July Enews Supplement

Notes from the Office of the Bishop

Bishop's Reflection: Religion Versus Ideology

Read the Bishop's latest Blog Post by clicking here.

[Excerpt] ... Here is a possible answer, “religion is when you have something beautiful within yourself that you have a desire or longing to share, and ideology is when you seek to impose your order on another before you master the chaos within.” In that order with ideology, you are trying to give something you don’t have. On the contrary, with religion you are sharing something beautiful in Christianity of course, that is Christ, the Holy Spirit, the way to the Father... In this week’s gospel narrative, John the Baptist shares the beautiful thing he had living and breathing and the catalyst for his sacrificial self-giving even unto death at the cruel hands of King Herod – the LOVE of GOD. Read More.

Bishop San recently toured historic St. Martin’s Church in Showell, MD. The restoration has been a labor of love for the members of the St. Martin’s Church Foundation. The site is used as a culturally distinctive museum and is open on a regular basis for tours and special events. The church and property are also available for private ceremonies and celebrations. Contact information: Historic St. Martin’s, 11413 Worchester Highway, Showell, MD 21862/P.O. Box 316, Berlin, MD21811. Click here for more photos.

Bishop San will be on vacation from July 31st - August 24th.

Should you need assistance while the Bishop is away please contact John Dragone, Canon to the Ordinary, at the Diocesan Office (; 410-822-1919 x2304).

Additional Seating Now Available...

Diocese of Easton Presents:

Philadelphia Eleven Screening & Discussion

Since we have had such an overwhelming response to our upcoming showing of The Philadelphia Eleven movie being shown on July 28th, we have obtained an additional theater!

Please register below by July 23rd!

Sunday, July 28th at 4:00pm

Easton Premier Cinemas

210 Marlboro Ave, Easton MD

Purchase Tickets in Advance

(by July 23rd). Tickets are $6.00

Learn more and buy tickets here

The Rev. Joseph Rushton, Rector of Church of the Holy Spirit, Ocean City

is making great progress in his recovery from a recent lung transplant. If you would like to send him a card, please mail them to: The Rev. Joseph Rushton, 38 Boone Trail, Severna Park, MD 21146

Please keep Father Rushton, Nick, the family of the donor, and his medical team in your prayers as he continues on the path of restoration and healing.

Congratulations to The Rev. Margaret Brack, St. Alban's, Salisbury on being selected to be a delegate serving on the Presiding Bishop’s delegation to the United Nations 29th Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, also known as “COP29”, November 11th - 22nd, 2024. This COP29 will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan. The first week will be online and Margaret will then travel to the UN Climate Change Conference in Baku - November 2024 | UNFCCC. Congratulations Margaret!!

IONA Eastern Shore Graduated its Inaugural Class of 2024!

Eight students have completed the three years of coursework as required through the Seminary of the Southwest and under the guidance of local Professor Rev. Dan Dunlap - Stephanie Clayville, Joanne Fisher, Lynda Habel, Chris Sabas, Kelsey Spiker, Jessica Stehle, Michael Valliant & Lynn Wiljanen.

The Service and Ceremony took place on Saturday, June 15th at Christ Church, St. Peter's Parish in Easton, MD. It was a joyful celebration for all!!

Ordination of Charlotte Delahay Meyer Bishop Marray ordained Charlotte Delahay Meyer to the Sacred Order of Priests on Sunday, June 16th at Emmanuel Church – Chester Parish, Chestertown, MD. Congratulations Rev. Charlotte!!

Ordination of Stephanie Bernadette Clayville Bishop Marray ordained Stephanie Bernadette Clayville to the Sacred Order of Priests on Saturday, July 13, 2024 at St. Mary the Virgin, Pocomoke City, Maryland. Congratulations Rev. Stephanie!!

Save the Date! Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate for Joanne Fisher, Kelsey Spiker, Jessica Stehle and Michael Valliant will be held on September 14th at 11:00am at Christ Church Easton. Stay tuned for more info!

Congratulations to The Very Rev. Frank St. Amour on his retirement effective June 30th. Father Frank will continue to supply at St. Paul's Kent, Chestertown thru August. The diocese appreciates his time as Rector of St. Paul's and to the wider diocese. We want to congratulate him on his many accomplishments over the years as an ordained priest. Warm wishes and prayers to Frank & Susan as they set out on their next adventures in Florida!!

Reverend Mary Friel will be leaving St. Paul's, Centreville after 10 years of dedicated service to spend more time with her family. Rev. Mary's last day of services will be on October 20th. The diocese appreciates her time as rector of St. Paul's, Centreville and for her service to the parish community and the greater diocese. Please give thanks for her ministry and pray for Mary, her husband John and her family is this new season of change.

Local Youth Mission

Thursday, August 8th, 5pm - Sunday, August 11th, 11:30am

Christ Church Easton Parish Hall

The Diocese is partnering with Christ Church Easton to offer a 4 day and 3 night overnight for rising 6th-12th graders to grow in their faith and to understand a bit more about who God calls us to be in loving and serving others. We will serve and complete projects for organizations like Talbot Interfaith Shelter & Talbot Humane and we will reflect on how we are called to be Christ in the world today by loving our neighbors. Our time will also include relationship-building among one another through activities, games, and small groups. 

Mission immersions like this one provide students and leaders with lasting memories and connections to Christ, we look forward to sharing in this experience with students this summer! 

The cost of $75/student helps to cover food and transportation during the mission. All youth and adult leaders from around the Diocese are invited.

Register Today!

The Diocese of Easton Mission Summit 2024 presents...

Stewardship Training

Calling all Stewardship Teams (those who help raise funds for your church)... Find out about all the innovative and inspiring work being done around the Church to inspire giving - and walk away with your own comprehensive and workable plan... As promised at Convention 2024, the Diocese of Easton has partnered with the College for Bishops to bring Project Resource to our diocese for half price (50% off) - includes five zooms over September/October (join LIVE or watch recorded) followed by a Gathering of Teams on Saturday, October 12th. Read all the Details & Register Today!

We Are All One Body It has been a great privilege for me, as a part of the Listening Committee, to have met with several parishes over the last several months to hear their stories. Some are truly struggling financially, but I am often impressed and heartened by the selfless efforts on behalf of the church. Others may be better off but overwhelmed by what appears to be just too much that they must do. With all that is facing them, it is not surprising if sometimes it seems that supporting the Diocese falls off the priority list. “What has the Diocese done for us?” they ask.

Fr. Frank Crumbaugh, serving as Interim Priest for Christ Church, Stevensville, had provided this insightful and thoughtful essay (Stewardship: The Parish & the Diocese) in response to this question and has given us permission to share it across the Diocese. As he so eloquently explains, we are all one, we can help one another, and the Diocese can help us to do that and to help ourselves. Please consider his wise words as you make your decisions. 

Fred Welsh - Chair, Diocesan Finance Committee

Stewardship: The Parish & the Diocese

DIAKONOS This month's Diaconal ministry spotlight provided by our Archdeacon, The Ven. Laura Harbaugh, is entitled "Association for Episcopal Deacons Receives One-Time Allocation of $200K". Click here for full article

From our Diocesan Archivist - Parishes and Churches of the Diocese of Easton gives an overview and account of the churches throughout history that are a part of the diocese and was recently written by our Diocesan Archivist, Jefferson Moak.

Parishes and Churches of the Diocese of Easton

SAVE THE DATE!! OCTOBER 19th - via Zoom

The Diocese of Easton's delegation is preparing an overview of the 81st General Convention that took place from June 23 - 28, 2024 in Louisville, Kentucky. This overview will be shared with the diocese via a Zoom gathering on Saturday, October 19th. More information will be distributed as it becomes available.

Survey seeks feedback from, about next generation of Episcopal leaders - Seeking to grow and strengthen The Episcopal Church’s ministries that support members of Generation Z, the Department of Faith Formation is launching a churchwide survey geared toward young people and those who serve them.

Pastoral Concerns

We pray for the repose of the soul of The Reverend Patricia Drost Kuhns, who passed away following a courageous battle with cancer.

We pray for the repose of the soul of Sally Fronk, wife of Gordon Fronk, Esq., President of the Diocese of Easton Diocesan Council.

We pray for Father Joe Rushton, Rector of Church of the Holy Spirit, Ocean City as he recovers from lung transplant surgery. Please keep Father Rushton, Nick, the family of the donor, and his medical team in your prayers as he continues on the path of restoration and healing.

We pray for continued healing and comfort for the following people and their families: for Peggy Beers. Jim Brack. Walt Burgess. Ernie Cornbrooks. Carolyn Lee Crouse. Rev. Frank Crumbaugh. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry. Nancy Dick. Lindsey Donovan. Janice Flood. John Friel. Doug Girardeau. Babs Glancey. Ann Savage Hastings. Randy Hastings. Grady Hebert. The Rev. Jim Kamihachi & Weasie Kamihachi. The Rev. Jack Mason. The Rev. Michael Moyer. The Rev. Peggy Samuels. The Rev. Robert Smith & Susan Smith. Don Southerland. Chuck Trautmann. Goldey Vansant.

Submit prayer requests to: Names are listed for four weeks unless otherwise specified. 

Diocesan Prayer Calendar

Today we pray for you

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

July 21st

We give thanks for our Deacons serving our diocese, and for those retired from service: Laura, Melody, George, Donald, Penny, Sharon, Norman, Loretta, Katherine, Alisha, Christine, Barbara, Peggy, James and Lynn.

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

July 28th

We give thanks for the witness of God’s people who serve as elected representatives to the Diocesan Council including: Peggy, Florence, Penni, Gordon, Michael, Chrissy, Nicholas, Jim, Granville, Kay, Regan, Randy, Vic, Andrew, Lynda, Susan and Marion; and for the leadership they offer.

Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

August 4th

We give thanks for all who serve on diocesan committees and ministries supporting Christ’s mission in the world.

Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

August 11th

We give thanks for the witness of God’s people who serve as elected representatives to the Standing Committee, James, Steve, Linda, Darcy, David and Diane; and for the leadership they offer.

For additional weeks, please visit our website or contact Lynn Anstatt.