"When we see someone acting out on a defect that we have acted on ourselves, we feel compassionate rather than judgmental for we know just exactly how much pain such behavior causes." "We smile at our delusions of perfection and keep on walking." (It Works, How & Why, p. 48)
"In every case,
pain had been the
price of admission in-
to a new life. But this ad-
mission price had purchas-
ed more than we expected.
It brought a measure of hu-
mility, which we soon
discovered to be a
healer of pain."
(12 &12, p.
"But if I
can go through
what I went through,
if I can still live and go
through that pain for life
on earth to change for
the best, let it be."
- Immacullee Ilibagiza ( 1972 - ) Rwandan-Tutsi survivor & author
*HP - Higher Power - is any power greater than oneself, like Nature, the Cosmos, or even the legal system.