Dear Colleagues,
It is an understatement that these have been a momentous, challenging few weeks. In the midst of them, the clocks went back by an hour for most of us, throwing us further off any feeling of having a stable base. The days are now rapidly growing short and many schools are commencing celebrations of light that are part of so many cultures around the world. It is deeply comforting to experience light shining into surrounding darkness, a powerful reminder of the courage, strength, and inner light within each one of us - a message for adults just as much as for our children.
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Thank you all for the work you have done, and continue to do, to hold our schools steady through turbulence with a focus on the students who are entrusted to us. We know there were spirited, at times contentious, mock elections and debates with our older students--what an extraordinary time to be teaching modern history, civics, and government–and we have also heard that communities were largely respectful in not bringing political tensions into school life.
The Alliance for Public Waldorf Education is not a political organization and we do not make suggestions or offer guidance to our members on legal and political matters. Our position has consistently been that “we were formed to support public schools seeking to implement principles of public Waldorf education”, with recognition that our schools are public institutions and are required to follow all relevant local, state, and federal laws. Having stated that, we affirm the uniqueness and human rights of every individual and our commitment to supporting and seeking to increase access to an enriched, developmentally-appropriate education for as many students in as many and as diverse settings as possible, in support of those rights. We also seek opportunities to engage in the wider education landscape to provide our perspective and give voice of our experience. We stand firmly on our seven Core Principles ( and have deep trust in our schools, their leaders, and their educators to work out of these Principles with integrity, flexibility, and a willingness to innovate in ways that best serve every individual within each school’s unique needs and funds of knowledge.
I was recently afforded an opportunity to engage in national dialogue through an annual meeting of the Ideal Learning Roundtable; I have been fortunate enough to be a member of the Roundtable since 2017, representing our work in a group that is committed to equity, diversity, and access to high-quality, developmentally-based education for all children. The group was formed by the Trust for Learning and has been in existence for ten years, with annual or bi-annnual convening of its members. During these gatherings, a Waldorf perspective is added to those of Montessori, Reggio Emilia, Tools of the Mind, Friends, Educare, High Scope, Bank Street, and other like-minded approaches. Like the Alliance, the Ideal Learning Roundtable also developed a set of principles. It is active in research, conference presentations, and policy. One recent area of focus has been nature-based learning. Although the emphasis is on the young child, the website has resources that may be helpful to many, including standards alignment, assessment, teacher preparation, and Head Start (an area of particular focus for the Trust for Learning but not yet very active in Waldorf education). (
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This Fall’s convening took place at a conference center outside of Boston, the start of a two-week journey for me. After three days there, I spent a night in Boston then proceeded west to the college town of Amherst for meetings of the Pedagogical Section Council. This group considers the foundations of Waldorf education, undertaking research and publications on various topics. Its emphasis is on the individual teacher working to bring our fundamental principles to life.
My journey then took me north into New Hampshire, where I was able to visit Northeast Woodlands Charter to the north in Conway and Gathering Waters Charter to the southeast in Keene. We will provide a profile of each of these schools in our next edition of this newsletter. I then went north of the border to Toronto in Canada where I participated in the Rudolf Steiner College, Canada, Fall conference, addressing “Navigating the Seas of Uncertainty” with Paul White from the UK. In addition to being warmly welcomed by colleagues as I traveled, I was given a great gift of nature as the trees in the Boston area reached peak color right as I arrived. I was bathed in shades of crimson, red, orange, vermillion, yellow, brown, and green for my entire trip, including a couple of amazing sunrises and sunsets. This was a great gift to my soul, one that will carry me and sustain me into the dark weeks to come.
Without retreating to platitudes, in uncertain times we can be supported and uplifted by the natural world. I wish for time in nature, in whatever form that takes, for every one of you - may your soul also be bathed and your days filled with the hope, imagination, and magic of children.
Warmest wishes,
Liz Beaven
Executive Director
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Annual Alliance Conference
Plan to join us in Los Angeles in January for a not-to-be missed conference. Together, we will explore the universal power and importance of story: story to build community, to strengthen connections, to delight, and to heal. You asked us for inspiration, engagement, nourishment, and practical support. We are developing a different kind of conference that we promise will make a difference with each of these.
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In-Person Early Bird Registration Now Open!
Virtual details and registration coming soon.
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Professional Development and Teacher Preparation | |
Upcoming Professional Development
and Teacher Preparation
Kairos Institute- Emergency Pedagogy- Trauma and Human Development
Nov. 15 & 16, 2024: Online
Kairos Institute- Healing in a World of Need
Fall 2024 & Spring 2025: Online and In-Person
Center for Anthroposophy- Starlight Rays in Darkened Times: Seminars on Contemporary Topics
Fall 2024-Feb. 25: Online, Saturdays 3-4:30 pm ET
Leading with Spirit: Inspiring Professional Development Opportunities for Trustees, Administrators and School Leaders
Oct 2024.-Feb. 2025: Online
Sophia's Hearth: Helping Children Meet the World Through Their Sense of Touch
Nov. 15 & 16, 2024: In-Person, Keene, NH
Eurythmy and Movement for The Young Child- Led by Hellene Brodsky & Mary Ruud
Dec. 5, 2024: Online
Click here for the Zoom link - Meeting ID: 869 5145 3073. Passcode: 471972
WISC- Emergency & Trauma Education
Dec. 6-8, 2024: In-Person, Pasadena, CA
ETP Flyer 2024 Dec.
Sunbridge Institute - Demystifying Class Plays: Middle School and High School Pedagogical Theatre
Dec. 14, 2024: Online
Waldorf Handwork Educators: International Handwork Teacher Development Programs
Jan. 2025: 2-year program: Synchronous Program, Online (live attendance)
Jan. 2025: 2-year program: Hybrid Program, Online (video recordings & live discussions)
Center for Anthroposophy- Mentor Training, Professional Preparation for Seasoned Teachers
Jan. - Nov. 2025: Online & In-Person
Center for Anthroposophy- Waldorf High School Teacher Education Program
Class of 2027 enrolls this summer, July 2025. Online & In-Person
Gradalis Understanding Waldorf Education (UWE) Program
Sept. 2025-April 2026: Online,/
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Public Waldorf is a service mark of the Association of Waldorf Schools
of North America and is used pursuant to a license.
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