Babies are born with no teeth and are unable to chew. So, their food source has to be easily swallowed. Their digestive system cannot process solid food. This is usually received from their mother’s breast milk. But as they grow, they require more nourishment for health maturity. Thus, in time, teeth grow because their bodies need more than milk.
The same principle can be applied to “babes in Christ.” They need the milk of the Word. Teachings on salvation, baptism, and grace are all part of Christian growth. But for them to become disciples of Christ, more “solid food” is necessary.
Sometimes, the local church makes the mistake of trying to feed solid food to newborn believers. This can cause them to choke and vomit, and thus, they lose their desire for solid food. Another error is that we allow them to continue to drink milk and stun their growth.
But another major problem in the local church is that many Christians think they are grown but are still babies. They have become satisfied with goodies that taste good but have little nutritional value. They have become comfortable and content with their diet but lack spiritual knowledge and interpretation.