September 18, 2024

Important Dates!

Thursday, September 19

All School Mass with Archbishop Thompson

Friday, September 20

Homecoming Football Game & Pep Rally

Saturday, September 21

Homecoming Dance

Tuesday, September 24

Progress Report Night

Tuesday, October 1

Living Rosary

Progress Report Night

Bishop Chatard will host Progress Report Night on Tuesday, September 24 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. All parent-teacher conferences will once again be scheduled via Calendly, and parents will have the option to sign up for either an in-person or virtual (Google Meet) conference. Should you have a concern regarding your son or daughter’s progress, please be sure to sign up for a parent-teacher conference. 

Click the button below to sign up for a conference with a specific teacher.

Conference Sign-Up


Students needing prescription or over-the-counter medications during the school day must keep medication in the nurse's office, and the student must have the appropriate documentation on file.

Please click here for important information on medicines, allergies and immunizations and click here for links to permission forms.

Please contact school nurse Monica Meyer at with any questions.

Kessler Boulevard Closure

Kessler Boulevard will be closing at Allisonville Road for an undetermined time. Please plan for detours and delays during this time.

The Improv Comedy team is BACK for our first improv show of the year! Come out to our Homecoming improv show tomorrow, Thursday, September 19 in the Guyton Theatre at 7:00 p.m. Free admission. Free laughs!

Financial Aid Night - September 24

Financial Aid Night is coming up on Tuesday, September 24 (the same night at Progress Report Night) from 7-8 p.m. in Room 102. Seniors and families are encouraged to attend, but the presentation is open to all who are interested. Experts from INvestEd will share information on college funding options, the financial aid process, and tips for completing the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) on time and accurately. 

INvestEd is an Indiana not-for-profit and has offered FREE help to families for over 40 years. Click here for more information.

Students can learn all about Dance Marathon and how they can help organize this awesome event benefitting the Peyton Manning Children's Hospital at Ascension St. Vincent's. Contact Maria Portman at with questions.

Volunteers & Meals Needed!

Staff Meal - Progress Report Night The Trinity Club will be providing an Italian-themed dinner for staff on Progress Report Night on Tuesday, September 24. Click here to sign-up and please contact Jenny Forsee at with questions.

Living Rosary The Trinity Club is looking for a few non-Senior Class parents to assist with the Living Rosary and reception on Tuesday, October 1 from around 8:15 a.m. until about 10:45 a.m. Please click here and sign up if you are able!

BCHS Alumni Golf Outing Can you volunteer before or at the Alumni Golf Outing in October? We are looking for pre-event help on Friday, October 4 and on-site help at the outing on Monday, October 7 at Highland Country Club. Sign up here! Email Jennifer Priser at for additional information.

Best Buddies T-Shirts

Members of the 2024-25 Best Buddies club can click here to order t-shirts by Friday, September 20th (extended deadline). Shirts are $15. Contact Amy Bultinck at

Mandatory Bowling Team Meeting

There is a Bowling Team meeting scheduled for Monday, September 23 after school in Room 311 to go over rules and expectations for the season. It is mandatory so please try to make it. Any questions please email Coach Miller at

NOTE NEW TIME: Contact Ben Reilly with any questions. Both parents and students are invited to attend.

PSAT & SAT Testing - October 9

All Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors will take the PSAT on Wednesday, October 9. Students must report to their testing location by 7:50 a.m. in school uniform. Please arrive early to give students ample time to get to their testing location on time. Dismissal will be at approximately 10:45 a.m. once testing ends. We cannot stress the importance of bringing a charged student iPad, as the PSAT is now given electronically.

Seniors who have signed up for the school day SAT will report to their testing location by 7:50 a.m. in school uniform. Testing will be completed by approximately 10:45 a.m.

Room assignments and what to bring on test day will be posted on the School Counseling Canvas page. Students will receive an email when this information has been posted, as well as reminders in morning announcements.

Trojan Cafe - Breakfast for Students

Grab and go breakfast is available 20 minutes daily before the bell. There is no cost for free lunch recipients, and there is a nominal fee of $.30 for those that receive reduced lunch. Please have your students take advantage of this opportunity if they are able. 

Employment Opportunities at BCHS

We have several open positions at Bishop Chatard. Click here to learn more, and help spread the word about these exciting opportunities!

Visit the BCHS Spirit Shop for Trojan Gear!

Get ready for the new school year and busy fall sports season with a visit to the Trojan Spirit Shop! Lots of new items to showcase your Trojan Pride are available.

The Spirit Shop is open:

  • Tuesday - Friday on regular school days: Shop hours are 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
  • The online store is open 24/7. Visit now!

Questions? Email Read more about the Spirit Shop here.
5885 Crittenden Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46220
P: 317.251.1451 | F: 317.251.3648