Sonoma County 5th District Newsletter

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November 6, 2024

I’m hearing from folks in our community who are grieving or frightened today. To be honest, I am too. Many LGBTQIA, undocumented, female, and BIPOC folks are staring down the next four years and wondering what it will mean for their families, for their bodies, for their rights, for their safety. Some people feel lost. Others feel angry. Others have shed tears. And some members of our community today feel the opposite — they feel vindicated and hopeful. 

I want you to know, first of all, that I care about you. That *we* care about you. That your Fifth District team is already meeting and planning a virtual town hall for November 20 at 6PM. The theme for the town hall will be “We Take Care of Us.” We’ll be showcasing local organizations who are dedicated to supporting LGBTQIA folks, women’s reproductive health care, undocumented community members, the social safety net, mental health services, and the environment. So that you can feel safe. So that you can be taken care of. So that you know where and how to devote your energy to ensure that our community stays vibrant, diverse, beautiful, and kind. 

Did you know that redwood trees have shallow roots? They are some of the tallest trees in the world. They’re pummeled by fierce wind gusts pouring in from the Pacific all winter long. Yet still they stand. They sway, they bend. And the reason they do not break is this: beneath the soil, their roots connect. They hold each other up. They communicate with one another through their roots. A redwood could not take a winter storm alone, but they are stronger together. Let’s take a lesson from Sequoia sempervirens. (Because I’m a nerd, and took 6 years of Latin in middle and high school, I can tell you without Googling that “sempervirens” means “ever-living.”)

So: redwoods forever, y’all. With so much West County love,


We Take Care of Us - Virtual Town Hall

Join us at 6 PM on November 20

This We Take Care of Us Town Hall, held on Zoom, will showcase local organizations who are dedicated to supporting LGBTQIA folks, women’s reproductive health care, undocumented community members, the social safety net, mental health services, and the environment.

More info

Sonoma County District 5 logo with a river and trees and a rainbow

Thoughts on Election Day & Veterans Day

Today is the day after Election Day. Next Monday is Veteran’s Day. Maybe that makes today a good day to reflect on what it means to be part of our country, and part of our community.

I often feel helpless watching toxic politics play out on a national scale. I’ve wondered when, precisely, patriotism disappeared from the United States. At what point did power become more important than the greater good? When did we stop talking to our neighbors with different beliefs, backgrounds, political parties? At what point did compromise become a dirty word, and trading insults become normalized?

If you, like me, feel frustrated by the state of political discourse nationally, consider local action. There is great joy to be found when people with different perspectives and backgrounds come together to do good right here at home. At a local level, who you vote for doesn’t determine whether you volunteer to clean up your local park, coach a youth sports team, or donate groceries to a food bank. Heck, West County is full of hippies and hicks. (I consider myself both hippie and hick, so I’m hoping I can say this without offending either group!) And I can promise you that in a pinch — whether it’s flood, fire, power outage, or winter windstorm — it doesn’t matter if you prefer tie dye and crystals or big trucks and Carhartts. Pull on your Birkenstocks or your cowboy boots and hop in my pickup. We’ll work together to get stuff done. 

And there’s a lot of work to be done! Nationally, it’s clear that many people are fed up with government institutions. That’s because, by and large, government institutions are failing us… Especially those of us who live in rural areas, who depend more on our neighbors than on government, and where too often a visit from government is a hindrance rather than a help. I say this as someone who works in government and is constantly fighting for rural communities. I see firsthand on a daily basis how government often causes more problems than it solves. Government works best when we listen to and partner with community, but that’s not how government usually works. Government often feels like something done “to” you, “at” you, or at best “for” you… not “with” you. 

It doesn’t have to be that way. Regardless of what happens nationally, let’s make a promise to take care of one another locally. To stand up for, and with, each other here. Together we can break down and build back what isn’t working. Together we can find new ways of solving old problems. We have to. The status quo isn’t working.

But I want to end by thinking about next Monday. If you, like me, sometimes wonder where patriotism has gone… let’s take a moment this upcoming Veterans Day to consider our local veterans who put their lives on the line for our country. For all of us. On Veterans Day, we can pause to honor and thank every individual who has dedicated themselves to serving our country. This tradition dates back over a century to Armistice Day, which marked the end of World War I. And while wars have continued beyond that “Great War,” so too has the commitment of countless Americans who step forward to defend and protect our nation.

We owe our veterans so much more than words of gratitude; we owe them action. The truth is that too many veterans return to communities ill-prepared to meet their needs — whether it’s mental health support, affordable housing, or job training. We need to be there for them in a way that matches the dedication they showed us. Each time we step up and fight for policies that create a strong safety net for veterans and their families, we show our appreciation in a concrete, lasting way.

To all veterans — past, present, and future — we offer our deep gratitude. Thank you for your courage, your commitment, and your service. Let’s work toward a future where every veteran feels that the country they served so bravely stands ready to serve them in return.

And here, in our corner of the world, let’s work towards a country where we can put the greater good first. Let’s come together and let’s do good together. Let’s leave future generations a kinder, more fair, more resilient and beautiful place. 

Remember, we don’t have to agree on everything. We just need to want the best for one another. We just need to work together to make things a bit better, each and every day. 

Free Holiday Parking at Regional Parks for

Veterans & Active Duty Military

Veterans, military members and their families are eligible for a special pass that waives the $7 day-use parking fee at Sonoma County Regional Parks between Saturday, Nov. 9, through Monday, Nov. 11, 2024.

They can obtain the parking pass in advance at one of the following locations by showing a valid military identification card, a Veterans Affairs card, a veteran’s identification card or an honorable discharge record.

  • County of Sonoma's Veterans Services Office, 3725 Westwind Blvd., Suite 100, in Santa Rosa, from 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through Friday (closed Monday, Nov. 11)
  • Sonoma County Regional Parks’ office, 400 Aviation Blvd., Suite 100, in Santa Rosa, from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday (closed Monday, Nov. 11).
  • Doran Regional Park, 201 Doran Beach Road, in Bodega Bay. Passes will be available at Doran beginning Oct. 14 and through the holiday weekend.

Regional Parks offers the passes with support from the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors and in collaboration with the Sonoma County Human Services Department to honor the sacrifices and contributions of local veterans and their families.

In addition to the Veterans Day pass, Regional Parks offers a year-round Distinguished Veterans Day-Use Pass, which provides free parking to disabled war veterans, former prisoners of war and Congressional Medal of Honor recipients. For more information, visit

For more information about the veterans passes, contact Regional Parks at 707-565-2041 or

Microenterprise Home Kitchen Program

The Board of Supervisors recently approved a program allowing small-scale residential food operations (MEHKOs), enabling residents to apply for permits to run dine-in or take-out food services from their homes across the county.

MEHKOs create opportunities for home-based chefs to start businesses, particularly benefiting those with limited access to capital or facing caregiving responsibilities. These operations also expand access to culturally diverse, healthy foods in the community.

Requirements for home operators include:

  • Health permits and food safety certifications.
  • Compliance with home-use guidelines, including a cap of 30 meals daily and $100,000 in annual sales.
  • Meals must be prepared, cooked, and served the same day within the primary residence kitchen.
  • Supported by a $138,000 state grant, Sonoma County's MEHKO program will include public outreach, permit fee offsets, and enforcement of health and safety standards.
Read press release

Wait List Lottery Application Open for

Fife Creek Commons Housing

The Sonoma County Housing Authority is accepting applications to their waitlist lottery now through Nov 30 for one- and two-bedroom units at 7 locations, including Fife Creek Commons in Guerneville. Eligible households earn 30% or less of Area Median Income (AMI) annually.

One-bedroom units are typically assigned to households of one to three people, and two-bedroom units to households of two to five people, in line with Housing Authority standards.

For disability-related accommodations, please contact (707) 565-7500/TDD (707) 565-7555. Translation services are available upon request.

Submit applications by Friday, Nov. 29 at 5 p.m. in person (141 Stony Circle, Suite 210, Santa Rosa) or online by Saturday, Nov. 30 at 11:59 p.m. at

Eligibility Chart

Income limits based on 30 percent of Area Median Income AMI: 1 person 29,070, 2 person 33,210, 3 person 37,350, 4 person 41,490, 5 person 44,820, 6 person 48,150, 7 person 51,450, 8 person 54,780
Apply for wait list lottery

Local Coastal Plan on November Coastal Commission Agenda

On Thursday, November 14, the California Coastal Commission will hold a public hearing to discuss the proposed update to the Sonoma County Local Coastal Program (LCP) Land Use Plan. This comprehensive update aims to modernize the current Land Use Plan, which was originally certified in 1982 and last significantly updated in 2001.

The updated plan addresses a wide range of important issues, including climate change resiliency, coastal hazards, conservation of natural ecosystems, protection of agricultural lands, and improved public access to our beautiful coastline. It builds on the goals of the County's "General Plan 2020," extending its vision into the unique coastal areas of Sonoma. This amendment is the culmination of years of collaborative work between the County, Commission staff, and community members.

The Commission will review the proposed amendments and suggested refinements during the hearing. If no final decision is reached, a one-year extension may be requested. This is an important step in ensuring that the policies guiding the development and conservation of our coast remain effective and sustainable in the face of ongoing environmental challenges.

The Sonoma County Local Coastal Plan (LCP) update was deemed complete on July 18, 2024. The Coastal Commission provided the LCP update with a tracking number of LCP-2-SON-23-0058-2.

The LCP update will go before the California Coastal Commission on Thursday, November 14, 2024, at or after 9:00 am. The Coastal Commission will hold a series of hearings this day starting at 9:00 am and will move through each agenda item in order. The Coastal Commission’s staff report and recommendation can be found at under the Thursday, November 14th, 9:00 am tab, under agenda item number 8.a. or Th8a.

Questions regarding this item or the hearing should be directed to the Coastal Commission staff, Luke Henningsen in the Commission’s North Central Coast District office located at 455 Market Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, CA, by phone at (415) 904- 5260, or by email at

Any proposed modifications resulting from the Coastal Commission certification process will return to the Board of Supervisors for adoption at a later date.

To learn more and review the detailed staff report, please visit the California Coastal Commission website.

Click "Thursday" tab and see Item #8

Lower Russian River MAC: Upcoming Vacancy

Guerneville South / Pocket Canyon Alternate

We are now accepting applications for an alternate position on the Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council (MAC), representing the Guerneville South / Pocket Canyon area. (see map) This position is for a two-year term beginning January 2025.

The MAC plays a vital role in community engagement, providing input to the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors on a range of important topics. These include health and human safety-net services, land use, transportation and transit priorities, and general plan amendments. The MAC also reviews significant topics that will be heard by the Board of Supervisors, helping ensure local voices are heard on decisions that impact our community.

By serving on the MAC, you can act as a bridge between the county and your community—ensuring that local concerns and insights help shape policies and services. Interested in applying? Visit for more information or to submit an application.

Check address

Map of Guerneville South / Pocket Canyon Area

Upcoming Meetings & Events

Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council

Thursday November 14, 5:30 PM

Guerneville School Community Room & Zoom

Main topic: Marcie Woychik, Chief Deputy Clerk of the Board, will provide an overview of the Board of Supervisor's development process for their "Calendar of Items of Significant Public Interest", equipping MAC members and the community with insights into the prioritization process that will take place at the January public input forum. This calendar often influences the timing of agenda items being brought forward to the MAC for discussion and public input. Also known as the Calendar of Significant Items, this document sets the agenda for key policy initiatives and legislative updates at Board of Supervisors meetings for the upcoming year. 

College Application Workshop, presented in English and Spanish

Saturday November 16, 10-11:30 AM

West County Services Center (Former Bank of America Building)

Leah Woody and Marilu Saldaña will help students and families of high school juniors and seniors learn about the college application process. Topics will include an overview of the main types of applications, deadlines, and strategies; early action and early decision; Career Certificates, Community College transfer programs, finances, FAFSA, Dream Act, and more.

Sonoma County Landlord Webinar

Tuesday November 19, 6 - 7 PM


Sonoma County will host a webinar on Nov. 19 to update landlords about their responsibilities under a new tenant protection ordinance recently adopted by the Board of Supervisors. The online informational session, which will include Spanish interpretation, will feature representatives from the Sonoma County Counsel’s Office.

The new County ordinance augments the California Tenant Protection Act, a 2019 state law that limits rent increases and requires landlords of many types of rental units to have a just cause to evict a tenant who has lived in a property longer than one year. Just-cause evictions are allowed for such things as nonpayment of rent, lease violations or criminal activity.

Under the new rules recently approved by the Board of Supervisors, tenants in unincorporated areas of the County are protected by just-cause requirements as soon as they begin renting, and state law exemptions for subsidized housing from just-cause protections no longer apply. The changes also protect a tenant from eviction for nonpayment unless more than one month of rent is overdue. A tenant is allowed to use this protection only up to two times per year. Register here.

We Take Care of Us - A virtual Town Hall

Wednesday November 20, 6 PM


Showcasing local organizations who are dedicated to supporting LGBTQIA folks, women’s reproductive health care, undocumented community members, the social safety net, mental health services, and the environment.

Sonoma County Coast Municipal Advisory Council

Thursday November 21, 5:30 PM

Fort Ross School

Main topic: Aging in Place on the Sonoma Coast. Presenters include: Nancy Feehan, Aging in Community; Carolyn Andre, Coastal Seniors; and Cathy Frey with

Mendonoma Health and the Mendonoma Mobile Health Clinic Bus

craft fair Saturday and Sunday November 9 and 10. 10 AM to 4 PM, 16590 River Road Guerneville

River Arts Fall Craft Fair, Nov 9-10

It's that time of year again for the River Arts Fall Craft Fair, featuring over 30 vendor / artists, music, children's crafts and more! Saturday and Sunday from 10 AM to 4 PM at the Surrey Resort, 16590 River Road, Guerneville.

Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Event - Sea Ranch, Sat Nov 23

Zero Waste Sonoma is hosting another Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection event in Sea Ranch on Saturday, November 23, 2024 between 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM. Sonoma County residents may bring their unused and unwanted HHW items such as paint, fertilizers, batteries, fluorescent lamps, sharps, or antifreeze to name a few. This event is FREE for residents; qualifying small businesses may also participate for a fee. Sonoma County residents only. Appointment required.

Appointments required: Book your time here

Fifth District Supervisor Lynda Hopkins | County of Sonoma | 707-565-2241

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