Industry Roundtable Information


Please find the latest Industry Roundtable recording and links below. Upcoming bimonthly industry roundtable dates: November 14 and 26. Please note the date has been changed to November 26 to accommodate the Thanksgiving holiday.

Freestate Middle Mile Network Updates

The Freestate team has provided preliminary maps of the network. You can find them by going to this link and scrolling down to “Program Information” and clicking on the header “Provider Planning (8.8.24)” and then click on the “8.8.24 Planning Files” button. The .kmz files will be in your download folder.  

Digital Opportunity

DOCK 2.0 (Digital Opportunities to Connect Kansans)

DOCK 2.0 webinar

BEAD (Broadband Equity Access & Deployment) Updates

Website + Additional Resources

BEAD Registration

Don't forget to register!! Portal is linked here.

Questions? Please email

BEAD Project/Technical Application & Webinars

Draft Project Application Checklist (not final)

Website FAQs - Updated 10/31/2024 (updated)

BEAD Office Hours

Register here

Dates will be:

November 7, 2024, from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.

November 21, 2024, from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.

RDOF - Rural Digital Opportunity Fund, FCC Funding Map

NTIA Updates

BEAD State Broadband Office Resource Index


Upcoming bimonthly industry roundtable dates: November 14 and 26.

Meeting link will stay the same.

Thank you!

Kansas Office of Broadband Development

Industry Roundtable 10.31.24 (recording)

Additional Resources



In accordance with NTIA’s BEAD NOFO requirements, KOBD has updated internal communication policies to establish a ‘Quiet Period’ until the end of KOBD’s subgrantee selection process to comply with the BEAD NOFO.

Entities eligible to apply for BEAD such as internet service providers, municipalities, etc. with questions about BEAD programmatically including but not limited to verbal or electronic communications such as text, voice calls, emails, etc. will not be responded to unless they are emailed directly to or brought up during a public BEAD office hour hosted by KOBD.

When emailing, eligible entities can expect a response to appear on KOBD’s website, as a new FAQ response under Resources if one does not already exist.

Questions posed during a public BEAD office hour hosted by KOBD can be directly responded to by KOBD staff during the office hour and responses will be posted on KOBD’s website as a new FAQ response if one does not already exist. No communications will be sent out with a direct response to a question either from KOBD staff or the email address.

Please refer to the BEAD NOFO (page 35):

7. Subgrantee Selection Process

a. General Principles Governing Subgrantee Selection

i. Protecting the Integrity of the Selection Process

In establishing a fair, open, equitable, and competitive selection process, each Eligible Entity must ensure that adequate safeguards are in place to protect the integrity of the competition, including safeguards against collusion, bias, conflicts of interest, arbitrary decisions, and other factors that could undermine confidence in the process.


KOBD is still accepting NDAs. An NDA has been provided from KOBD. Access it here. KOBD is not able to accept redlines.