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Volume 99


The Inside Scoop

Nutrition Counseling

The Student Recreation & Wellness Center's (SRWC) Beach Balance offers FREE Nutrition Counseling throughout the semester to help you lose or maintain your weight with a well-balanced diet! Schedule your appointment from today to Dec. 2! The first appointment may range from 30 to 60 minutes. For more information, visit

Descriptive for Nutrition Counseling.

Movies on the House: "Scream"

Beach Kitch digital promotion flyer for Career Clothing Donations. Description below.

Get into the Halloween spirit by joining Beach Pride Events (BPE) for Movies on the House: Scream! Admission is FREE but students must RSVP through Events & Orgs. There will be opportunities for FREE bingo prizes, such as AMC movie tickets! Check-ins start at 6 p.m. and must arrive by 6:45 p.m. to claim your seat. The movie will start at 7 p.m.! For more information, visit

Esports Tournaments

Gamers, the next tournament is on Oct. 25 for Counter Strike 2! This event is hosted by the USU Games Center and Student Recreation & Wellness Center (SRWC), and check-ins continue to be at 5:30 p.m. so come up with a strategy by 6 p.m.! For more information, visit

Career Clothing Donations

Beach Kitch digital promotion flyer for Career Clothing Donations. Description below.

Stop by anytime at our donation locations to donate your gently used business attire on any days between now til Oct. 7! Career Clothing Donations is a collaborative event by the Laurén Chalmers '83 Beach Pantry and the Beach Kitchen. For more information, visit

Sustain U Outreach Meetings

Sustain U's Outreach Meetings are a great opportunity to voice your concerns on how to make The Beach a greener place. The meeting will be held in USU 303 between the hours of 2 to 3 p.m. on Oct. 2! For more information, visit

Sustain U Outreach Meetings descriptive flyer.

Trash Talkers

Learn about composting and recycling through another Trash Talkers series by Sustain U! This event meets multiple times throughout the semester from 12 to 1 the USU West Patio! Don't forget to bring a friend on Oct. 2For more information, visit

Beach Team

Find out what ASI and Student Government are all about! Join us every Tuesday at USU 205 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. you can stop by to learn about leadership opportunities and volunteer at Beach Team! For more information, visit

Descriptive flayer for Beach Team. Read below for more information.

Weekly Farmers Market

Descriptive flyer for the Weekly Farmer's Market. Read the description below for more information.

Grab your lunch at the Weekly Farmers Market on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.! This market offers a delicious variety of fresh food, drinks and crafts from local vendors at Friendship Walk. For more information, visit


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ASI Communications