eNews for the week of December 8, 2024 | |
Adults - The Weary World Rejoices
Sundays through December 22 at 11:30 a.m.
In this season of Advent, you are invited to join us in silent reflection as we sit together in the complexities of life, embracing both joy and sorrow, light and shadows. In these shared moments, we will pray with Scripture, images, and creation as we look for God’s promises already being fulfilled, and anticipate Christ’s coming into the world.
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From Sunday's Sermon: Look for the daffodils blooming among the ashes
Gatlinburg, February 2017
Last Sunday's Sermon >>
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Staff Update
We're happy to report that our Bookkeeper Susie Boyko is back in the office and has caught up on all the outstanding reimbursements. Susie was grateful for all the notes and cards she received.
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ECW Christmas Craft & Bake Sale
Purchase homemade goodies and crafts
| 12/8—The Episcopal Church Women (ECW) will hold their annual Christmas Craft & Bake Sale Sunday December 8 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Please stop by the parish hall before or after the 10:00 a.m. service. The proceeds from our bake/craft sale support our service projects during the year. Login to Realm to contact Kathleen Rinehart if you would like to contribute an item to this event. | |
Feast of St. Nicholas
Sunday at 11:30 a.m. • Room 203
On Sunday, our children's formation classes will celebrate the feast of St Nicholas! Children ages 3 to 5th grade are welcome to join this event taking place in Room 203.
Youth are invited to attend and to help stuff children's shoes with clementines and chocolate coins.
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Youth Group
On Sunday, the youth are invited to attend Lessons and Carols and to participate in the service. Contact Taylor Irwin if you are interested in serving.
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Advent Lessons & Carols
5:00 p.m. with a reception following • cookie decorating will be happening!
| 12/8—The Epiphany Choir, Beginning Choristers, Junior Choir, and Epiphany Ringers will present Advent Lessons & Carols on Sunday at 5:00 p.m. in a liturgy much like Christmas Lessons & Carols made popular in the 20th century by Kings College, Cambridge. The promise of the coming Messiah is told in lessons from the Old and New Testaments interspersed with Advent carols, hymns, and choir anthems. The service takes place in the nave followed by a reception in the Parish Hall. | |
Altar Arrangements & Sanctuary Light Sign Up |
NOTICE: Dates through December 2025 are now LIVE.
Altar Arrangements & the Sanctuary Light can be given in honor of an anniversary, birthday, or in memory of a loved one. Click the button link to reserve dates that have meaning for you.
For Sunday, December 8:
- The Arrangements at the Altar are given to the Glory of God.
- The Sanctuary Light is given to the Glory of God and in memory of Antoinette Lowe Runnion, by Doug Runnion.
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Family Eucharist Service & Service Project
all activities take place in the parish hall
| 12/10— Join us for a Family Eucharist (6:15 p.m.) after choir practice or the Family Service project. Arrive by 6:00 p.m. if you’d like to eat pizza together, or come at 5:00 p.m. to take part in the Family Service Project. | |
Art Ministry
Now showing through December 18
Epiphany’s Art Ministry welcomes paintings and small works by Sherry Cook. Her show in the gallery features Angels from her “Growing Toward God” series. Items from the tables may be taken home when purchased. Hanging items need to remain in place until the close of the show on December 18.
Remember, 25% of all sales benefit Epiphany.
Payment Method: Please sign up on the price sheet then use the QR code to make an online payment or write a check.
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Advent Devotional Booklet from Living Compass
free in the narthex, limited supply
If you are looking for a Advent devotional to read as a spiritual practice during Advent, pick up one of the Living Compass booklets in the gallery: Living Well Through Advent 2024: Practicing Peace with All Your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind.
Prefer a digital practice? A free PDF version is also available at livingcompass.org. You can also sign up to receive a daily email of each reflection for free.
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The Nativities Display
now on view through January 5
In our narthex, 23 nativities are arranged to illustrate the birth story in Luke and in our gallery, 35 nativities are arranged to illustrate the birth story in Matthew. There are scripture and hymn texts that accompany the crèche scenes. This is part of a larger collection that began with a bequest of a collection that was bequeathed to Epiphany in 1995 by Dr. William Lemonds in loving memory of James Lattimer Anderson Belcher.
New This Year: A curated selection of additional nativities from the larger collection have been put on display in the parish hall.
If you’d like to help with taking them down on Monday, January 6, please sign up at epiphany.org/rsvp.
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Ongoing Meetings and Programs |
Week of 12/8/2024
12/9—Epiphany Book Group—2nd Mondays at 7:00 p.m. • location varies
12/10—Men’s Breakfast Group—Tuesdays following the 7:00 a.m. service
12/10—The Episcopal Church Women (ECW)—2nd Tuesdays: This month at 10:30 a.m.
12/10—Choirs for Children & Youth—Tuesdays at 5:00/5:30 p.m. • Music Suite
12/10—Trivia Group—Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. • Wild Heaven in Avondale Estates.
12/11—Epiphany Ringers—Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. • Choir Loft
12/11—Epiphany Choir—Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. • Music Suite
12/11-13—Gateway Center Meal Ministry—meals served 2nd Fridays of the month
12/12—Contemplative Book Group—Thursdays at 11:00 a.m. • Room 201 (rsvp)
12/13—Caregiver Group—2nd Fridays at 11:45 p.m. • Zoom
Upcoming Ongoing Meetings and Programs
12/18—The Munch Bunch—3rd Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m. • Thinking Man Tavern
12/16—Community of Hope’s Circle of Care—Third Monday for December at 6:00 p.m.
1/2—The Grief Pastoral Care Group—1st Thursdays at 12:00 p.m. • Zoom
1/12—Contemplative Practice—2nd Sundays at 4:00 p.m. • Choir Loft
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Eleven households participated in the Advent Wreath Workshop this past Sunday. | |
Dear People of Epiphany,
I am so incredibility grateful for the two formative years I spent with you. I now work for Laura & John Keys' nephew Hendree Harrison all the way up in Kentucky! I wanted to cordially invite you either in person or online to my ordination.
The service will be live-streamed on Good Shepherd Lexington's Facebook page and on YouTube. I look forward to to being with y'all for Peter Waggoner's ordination to the Diaconate the following weekend.
Emily Badgett
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Solar Site Visit
Thursday, December 12 at 9:00 a.m.
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Epiphany’s Earth Guild invites you to join us for a site visit to Oakhurst Presbyterian to learn more about their recent solar installation. With the assistance of Georgia Interfaith Power and Light (GIPL), Oakhurst now has the capacity to produce 20.6 kW of its own power thanks to 51 newly installed solar panels on the congregation’s roof.
These panels are a witness to the church’s work as stewards of Sacred Earth. Following our site visit, we’ll gather for coffee and conversation at Oakview Coffee in Oakhurst.
Please contact Carol Bartlett or the Rev. Carmie McDonald if you have questions and RSVP in Realm if you plan to join us.
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Youth Group visit to Church of the Common Ground
Sunday, December 15 from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
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12/15—The youth group will be attending worship at the church of the Common Ground. This "church without walls" is located downtown and focuses on ministry to unhoused individuals. We will gather after the 10:00 a.m. service at Epiphany to ride together. Worship is at 1:00 p.m., followed by lunch. Please note this is an outdoor event so dress warmly! All are welcome to join.
Learn more about Church of the Common Ground >>
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Christmas Flowers & Music
submit names by Monday, December 16
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Deadline by 12/16—If you would like to make an offering in thanksgiving or memory of someone for Christmas, please fill out the form at epiphany.org/Christmas-flowers-music. From there you can choose to make your donation via online giving, or if you can also mail a check payable to Church of the Epiphany noting Christmas Flowers and/or Christmas Music in the memo line. To be printed in the Christmas Eve bulletins, submissions must be received in the parish office by 9:00 a.m. on Monday, December 16. | |
Emmaus House Seniors
hosted by the Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
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12/19—The ECW we will host a luncheon for the Emmaus House Seniors. This is an annual event and a lot of fun for the seniors and the ECW Members.
Login to Realm to contact Kathleen Rinehart if you would like to help with this event.
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Service of Light
Sunday, December 22 at 6:00 p.m.
in-person & live streamed
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12/22—The Christmas season is a time of joy and expectation but it can also deepen the pain and isolation experienced by those who are grieving. The Service of Light is a worship service with Holy Eucharist meant to speak to the needs of those experiencing grief and loss. It offers a time of prayer and meditation and a reminder that we are not alone. It is is scheduled around the winter solstice (the shortest day and longest night of the calendar year), which occurs around December 21 each year.
This service is hosted by the Grief Group, the Pastoral Care Committee and Community of Hope, all of whom provide care to Epiphany parishioners who would like pastoral support.
The service will also be live-streamed.
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Office & Building Closure
12/24/24 - 1/2/25—The Parish Office will close at noon on Christmas Eve and open again on Thursday, January 2. Outside of worship services, no other or programs will take place during that time.
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The Epiphany Pageant
for all ages
1/5/25—The Annual Epiphany Pageant will take place on Sunday, January 5 during the 10:00 a.m. service.
Children, youth, and adults are invited to participate in the retelling of our Feast Day! Rehearsal will be January 5 at 8:30 a.m. Contact Taylor Irwin with any questions.
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Sacrament of Holy Baptism
for all ages
| 1/12/25—The sacrament of Holy Baptism for adults, infants and children will be administered on on Sunday, January 12, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. Contact the parish office by Monday, December 23 if you or a member of your family desires to be baptized. | |
Contemplative Practice
2nd Sundays at 4:00 p.m. • choir loft
| 1/12—Come gather with us in the Choir Loft at 4:00 p.m. for a time of reflection, meditation instruction, and gathering with others seeking a more grounded way of being in the world. Led by Bobbi Patterson, Elizabeth Ura and Amy Dills-Wright. Contact the Rev. Amy Dills-Wright if you have any questions. | |
Year End Gifts, Reimbursements & Pledging | |
Check your Auto Pay Schedule
For those of you who schedule your pledge payments through online giving via Realm, be sure to check your account to be sure that your online giving is set up to continue in the new year, or will restart with the amount of your annual pledge for the coming year.
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Submit 2024 Reimbursements
Turn in by Monday, December 16
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12/16—If you have expenses that should be reimbursed in this fiscal year, they must be submitted and approved by Monday, December 16. Any expenses submitted after the December 16 will be applied to the 2025 budget.
Click here for the reimbursement form >>
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Year End Gifts & Pledges for 2024
Turn in by Monday, December 16
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Deadline 12/31—Pledges and contributions need to be received at the church or postmarked by December 31, 2024 and stock contributions must be delivered to the church brokerage account by December 31, 2024 to be recorded for 2024. | |
Parishioners are invited to express their gratitude to clergy and staff for their work this year by making an offering online or by check. To give online click the button to give through Realm. To give by check, please list “Staff Christmas” in the memo line. | |
Make a Pledge
Love in Action has been our theme for the 2025 Stewardship Campaign. We want to thank everyone who has made a pledge so far. Your generosity enables us to do all that we do and hope to do at Epiphany.
If you have not yet made your pledge, please consider doing so today as the Vestry will soon complete budget planning based on committed expected income. Pledge cards are available in the narthex and gallery, or you can make your pledge online by clicking the button.
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Holiday Giving & Volunteer Opportunities | |
Gateway Center Monthly Meal
meals served 2nd Friday of the month
| 12/11-13—Volunteers cook in the Epiphany kitchen and then serve the meal at Gateway Shelter on 2nd Fridays. | |
Toy Drive for Emmaus House
bring unwrapped gifts by December 15
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12/15—This Christmas, we have the opportunity to share God’s love with the children and families of Peoplestown. Our donations of unwrapped gifts or gift cards for infants through teenagers can help bring joy to the over 500 children served by Emmaus House. Click the “Toy Drive” button on the home page for the complete list of gifts by ages. Bring unwrapped gifts to Epiphany by December 15. | |
Gift Delivery and Wrapping Party
12/17—Do you love being Santa’s Helper? Join us to transport gifts to Emmaus House and participate in their “wrapping party.” We’ll meet at Epiphany at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday December 17, to gather the presents and then stay for an hour or two to help wrap!
Donations of gift wrap are welcome. To sign up, contact Suzanne Yoder or Marion Curry.
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Gifts for Life
give a gift with lasting impact
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Through Episcopal Relief & Development (ERD), Gifts for Life gives communities all over the world the chance to transform lives. Empower a community in need while honoring a cherished loved one with a gift today. To see all the Gifts for Life options, please click the button. Your gifts are fully tax deductible. | |
Please Make A Note
Our Annual Shoe Drive for the Church of the Common Ground will take place after the first of the year.
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Christmas Services at Epiphany | |
Christmas Eve Services—Tuesday, December 24
All Christmas Eve Services will be live-streamed
12/24—Childcare will be provided in the nursery for children ages 4 and under for the 4:00 p.m. service.
4:00 p.m.—The Celebration of the Nativity of Jesus with a moment for children, music of the season by the Epiphany Children & Youth choirs, and Holy Eucharist.
7:30 p.m.—An extended prelude begins at 7:30 p.m. and will feature the Epiphany Choir, flute, and strings.
8:00 p.m.—The Celebration of the Nativity of Jesus with incense, music of the season, and Festival Eucharist.
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Christmas Day Service—Wednesday, December 25
This service will take place only on Zoom
| Join us at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom to celebrate the birth of Jesus on Christmas morning. Take a moment to pause this day and give thanks for the glorious arrival of the Word incarnate among us. The link for this service will be on the home page. | |
Christmas Lessons & Carols Service—Sunday, December 29
| 12/29—On this festive day, we continue to celebrate the 12 days of Christmas with Christmas Lessons & Carols. Come and continue our gratitude for the birth of Christ in word, music, and Eucharist. | |
For members who are bidding our prayers: Mary Katharine Williamson • Matilda McNeely (daughter of Katie Pedersen) • Judy Jarady • John Wyman • Caitlyn Trautwein • Kathy Corcoran • Marion Curry • Pam Hall • Jerry Wall (husband of Lucy Davidson) • Clove Wroe • Barbara Belcore • Esther Harbert • Veta Smith (mother of Cecilia Democko) • Chris Miller & Ron Hutcheson • Chris Belcore • Brandon Laird • Anne Warner • Kim Boswell • Eric Olson • Francis Lee • Brett Boatright • Laura, John & Sarah Keys • Robin Hairston • Beth Towers • Mary McCall Cash • Wende Crowe • Sally Brockington
For friends and family: Charlton Allen & Family, brother and relatives of Jewel Allen • Eileen Gleman, mother of Lisa Carlson • Libby & Dave Belcher, friends of Larry Wilcox • Clark Weigle • Emanuael Martinez, cousin of Evan & Kaylie Gibbs • Chris Korbesmeyer, sister of Nan Ross • Peggy Brockington, mother of Sally Brockington • Jennifer Olson, daughter of Ruth & Eric Olson • Mike Lunceford, friend of Nancy Thompson • Alice-Marie Schwenkler, friend of Susan Williams • Louise Peters, grandmother of Tristen Webb • Sherri Sharpe, cousin of Terri Lawrence & Julie Ryder • Gary Davis, father of Jeremy Davis • Dave Tipton, brother of Pam Tipton • Isabel, granddaughter of Mike & Beth Towers
For members who desire our continuing prayers: Jewel Allen • Rod MacLeod • Sally McClintock • Chris Miller & Ron Hutcheson • Tom Mundy • Ann Rowles • Pat Spivey • Michael Towers, Jr. • Wayne & Judy Urban • Larry Wilcox • Colleen
For those who have died: Mike Williams, cousin of Paige Howell • Kitty O’Shea, mother of Kathleen Rinehart • John Ballard, friend of the Graves family • Robert Aultman, cousin of Evan & Kaylie Gibbs
For all those serving in the armed forces, especially: Stewart Mundy
For those celebrating anniversaries for the week of 12/8-14: Roberta Long & Bob Ballou • Marion & Mike Curry
For those celebrating birthdays the week of 12/8-14: Quinn Carpentieri • Carol Bartlett • Emily Thompson • Randall Moody • Winnie Stockton • Elizabeth Ura • George Janke
For our Haitian sisters & brothers and the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti.
For racial justice: For the staff and volunteers at Gateway Center and the people they serve seeking access to the basic necessities of housing, health and wellness, and employment.
For our fragile and beautiful Earth: The Whooping Crane.
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Did we miss your anniversary or birthday? Send the full date of your anniversary and/or your date of birth to the parish office so that we can update our records. | | |
The weekly deadline for submission of announcements for the Friday Morning eNews
and the Sunday bulletin is Wednesdays at Noon. Please send your submissions
ready to go to the parish office.
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