NEW IBERIA, La. --- The Shadows-on-the-Teche was recently awarded a Rebirth Grant from the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities to offer a fall lecture series centered on education in Louisiana. For the second of this three-part series, Dr. Sarah Hyde, author of Schooling in the Antebellum South will explore private and public education systems before the Civil War in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama.
The lecture will take place on Sat., Oct. 5, at 11 a.m. at the Shadows Visitor Center (320 E. Main St., New Iberia). A light reception and book signing to follow at 12 p.m. The program is free to attend, but registration is recommended.
Attendees who preorder Dr. Hyde’s book at registration receive a 20% discount. Attendees can register online.
Additional programs in this series:
Nov. 7 at 5:30 p.m. – Education and Preservation to Heal Communities: Leona Tate, one of the first African Americans to attend a white-only school in Louisiana and founder of the Leona Tate Foundation for Change, discusses the integration of New Orleans and the impact of historic preservation on healing communities.
About the Speaker:
Sarah Hyde received her doctorate from Louisiana State University in 2010. Her first book, Schooling in the Antebellum South: The Rise of Public and Private Education in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, was published by LSU Press in 2016. Her most recent book is a work of historical fiction titled Rebel Bayou, co-authored with her husband, Dr. Sam Hyde, and published by the University of Louisiana Press. Sarah is a professor of history at River Parishes Community College and resides in Baton Rouge with her husband and four children.
About Shadows-on-the-Teche:
The Shadows-on-the-Teche, National Trust for Historic Preservation site, opened to the public in 1961 with the mission to preserve the buildings, landscape, collections, and historical integrity of the site; to research and interpret through education programs a 19th century southern Louisiana plantation economy and community and their evolution; and to encourage an appreciation of and interest in historic preservation.
The National Trust for Historic Preservation, which owns and operates the Shadows-on-the-Teche, is a private, non-profit organization. The Shadows does not receive funding from federal, state, parish, or city government. The site supports itself through admissions, special programs and events, and donations to the Friends of the Shadows.
This program is funded under a grant from the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities, the state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Any views, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this program do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
For additional information, contact Jayd Buteaux, Senior Manager of Operations & Marketing, at (337)-369-6446 or at by email.