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November 2024

November promises to be an active month for us–outside, weather permitting! And inside our wonderful covered arena as needed. We have enjoyed working and playing in the Emerald Forest (last Friday Ground class, above) and hope for more time in nature's splendor this month!

Halloween thanks to students and parents for making our Halloween Play Day so much fun, and a big shout out (and hug!) to Jerry Schmidt for showing up as Sasquatch. I sort of jumped when I saw him, and I was the one who set it up! More photos below.

No Stirrups November is here...! With show season in the rear view mirror, and cold weather ahead, November is a great month to lose those stirrups and work on your seat! It's a Hoof Beats tradition, and if the Halloween ride was any indicator (pics below!), the students will have fun improving their connection to their horses!

Warmest wishes. All of us at Freedom Farm wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Yours in good health and wise horsemanship,

Mary Gallagher

Upcoming Events

November 24

11–2 Feet First Hoof Care class

Every Friday, 10:30 - 12:30 Groundwork class!!

Join Mary Gallagher and students for some special time to connect with your horse, on the ground.

Nice day for it....! Visiting student Emma, and Elise.

View The Calendar Online

Students Kip and Melissa

Feet First Hoof Care Class

With Jerry Schmidt and Mary Gallagher

Sunday, Nov 2, 11 am - 2 pm

Jerry Schmidt and Mary Gallagher teach you how to care for your barefoot horse, from cleaning to balancing the hoof through regular maintenance you can do between trims.
Email Mary Gallagher to Register

Wise Horsemanship

You can watch videos and read articles from Mary Gallagher, Jerry Schmidt and others, sharing tips on horsemanship, hoof care and life on the Farm, at our Wise Horsemanship blog and YouTube channel. Subscribe to both get the latest content!

From the Gallery

Here comes No-Stirrups November! The students showed their readiness at our Halloween party! Hadley and Mimi, looking good!

Warm up for the.....

Pumpkin relay!! None dropped!

Did we mention it was a slalom course...? Woo hoo!!

Sasquatch says, Hadley's pumpkin wins!

All in all, October was a good month!

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