New School Weekly Update

September 23 - 27, 2024

Welcome to your weekly source of updates, news, and reminders!

Activity and Event Payments

We're happy to offer convenient online payment options, including Zelle, for parents to cover incidentals like field trips, events, purchases, and more. To help avoid any confusion, please be sure to include details in the memo line about what the payment is for, and if applicable, your child’s name, so we can correctly apply your payment to the appropriate activity.

Adding Contacts to Child Pilot

One of the most frequently asked questions we’ve received lately is about the process for adding new contacts for dropping off or picking up children.

To add an authorized pickup, visit your Child Pilot app and click the + Member button at the top of your screen. You will then see the options to add individuals to your profile. From there, you can add authorized pickups and emergency contacts by completing the necessary information and uploading a photo of each individual. Once added, they will be able to download the Child Pilot app and sign your child(ren) in and out of school.

Spirit Night: Panera

We hope you can join us on Thursday, September 26th, at Panera Bread in Holly Springs for our first Spirit Night of the year! Be sure to place your order between 4 PM and 8 PM so the school receives credit.

25% of sales will be donated to support our playground improvements. Don't forget to download the flyer or use the code provided, and feel free to invite your friends and family!

Safety Announcements

The first month back to school has gone smoothly, and we thank you all for your diligence in following our safety protocols! To further enhance the safety of our students and families, we have a few important announcements to share.

Parking Lots: Please note that we have a strict 5 mph speed limit in both the upper and lower parking lots. To maintain access to our parking areas, we also require parents to drive carefully, accelerate slowly, and avoid sudden turns or erratic driving maneuvers.

Nut-free Policy: We have children in several classrooms with severe allergies. Please be sure not to pack any nuts or tree-nut products in your child's lunch or snacks. Thank you for your help with this!

After-school Pick up: Over the past several weeks, we’ve noticed children in our after-school playground areas who are not on our authorized roster. It appears some families have been signing their children out but still allowing them to play on the playground or in other areas of the school, such as the hill behind the building. While we love providing opportunities for socialization, please note that only children officially enrolled in after-school can be present in any of our playground areas or on school property after their scheduled departure time. This policy is in place due to concerns about ratios, supervision, and accountability.

If you would like to inquire about adding a day of after-school care for your child for a daily fee, please email, and we’ll be happy to accommodate based on available staffing for that day.

Thank you all for your understanding and cooperation with these safety policies! We greatly appreciate your help. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us at if you have any concerns.

New TNS Family Facebook Page

New this year, we're excited to offer our families a private Facebook group where you can stay up-to-date on school reminders and events, as well as connect with other families. If you're on Facebook, we’d love for you to join us!

TNS Family Facebook Group

Have a wonderful week!

Best wishes,


Dates to Remember



Spirit Night: Holly Springs Panera Bread

231 Grand Hill Pl, Holly Springs, 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm



Early Release Day

Click on the Early Release Day on our calendar to view the dismissal times.



Fall Picnic

Please RSVP to let us know if you will be attending



Deadline for Science Night Out Registration

Registration after this date may not be guaranteed a t-shirt or entry



Costume Swap

9 AM to 10:30 AM. Check out the CEC newsletter for more information!



Science Night Out

Details coming soon!

Click here to access our full calendar of Events!

Current Sign-ups and Forms

Fall Picnic RSVP

Please let us know whether or not you will be attending our Fall Picnic

Fall Picnic Volunteer Form

We are still in need of volunteers. Many thanks for your help!

Carpool Volunteer Sign-up

We need volunteers from 8:30-9:00am to help students arriving after carpool.

Lunch Delivery Volunteer Sign-up

Help teachers and staff deliver lunches to each classroom.

My Hot Lunchbox

Avoid the hassle of packing lunches by ordering your child's lunch via My Hot Lunchbox!

Helpful Links

My Hot Lunchbox
School Calendar
Parent Resources
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