
SRPC's Monthly Newsletter

December 6, 2024

A snowy winter evening in New Hampshire. Photo courtesy of Megan Taylor-Fetter


There is no denying it, winter is here! And with it snow, cold, and shorter days. But the good news is that the winter solstice is less than a few weeks away and after that the days will be getting longer. Let’s hope it’s a good year for skiing and other winter sports. 

In this issue you will find information on HOP Grants, a GIS Day seminar, Water Resources grant, and a long list of community and holiday happenings in the area.

Please note the SRPC office will be closed on Wednesday, December 25 and Wednesday, January 1.

Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday season!

Megan Taylor-Fetter

In this Issue

Signage Advisory Committee

HOP Grants

A GIS Day seminar

Water Resources Grant

Water Resources Funding Opportunities & other grant opportunities

Public Input Opportunities

Community and Holiday Happenings

New Hampshire winter trivia question:

What animal leaves a track in the snow that has a thumb print?

  • Raccoon
  • Opossum
  • Porcupine
  • Fisher


Two Lunas and an Izzy enjoying the first snowfall of the year.


GB 2030 Educational Signage Advisory Committee Meeting 

As part of the Great Bay 2030 initiative, SRPC has partnered with regional stakeholders to identify and prioritize educational signage fabrication and installation at water access and river crossing sites throughout the Great Bay watershed. On Friday, December 6th, the project steering committee held their first meeting and discussed design concepts, public outreach and engagement strategies, sign fabrication costs and quotes, ideas for installation, and much more. SRPC Regional Planner Owen Corcoran, Elizabeth Durfee from EF Design and Planning, and Linus Kenter from NH Sea Grant are leading the way on this project, and are excited to continue to work with the steering committee to begin educational signage installation in spring of 2025.


Housing Opportunity Planning Grants

A hearty congratulations to Newmarket, Nottingham and Somersworth. SRPC partnered with the three communities to develop Housing Opportunity Planning (HOP) grant applications. All three received notifications this week that they were fully funded.

Newmarket and Somersworth are each building off a prior HOP grant. Newmarket’s scope of work includes again partnering with Ivy Vann Town Planning to expand the newly developed Form Based Code town wide and implement complimentary zoning ordinance and land use regulation changes. SRPC will assist in the project’s GIS and outreach and engagement tasks. Somersworth will implement two top priorities from their Regulatory Audit prepared by SRPC. These include ordinance organization and zoning map changes for readability, accessibility, and streamlined development application process, and implementing a new planned-unit development ordinance. Nottingham will work on updating the Housing chapter of their master plan, conducting a robust engagement process, data analysis and scenario planning.

Congratulations to our HOP grantees. We look forward to continuing our partnerships to meet housing needs for the region.


SRPC staffers Jackson Rand, Senior GIS Planner; Rachel Dewey, Senior Data Analyst; and Brian Notinger, GIS Intern, attended a GIS seminar hosted by Nashua Regional Planning Commission (NRPC). This event was held on November 25, the anniversary of GIS Day first hosted by Ralph Nader in 1999 with the purpose of celebrating the success and accomplishments achieved through GIS. Celebrated annually, GIS Day highlights resources and products, provides education about the uses and abilities of GIS, and celebrates the advancements of the past 25 years. NRPC’s GIS Day Event was a celebration of these achievements and an overview of the GIS Program at NRPC.

Visit the SRPC and NRPC websites for more information about GIS and mapping.

A group of people attednding a seminar

GIS Day 2024 audience attendance. Photo courtesy of NRPC.


December 10 and 11, 2024: New Hampshire Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (CCAP) Kick-off Events

December 12: Designing Livable, Affordable, Low-Carbon Communities


Featured Opportunity

FY2025 Water Resources Research Act Funding Opportunities

The New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center (NH WRRC) is accepting applications for water resources related projects for FY2025 (anticipated budget year begins September 1, 2025). Any investigator at an institution of higher learning in New Hampshire is eligible to apply. Please see the 2025 NH WRRC RFP for further details. Note that the federal budget requested (maximum of $30,000 in total direct costs) must be matched by one non-federal dollar for each federal dollar requested. If you plan to submit a proposal, please contact by Monday January 27, 2025 to provide the provisional title, principal investigator(s) and two or three potential technical reviewers with whom you have no conflicts of interest. To be considered for funding, proposals must be submitted to no later than Friday Feb. 7, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.   Please note that federal funding has not yet been appropriated for FY 2025.

The Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership (PREP) has announced their Request for Proposals for 2025-2026 PREPA Grants. Funding for each project ranges from $5,000-$25,000 in scope. Visit the PREP website for more details.

Other Opportunities

Technology Grants

FHWA announces more than $96 million in advanced technology grants to improve safety and reduce travel times. For more information, visit the FHWA website:

Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities

The Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities program is now accepting letters of interest! The program will provide planning assistance to local governments working in partnership with community organizations to help mitigate the effects of urban heat islands in overburdened communities. Learn more about the current round of assistance on the EPA website.


Updating NH's Wildlife Action Plan

The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department is collecting input to inform updates to the State's Wildlife Action Plan. Learn more about the process and take the survey on the NH Fish and Game Department website.

Community and Holiday Happenings


Somersworth Residents: Sign up for the Festival of Lights Competition!

Check out Newmarket’s Merry Mainstreet Events in the Newmarket Newsletter.

Tonight, December 6: 15th Annual Dover Festival of Trees. The Festival of Trees will feature 35 trees and five wreaths elaborately decorated by local businesses and organizations to be auctioned and raffled off. The event will feature live chorus performances, raffles, refreshments, Santa, and more!

Tonight, December 6: Concord Midnight Merriment & Parade of Lights

 Tonight, December 6: The Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce is pleased to kick off the season with the annual Holiday Tree Lighting.

Tonight December 6, and December 7, 8, 14, & 15: Garrison Players Art Center in Rollinsford, NH. A Child's Christmas in Wales: A Play with Music, Snow, Ghosts, and Memories.

Tonight, December 6 and December7 & 8: Sole City Dance Presents: THE NUTCRACKER. 

Tonight, December 6 & December 7, 8, 14, & 15: Garrison Players Art Center in Rollinsford, NH. A Child's Christmas in Wales: A Play with Music, Snow, Ghosts, and Memories.

Tomorrow, December 7:  Friends of the Lee Public Library present a Tree Lighting Ceremony at followed by a Holiday Concert.  

Tomorrow, December 7: Dover Public Library Holiday STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Event. Explore the science side of celebrating the holidays, with fun STEMs highlighting candy canes and gingerbread.

This event is designed for kids aged 4-12 with their caregivers.

No registration is required.

Tomorrow December 7: Somersworth-Berwick Holiday Parade & Block Party

December 8: Durham’s Annual Welcome to Winter Celebration: Frost Fest. Main Street in Downtown Durham. Visit the Durham Recreation website for more information.

December 8 & 15: December’s Jingle Bell Extravaganza at the Children’s Museum of New Hampshire! 


December 10: Durham Public Library hosts their annual Snowflake Social. Visit the Durham Public Library website for more information.

December 12: Dover Holiday Stroll at SEH Studios Art Gallery, 456 Central Ave., Dover, NH 03820.


December 12, 13, & 14: The Farmington and New Durham Recreation Departments present The Lighted Trail at the McCarthy Trail in Farmington. Visit the Farmington Website for more information.

December 20: SELT Winter Solstice Glowstick Hike 

December 21: Rochester Recreation & Arena invites families and skating enthusiasts to experience the festive spirit at this year’s Holiday Public Skate.

December 29: Grand Chanukah Celebration at the Jewish Community Center.



Photo courtesy of Cody Pope  (CC-BY-SA-2.5)

In case you're wondering, the answer to the trivia question is an Opossum

Strafford Regional Planning Commission

150 Wakefield Street, Suite 12

Rochester, NH 03867

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