Bring a sign or make one when you arrive. If it is raining or snowing we will not gather for the vigil. 

more info

Citizens Petition to the Watertown City Council.

The Peace and Common Security Working Group wants the City Council to support a call for the U.S. to lead a global effort to prevent nuclear war by, among other steps, actively pursuing a verifiable agreement among nuclear-armed states to eliminate their nuclear arsenal. A Citizen Petition requires the City Clerk to certify that 150 Watertown voters have signed the Petition. Our goal is to collect many more signatures than required and engage voters in a discussion about the existential threat of nuclear war. If you want to help please send an email to

Working Groups Meetings

Peace and Common Security Palestine Committee

SundayAug 11 Also Sept 8

7-8:30 Zoom


Refugee Support Group

Wednesday, Aug 14

7 PM

email for more info

Peace and Common Security Nuclear Disarmament Committee

Sunday Aug 15 Also Sept 19

7-8:30 Zoom


Watertown Faces Climate Change

Aug 18 also Sept 1 at 5-6:30 PM In-person and zoom

Church of the Good Shepherd 11 Russell Ave


Friends of Bees and Pollinator Pathways

Thursday Sept 12 also Oct 10

6:30 -8 PM

more info & link
Visit our Website