June 2024

Issue No. 167

In This Issue: Sacrificial Anodes for Pumps | Conference Schedule

Unique Solutions

Fighting Severe Corrosion with Sacrificial Anodes

For decades, EPG’s SurePump Sump Drainers have withstood the harshest of liquids found in landfills and industrial applications thanks to standard 304SS construction and optional 316SS designs. Occasionally even the most resilient materials as those succumb to extremely corrosive environments.

One solution? Sacrificial Anodes.

Sacrificial Anodes are often relied upon to protect water heaters, liquid distribution, storage tanks, and boat & ship hulls. Comprised of zinc, magnesium, and aluminum, they come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

This stainless steel pump end suffered catastrophic failure due to a severely corrosive environment.

How Do Sacrificial Anodes Protect Landfill Pumps?

Under specific conditions, corrosion can be diverted to a more preferential material, thus “sacrificing” that material and preserving the other materials. This approach can extend the life of equipment, reduce downtime, and ultimately save you money.

Pictured here is a ball-style Sacrificial Anode custom installation on the inlet end of the replacement pump for the corroded one shown previously.

The materials used to make this anode are more likely to attract corrosion, sparing the stainless steel pump itself. This design also allows you to reload a new anode once depleted.

Can Sacrificial Anodes Be Installed on Existing Landfill Pumps?

In many cases, yes. For example, EPG's Wheeled Sump Drainer with Level Sensor (WSDPT) has a removable level sensor holder standard.

We can manufacture a custom level sensor holder with Sacrificial Anode attached. Simply replace the existing holder and you're good to go.

Call Us at 1-800-443-7426 for more information

or email

Industry Events

List includes events in which both EPG and our Sales Reps

are participating in and is subject to change.

July 21-23 Missouri Waste Control Coalition

Lake of the Ozarks, MO (The Reich Co. Exhibiting)


Aug 19-22 Wyoming SWANA & Recycling Conf.

Casper, WY (The Reich Co. Exhibiting)


Sep 23-25 Colorado SWANA Conference

Breckenridge, CO (The Reich Co Exhibiting)


Oct 1-3 Kansas SWANA Conference

Mulvane, KS (The Reich Co. Exhibiting)


Oct 27 Arizona SWANA Vendor Showcase

Location TBD (The Reich Co Exhibiting)


Oct 28-30 Nebraska SWANA Conference

Kearney, NE (The Reich Co Exhibiting) | 800-443-7426 |
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