In this Issue:
- News
- Events & Webinars
- Community Resources
- Los Recursos Familial en Español
- Family Resources in English
- Job Opportunities
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Spotlight On:
Plática (Community Chat)
Soluciones para cuidar nuestras emociones //
Solutions to Care for Our Emotions
Martes 18 de junio // Tuesday, June 18
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¿Te interesa cuidar tu salud mental y no sabes por dónde empezar? ¡Únete a un círculo de charlas comunitarias dirigido por uno de nuestros facilitadores de Escucha tus Emociones el 18 de junio!
Plática Tema 1 : Soluciones para Cuidar Nuestras Emociones
Una vez que una emoción ha comenzado, es extremadamente difícil dejar de sentirla. Podemos suprimir emociones, pero no podemos hacerlas desaparecer. Al igual que una olla a presión que explota, las emociones, cuando se suprimen, ganan intensidad y afectan nuestra salud. Lo que uno resiste, finalmente persiste. ¿Pero cómo logramos la calma? Aquí hay 4 pasos prácticos para calmar nuestras emociones.
Dónde: Biblioteca Pública de Mitchell Street
Sala: 205
Capacidad: 12 personas, ¡por favor regístrese usando el link!
Idioma: Esta plática se presentará en español con un facilitador bilingüe ENG/ESP.
Are you interested in taking care of your mental health and don't know where to begin? Join a small talk community talk circle led by one of our Escucha tus Emociones facilitators on June 18th!
Plática (Community chat) Topic 1: Solutions to Care for Our Emotions
Once an emotion has started, it’s extremely difficult to stop feeling it. We can suppress emotions, but we cannot make them disappear. Just like a pressure cooker that explodes, emotions when suppressed gain intensity and affect our health. What one resists, ultimately persists. But how do we achieve calm? Here are 4 practical steps to calm our emotions.
Where: Mitchell Street Public Library
Room: 205
Cost: FREE
Capacity: 12 persons, please register using this link!
Language: This talk will be presented in Spanish with a bilingual ENG/ESP facilitator.
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Pride Month MHA Resources | |
Mental Health America is offering resources for Pride Month, including social media shareables, webinars, blogs, and new articles on mental health’s connection to intersex identities, neuroqueer identities, transmasculinity, misgendering, and polysexuality.
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Discover Wellness Mental Health Awareness Series | |
This spring, community partners around Milwaukee County have been offering a variety of family-friendly events to support mental wellness. Each event, supported by SPF-PFS-19 funding, features rock painting, giveaways, raffles, entry into a drawing for a bike package, and resources. The final event in this series is an Outdoor Movie Night, 5 to 8 p.m. on June 21, at 9229 W. Loomis Rd., Franklin. See you there! | |
My Quit Journey
Tuesday, June 18
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Come learn about the many programs and resources in Milwaukee available to help you or a loved one quit smoking. The program includes a panel discussion with current and former smokers who will share their quit journey. Participants will also have the opportunity to tour the Same Game Different Smokers exhibit. This exhibit explores the troubling relationship the tobacco industry has had with the Black Community over the last 400+ years.
The event will be held from 12 to 2 p.m. on June 18 at Washington Park Branch Library, 2121 N. Sherman Blvd., and is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.
Services provided by the American Heart Association, American Cancer Society, American Lung Association, First Breath Program and Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line will be featured and cessation specialists will be on hand to help you start your quit journey.
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Equity, Inclusion, Justice, and Belonging for Queer and Trans Pacific Islanders (QTPI)
Tuesday, June 18
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In observance of Pride month, the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Behavioral Health Center of Excellence (AANHPI ‘Ohana CoE) will host a free online webinar, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, and Belonging for Queer and Trans Pacific Islanders (QTPI). Dr. Raynald Samoa will lead a discussion on the intersectional identity of Queer and Trans Pacific Islanders (QTPI) and the layered oppression this community faces as well as opportunities to address systemic barriers that disenfranchise QTPI. It will begin at 12:30 p.m. on June 18.
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Celebrating and Elevating AI/AN SMVF: Resources to Access Tribal Behavioral Health
Tuesday, June 18
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American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations have an exemplary tradition of military service and sacrifice, serving at one of the highest rates per capita of any ethnic group. AI/AN Veterans are disproportionately impacted by suicide. A culturally centered comprehensive public health approach is needed to incorporate, respect, and elevate Indigenous Knowledge and build on the strengths of SMVF and their communities. This session will provide an overview of SAMHSA’s National Tribal Behavioral Health Agenda and will describe resources available to promote the mental health and well-being of tribal communities. This session will be held from 1 to 2:30 p.m. on June 18.
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Juneteenth Milwaukee
Jubilee Parade and Celebration
Wednesday, June 19
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Juneteenth, also known as Emancipation Day, is a holiday that commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. The holiday originated in Texas and has been celebrated by African Americans since the late 1800s. Milwaukee’s festivities include a Freedom Ball, scholarships, a concert series, and much more. This year’s Jubilee Parade and Celebration will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Wednesday, June 19.
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Mental Health of Black American Men
Thursday, June 20
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This webinar will highlight aspects of mental health where Black American men appear to be at particular risk of poor outcomes when compared to men of other race/ethnicities. The sources of these disparities and strategies for resilience will be discussed. This presentation, in recognition of Men's Health Month, is intended for anyone wishing to provide care or support to Black American men. This webinar is hosted by the Central East MHTTC and will be held from 11 a.m. to 12 noon on June 20.
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Resilient Leadership in Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health — Webinar Series
Monday, June 24
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In today’s rapidly evolving landscape of infant and early childhood mental health (IECMH), resilient leadership is more crucial than ever. Resilient leadership encompasses the ability to remain calm, clearheaded, and principled despite increasing anxiety and escalating change. Join experts for a transformative two-part training session on “Resilient Leadership,” where participants will explore the essential principles and strategies for thriving in uncertain environments. The second training in this series from NTTAC Mental Health will take place on Monday, June 24, at 9:30 a.m.
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Carol McGruder: Protect Our Health Not Their Profits
Monday, June 24
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Decades ago, the tobacco industry launched a devastating campaign to target the Black community with its products, its primary tool being menthol cigarettes. This sustained attack resulted in profits in the billions and the deaths of millions. Today, tobacco is the leading cause of preventable deaths for Black Americans. Our special guest is Carol McGruder, co-founder of the African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council (AATLC). The AATLC is our country’s leading health education and advocacy organization taking on Big Tobacco. They have sued the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) twice for delaying the adoption of a ban on menthols that could save thousands of lives.
This event will include a presentation on the intersectionality of social justice, health equity and public health policy to save lives, followed by a discussion on the role of the community in countering the deadly tactics of the tobacco industry. Participants will also have the opportunity to tour the Same Game Different Smokers exhibit. This exhibit explores the troubling relationship the tobacco industry has had with the Black Community over the last 400+ years.
The event will be held from 5 to 7:30 p.m. on June 24 at Washington Park Branch Library, 2121 N. Sherman Blvd., and is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.
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Resilience and Thriving:
The Secret Power of Stress
Monday, June 24
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How well do you cope with stress? And can stress ever be good for you?
In this two-hour webinar, participants will be able to:
- Identify the early warning signs of stress, types of stress, and effects of stress
- Understand positive and negative coping styles, plus your personal coping style
- Learn specific skills to cope well with and thrive from stress
It’s organized by Community Advocates Public Policy Institute and will be held from 10 a.m. to 12 noon on June 24.
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Amani Neighborhood Pop-Ups
Tuesday, June 25
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The Amani Stakeholders are planning two pop-up events hosted by the 53206 Drug Free Community Project and Community Advocates Public Policy Institute to help neighborhoods get prepared for a safe and healthy summer. Partners will provide information on programs, community resources, prevention materials, and Narcan training. The next one will be held from 12 to 2 p.m. on June 25 on 27th Street and Center Street. All are welcome. Just show up!
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ECOM Workshop:
LGBTQ+ Services
Wednesday, June 26
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The Empowerment Coalition of Milwaukee (ECOM) is a monthly gathering of social services professionals, advocates, and consumers organized by Community Advocates Public Policy Institute. ECOM explores topics that are vital to Milwaukee’s human services professionals. This month's topic is LGBTQ+ Services, and the session will be held from 9 am to 12 noon on June 26; location TBD. Fee is $5 for light refreshments and materials and can be paid via credit card. Kindly make sure to RSVP by June 21.
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Lunch, Learn and Lead: Non-Partisan Voter Registration, Education, and Turnout Training and Networking Event
Wednesday, June 26
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Milwaukee’s nonprofits have regular contact with thousands of people eligible to vote who are not yet registered. Working together, nonprofits can turn these thousands into educated and engaged voters by integrating nonpartisan voter engagement into their ongoing work. The result will be sustained increases in voting, especially among young people and others with a history of lower participation.
The June 26 Training and Networking Event, sponsored by the Nonprofit Advocacy Network, will provide you with the resources, tools, and contacts you need to begin. Here’s what’s included:
• Lunch: Lunch provided
• Learn: Election year civic engagement strategies, including non-partisan voter registration and Get Out the Vote efforts with a focus on allowable nonpartisan voter engagement for Wisconsin-based 501(c)3 nonprofits
• Lead: Meet experts and nonprofit peers who will share information and resources to help you begin development of your action plan for 2024 Election
It will be held on June 26, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., at United Way Johnson Controls Volunteer Center, 200 W. Pleasant St., Milwaukee.
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-- do you have:
Job openings?
- Upcoming events?
- News to share?
- Suggestions?
Forward the information to
Thank you for your service to Milwaukee!
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2022 Wisconsin DHS Crisis Services Programs Survey Report
To better understand the landscape of crisis services across the state, the Division of Care and Treatment Services surveyed crisis services programs in 2022. This report is for people working at the state and county levels to improve Wisconsin’s crisis services system. It provides a summary of the data collected from all crisis services programs. Download it here.
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Mental Health & LGBTQIA+ Individuals
Access downloadable sample social media posts and graphics featuring SAMHSA resources supporting LGBTQIA+ Mental Health/Salud mental de personas LGBTQIA+. Download them here.
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Los Recursos Familial en Español | |
Salud mental e individuos LGBTQIA+
Acceda a gráficos y publicaciones de muestra de redes sociales descargables que presentan recursos de SAMHSA que apoyan la Salud Mental LGBTQIA+/Salud mental de personas LGBTQIA+. Descárgalas aquí.
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Consumo de alcohol por menores de edad
Aprenda a discutir los hechos sobre el alcohol con los jóvenes de su vida. Descárgalo ahora.
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Healthy MKE
De Milwaukee Health Care Partnership y Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Services, el sitio web Healthy MKE ofrece una única fuente de información para los servicios públicos y privados en el condado de Milwaukee, donde los proveedores y los miembros de la comunidad pueden obtener la información que necesitan para ayudarse a sí mismos o a otros. Accede a ellos aquí.
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Programa de intervención familiar (FIP)
Objetivo del programa de intervención familiar es eliminar importantes barreras que impiden latinos y afroamericanos individuos y familias de buscar servicios de asesoría tradicional. Este programa de manejo de caso intensivo, basado en el hogar, enfoque familiar ofrece servicios de apoyo a las familias que luchan con el impacto de la adicción a la sustancia y la violencia doméstica. Servicios son proporcionados sin costo a la familia. Para obtener más información sobre el programa de intervención familiar, por favor llame a 414-270-4600. Aprende más.
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Family Resources in English | |
Underage Alcohol Consumption
Learn how to discuss the facts about alcohol with the young people in your life. Download it now.
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Positive Options for Women Entering Recovery
Are you worried about your drinking or drug use? You aren’t alone. The Positive Options for Women Entering Recovery (POWER) is here to help. The Milwaukee Women’s Center’s POWER provides FREE day treatment for women struggling with alcohol and other drug issues. Click here to learn more or call 414-270-4600 to get help.
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Family Intervention Program (FIP)
Struggling with drug and alcohol use can make you feel alone. Not being able to find a counselor who understands your unique treatment needs can make things even harder. The Family Intervention Program is a no-cost, bilingual English and Spanish drug and alcohol treatment program specifically designed for Black and Latinx individuals and families in Milwaukee. To learn more about the Milwaukee Women’s Center’s Family Intervention Program, please call 414-270-4600 or click this link.
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