November 8, 2024

Essentials of Advanced Composite Fabrication and Repair

New Third Edition!

Advanced composite technology is constantly changing and embracing new developments daily, yet most of the basics needed to successfully design, fabricate, and repair composite structures remain the same. Essentials of Advanced Composite Fabrication and Repair by Louis C. Dorworth and Ginger L Gardiner, works as the perfect introductory textbook for beginners yet is also functional for the composite professional. It teaches the concepts and methods in a simple and straightforward way for a wide array of composite fundamentals, including fiber and matrix selection, molding methods, curing and achieving desired properties, tooling, testing and non-destructive inspection, step-by-step repair instructions and troubleshooting, key environmental, health and safety issues, and much more.

This third edition includes an introduction to nanomaterials in composites, updates terminology, and covers molding methods, adhesive bonding, joining, and fastening. The content also includes advances in matrix technology and fiber reinforcements, as well as tooling, filament winding, and various testing and inspection method improvements.

Based on the authors’ combined 80 years in the industry, this textbook is a compendium of industry information, presented with full-color illustrations and photography. Fabric styles, core types, design guides, detailed industry product information, and more make this book essential for anyone working in composites—from material and process engineers to repair technicians and aviation maintenance technicians. Including a bibliography, glossary, and index, it also serves as the companion textbook to most Abaris Training basic courses.

Hardcover, 8.375 x 10.875 inches inches, 456 pages, color. Cover returns of unused, unsold copies of COMPOSITE2 will be accepted only from distributors through January 31, 2025.

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Essentials of Advanced Composite Fabrication and Repair

Third Edition (Hardcover)


ISBN 978-1-64425-414-1


Essentials of Advanced Composite Fabrication and Repair

Third Edition (eBook PD)


ISBN 978-1-64425-416-5


Essentials of Advanced Composite Fabrication and Repair

Third Edition (eBook EB)


ISBN 978-1-64425-415-8


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Header Image: 1942 Grumman Widgeon owned by Jim Moriarty, photo by Burke Mees, author of

Notes of a Seaplane Instructor and Notes on the Tailwheel Checkout and an Introduction to Ski Flying.