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Calflora staff combine data from many sources to provide a more complete plant distribution picture:

Every wild plant species in the state has its own distribution map: that's 8,500+ distribution maps available to you via the Calflora website.

Calflora staff combine, or aggregate, wild plant data from many sources. One source is plant specimen records from Consortium of California Herbaria (CCH); another is iNaturalist records. Calflora staff also refresh the records from our aggregated sources regularly. That way, you see their new records reflected in Calflora.

Quiz: which Atriplex species distribution does this Calflora map reflect? Reply to this email with your response.

Calflora is an independent nonprofit 501c3 organization; your donations fund this important work.

Support Calflora, an Independent Nonprofit

Calflora, an Independent Nonprofit 501(c)3 EIN: 31-1689940

1700 Shattuck Avenue #198

Berkeley, CA 94709

(510) 883-3148