The proposed Keiser golf course at New River in Coos County, south of Bandon, is having a hearing before the Coos County Board of Commissioners on Wednesday October 23 at 1:30 PM. ORCA appealed the planning commission approval of the project, and will be providing testimony. There are multiple issues with this proposal, ranging from road and traffic problems to interference with neighboring farm operations. There are also major questions relating to high value farmland, on which golf courses are not allowed at all.
One very large, looming problem concerns water availability in this already water-challenged area. Keiser is proposing some water transfers from rights he already owns in the area, plus a new water right, which he has not yet submitted to the Water Resources Department. The proposed water transfers are very problematic, as ORCA commented to WRD. A new water right is very unlikely to gain approval, given the longstanding water constraints in this watershed. For all these reasons among others, ORCA strongly opposes this golf course proposal.
Click here to submit testimony. All the documents are here.