Volume 3, Issue 1


Rutgers Office for Research proudly presents Rutgers Innovations, a bulletin that provides updates on Rutgers technologies and highlights collaborative and partnership opportunities for intellectual property-based assets.

Inaugural Rutgers Innovation Awards 2024

The inaugural Rutgers Innovation Awards recognized researchers who have translated world-class research into an invention or innovation that would benefit society.

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Novel cyclosporine

formulation treats skin ulcers

A novel topical formulation of the immunosuppressive agent cyclosporine directly targets the surface of the skin, modulating the local immune response, minimizing systemic side effects typically associated with oral or intravenous delivery, and ensuring complete wound bed adhesion.

Novel cermet composite for nuclear waste immobilization

A multi-institutional team led by Rutgers University identified a novel process for the immobilization of multiple waste products in a ceramic-metal waste form with ~50% reduction in production and O&M costs and reduction of repository footprint by â‰¥ 1 order of magnitude. 

Low-cost pipeline for assessing tissue remodeling using ultrasound

An image analysis technique called myocardial ultrasonic fingerprinting extracts information from ultrasound images and isolates quantitative features of myocardial tissue remodeling. This approach can extract a similar depth of data from ultrasound images that traditionally require CMR scanning, which is more expensive.

Spotted-wing drosophila repellants 

Rutgers researchers, in collaboration with the USDA, have identified two volatile compounds, both derived from anthracnose-infected blueberries, that most potently repel spotted-wing drosophila with high efficacy, consistency, and cost-effectiveness.


Startups incorporated from technologies developed at Rutgers University

Thrive Genetics: Personalized and data-driven genomics

AI and Genomics driven platform addresses addiction care, helping medical providers detect at-risk individuals early on and refine treatment plans for those in managed programs. This will help improve outcomes and reduce overall costs for payers and providers. 

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