Eastbluff Homeowners Community Association

November 2024

Eastbluff Sign
Hello Scott,
Welcome to the Eastbluff Homeowners Community Association, "e-newsletter." The Board of Directors believes that this format will allow them to communicate more effectively with you, the Association members, keeping you up to date on all the news that involves your Eastbluff community.If you have any suggestions, please pass them to
Tritz Professional Management Services. 
Board Meeting Highlights

The Board of Directors held its monthly meeting on November 4, 2024.

To communicate and inform owners and tenants of what is happening in Eastbluff, the Board is working with HOA Connection to provide a short email blast highlighting board decisions and issues after each meeting.


If you have any questions or need more information, please don't hesitate to contact Tritz Professional Management Services at 714 557-5900 or email Thank you.

  1. No Executive Session meeting was held.
  2. In the Architectural Committee meeting, the Board acting as the Architectural Review Committee and acted on the following. (1) 2607 Bamboo - approved a Major Category 2 application for additional floor space; (2) 2651 Bamboo - approved a Minor Category 5 application with 8 conditions to install solar panels on the house; (3) 2421 Buckeye - approved with a condition a Major Category 2 application for additional floor space including a second story; (4) 821 Camphor - approved a Minor Category 4 application to modify rear hardscape and landscape and install a pool/spa with supporting equipment; (5) 2827 Cassia - approved a Minor Category 4 application to modify rear hardscape and landscape, add a raised patio deck with fire pit and install a pool/spa with supporting equipment; (6) 2927 Catalpa - approved a Major Category 2 application with 2 conditions to add floor area; (7) 908 Citrus - approved a Major Category 2 application with 2 conditions to add floor area and renovate the exterior of the house; (8) 2321 Aralia - approved a Notice of Completion with 3 deviations; (9) 821 Bellis - approved a Notice of Completion with 2 deviations; (10) 2633 Blackthorn - approved a Notice of Completion with 2 deviations and the requirement to submit a landscape plant list to Smith Architects; (11) 3021 Carob - approved a request for an 18 month construction extension; (12) 2645 Bamboo - noted the Administrative approval on a roofing application.

  1. In the General Session, the Board took the following actions:

  • Approved the October 7, 2024, and October 22, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes.
  • Approved the September 2024 monthly financial reports subject to year-end audit.
  • Approved a proposal from La Cresta Backflow for $2,921.00 to repair several Association Backflow devices.
  • Approved draft updates to the Association Election Rules and authorized mailing the proposed changes to the membership to meet the 28-day notice requirement.
  • Reviewed and discussed a community survey and determined to have each Board Member recommend the appointment of a community member to serve on the Survey Committee and place the matter on the December meeting agenda.
  • Approved the mission statement of the Security and Safety Committee and named Paul Jones, JJ Abrahm, and RJ King as committee members.
  • Discussed the reimbursement process and determined that all vendors would be paid through TPMS, and Jenna Edwards will discuss the matter with the Neighborhood Connection Committee.
  • Approved a proposal from Fruitstitute for $2,400.00 to provide a compost tea application to the turf at Blue Heron Park.
  • Directed staff to work with the City of Newport Beach on options for tree installation in the parkway at 900 Bellis and refer it to the Landscape Committee.
  • Approved the final phase of the butterfly garden at Blue Heron Park for $15,575.00.
  • Approved the Annual Neighborhood Connection Food Drive for November 23, 2024.
  • Approved a proposal from Beach Bay Lighting for $3,400.00 to install Holiday Lighting.

The next meeting of the Board of Directors will take place on December 2, 2024, at the Oasis Senior Center.

The Board encourages all owners to attend the monthly board meetings and stay informed on Association issues.

Professionally Managed by

Tritz Professional Management Services

Office Address

1525 East 17th Street

Suite A

Santa Ana, CA 92705


Morgan Bomboy, Community Manager

Gricelda Ayala, Assistant Manager

Board of Directors

Paul Jones, President

Sydni Webb, VP

Jenna Edwards, Treasurer

Al Maguire, Secretary

Ron Rubino, Director

The next meeting of the Board of Directors after this notice will be held on December 2, 2024

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