New School Weekly Update

October 28 - November 1, 2024

Welcome to your weekly source of updates, news, and reminders!

Trunk or Treat

A big thank you in advance to all the volunteers who will be decorating their vehicles to create a fun Trunk or Treat event for our students this Thursday!

We’ve reminded our event volunteers to avoid candy containing any nut products. However, with mixed candy bags from stores, there’s always a chance this may be overlooked. Please remember to check your child’s treat bag afterward to ensure there are no items that may not be suited for your child's age or contain any nut-based treats.

Special thanks to Ms. Julie Stumpf, our elementary art teacher, for her efforts in creating the annual Glow Gallery, which will set the stage for the entrance to the “Fictitious Friends” Trunk or Treat parade around the parking lot!

Please visit our Facebook page throughout the day for pictures of our event!

Spirit Night at Chipotle

Support our school while enjoying a meal at Chipotle in Holly Springs on November 6th for our next Spirit Night!

🗓 Date & Time: 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM

📍 Location: Chipotle, Holly Springs

💸 Giveback: 25% of sales go directly back to our school!

To ensure your purchase counts toward our fundraiser, please show our event flyer (which will be emailed this week) or use the following online code: M7JPV3X.

We hope to see you there!

Water Line Update

Apologies for any inconvenience caused by our early closing last week due to a water line break!

As many of you know, we connected to the public water supply this summer, which should eliminate future issues, barring any unforeseen breaks like last week.

Unfortunately, the break occurred at a connection feeding into the building near a retaining wall, complicating the repair. The current solution is temporary but will hold us over until the contractor can schedule a permanent repair for an upcoming weekend.

Thank you for your understanding and support!

Parent Night Out

Want a night out while your child enjoys a fun evening at school with their friends? The TNS Student Council is excited to host a Parents' Night Out (PNO) on Thursday, November 14th for students ages 3 and older.

This event is timed to coincide with our Gala and Auction (below) to provide childcare for attendees, who will receive the registration link via email this week and have priority until November 5th. After November 5th, all other families are welcome to register. Make sure to sign up soon as spaces are limited!

The cost for this event is $30 for the first child and $10 for each additional child.

Our PNO organizers will offer pizza, s’mores (weather permitting), and plenty of activities for the students! Drop-off begins at 5:30 PM, with pick-up by 8:30 PM at TNS.

This event supports the Student Council's efforts to create a Field Trip Scholarship Fund and provide new playground equipment.

Gala and Auction

Spaces are still available for our gala and auction! Use the button below to register. If you’ve already signed up, your ticket purchase will be processed through your Child Pilot account.

Gala Registration

Have a wonderful week!

Best wishes,


Dates to Remember



Trunk or Treat!

Please make sure your child arrives in their costume if they are participating



Early Release Day

Dismissal times are available on the school calendar



School Closed: Conferences

Please contact your child's teacher if you have not received conference info



Spirit Night at Chipotle

Holly Springs: 5 PM to 9 PM



Nido and Early Years Parent Workshop

Click here to register: 6 PM to 7 PM



School Closed: Veteran's Day

Thank you to our military families for your service!



Pajama Drive

Information coming soon!



Gala and Auction

6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Nightingale Rooftop Restaurant



Parent Night Out

5:30 PM to 8:30 PM



School Closed: Thanksgiving

🦃 Happy Thanksgiving!

Click here to access our full calendar of Events!

Current Sign-ups and Forms

Carpool Volunteer Sign-up

We need volunteers from 8:30-9:00am to help students arriving after carpool.

Lunch Delivery Volunteer Sign-up

Help teachers and staff deliver lunches to each classroom.

My Hot Lunchbox

Avoid the hassle of packing lunches by ordering your child's lunch via My Hot Lunchbox!

Helpful Links

My Hot Lunchbox
School Calendar
Parent Resources
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