Our Senior Minister, Marcus McFaul, returns to the pulpit next Sunday, September 15th. If you have any pastoral care needs, please notify your deacon or another member of the pastoral staff. | |
Make sure you are seeing ALL of the Friday Update!
When you receive the weekly email from Binkley, there's LOTS of great information,
but you may have to look at the bottom of your email message for the words:
"[Message clipped] View entire message".
If you see that message at the bottom of your weekly email, click on the blue "View entire message" and the WHOLE of the Friday Update will suddenly become visible.
If you have questions about this, contact Donna at office@binkleychurch.org, and she will be glad to help you.
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September 8:
Mindful Parenting Class resumes in the Chapel.
At each weeky in person meeting, the class discusses ideas about parenting from current resources. The simple format includes prayer, a brief check-in, a summary of the book or article being shared, and a discussion of prepared questions. Novice and experienced parents and caregivers – all are welcome to share laughter, support, and hope in the journey of parenting.
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September 15:
Mindful Parenting Class meets in the Chapel.
Sojourners Class with Marcus McFaul begins in Fellowship Hall, with a 3-week study of Jim Wallis’s new book, The False White Gospel: Rejecting Christian Nationalism, Reclaiming True Faith, and Refounding Democracy.
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Children & Youth Activities
September 8
Courtyard, 9 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
Worship with Children 11 am
Courtyard @ 9
Doughnuts & Discussion @ 9:45
Worship @ 11
September 15
Courtyard, 9 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
Worship 11 am
Courtyard, 9 am
Donuts and Discussion 9:45 am
Worship 11 am
Youth Group @ 5pm
Contact Amy Armstrong for more information.
Sensory Kits
Neurodiversity recognizes that everyone’s brain works just a little bit differently.
The sensory bags located in a basket outside the sanctuary are created for use by anyone who may find it helpful to have a quiet little something to fidget with while paying attention. If there is a need for more, we will create more.
The red bags are for any age, and the rest are for ages 3+. Help yourself, and please return the bags at the end of worship.
If you have questions about how this can help with attention, please reach out to Amy Armstrong.
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11 am
In-Person and Livestream
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We will livestream the service at 11 am on our website, Facebook, and YouTube. You choose which platform works best for you. After the livestream has ended, you can view the service at your leisure on Facebook or YouTube. | |
Senior Adult Ministry News
All of our events are open to all ages.
Coffee, Tea, Games, Puzzles and Fun!
Wednesday, September 18, 10:00 a.m.
This event is just around the corner! Hope you have it on your calendar!
A time for fun! Feel free to bring a friend, and a favorite puzzle or game to share, although several of each will be provided. Coffee and tea will be ready, and maybe a sweet roll or two! Enjoy this informal time with your Binkley friends, and maybe make a new friend of two. No reservations needed. All of our events are open to all ages.
What Do I Need to Tell My Family?
Wednesday, October 9, 10:30 am, followed by lunch
Lisa Pickett, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Palliative Care at Duke, will lead as we think about things we need to tell our families NOW, in order to reduce their burden at the time of our death. All of our events are open to all ages.
Christmas Sing-Along
Wednesday, December 11, 10:30 a.m., followed by lunch
Expect lots of fun singing traditional Christmas songs, along with good connections with friends, and look for something fun from your Binkley staff!
n winter/spring we'll offer three more events: Tips for Keeping Our Bodies Strong, Caring for Ourselves as We Care for Others, and a more comprehensive focus on end of life issues. Watch the Beacon and Friday Updates for details on all of these events.
Questions or suggestions? Please speak with me, or one of the Planning Team members: Tonya Hamm, Buck Horton, April Kemper, Denise Laux, Craig Meisner, Betty Prioux, Sheryl Scrimsher, Elizabeth Stroop.
Diane Eubanks Hill
Interim Minister with Senior Adults
| It's Coming! September 21st! |
Save the Date!
Wednesday programming is back!
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Grounds Committee Update: Frequently asked Questions
We always appreciate your input and your observations. Here are a few answers to some of your good and caring questions.
Why is there a large pile of debris at the curb on Willow Drive? The Town of Chapel Hill will no longer pick up yard debris because Binkley is considered a “commercial property”. We have explored this change at all the appropriate levels to no avail. Our only options are to haul debris to the landfill on a regular basis or pay for someone to haul it off. Since loading and unloading it is labor intensive, we will have the debris removed commercially several times a year.
Why are the church entrances not cleared of leaves and debris on some Sunday mornings? In the past, there was a volunteer who cleared the entrances on every Saturday. We have not been able to replace that volunteer. Our building manager Mauricio blows off the walks on most Friday mornings which is most appreciated but sometimes things blow and accumulate Sunday morning. Want to volunteer?
Why are there dead shrubs at the front entrance? The summer drought and high temperatures were hard on our landscape. Because our water conservation strategy is to only water new plantings, we lost quite a few mature shrubs this summer. As our budget allows, there will be replacement plantings later.
What’s happening with the storage sheds? Thanks to an Endowment grant, we have been remodeling one shed to add a ramped entrance to store the riding mower inside. The mower has had multiple repair needs due to being stored outside for several years. Thanks to Chon Shoaf’s skill and dedication, the renovation is almost complete. Both sheds will be painted in the months to come. We look forward to taking better care of our mower with this addition. Want to help paint?
What are retention ponds? Binkley has three retention ponds located in the wooded area to the left of the entrance driveway. Also called “rain gardens” or bio-retention ponds, they were added over ten years ago during Binkley’s last major renovation. Required by the Town of Chapel Hill, the ponds are part of storm water management. The grounds committee monitors and maintains the ponds and required sends reports to the Town. Assessment by a professional engineer is required on a regular basis paid out of the grounds budget. You may notice the “ponds” only after a big rain! When working properly they drain within 24 hours.
What is the Landscape Discretionary Fund? A special fund was created some time after our last capital campaign to help fund Binkley landscaping needs. The fund is supported by your donations and often includes special memorials or honorariums. Projects funded have included the beautiful dove sculpture and garden near the fellowship hall, the peace plaza renovations and peace pole, special trees, lighting at the Willow Drive sign and the initial patio and courtyard furniture. Donations are always needed and welcomed by simply noting “Landscape Discretionary” on your check.
How can you help? The Grounds Committee welcomes new members. Being an on-call volunteer is also an option. Please contact Janet ONeal at 919-880-2509 if you would like to help or if you have a special interest. There is work to be done at all skill levels. We need you! All are welcome!!
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Upcoming September Art Exhibit!
The Binkley Art Room Team is delighted to host a watercolor exhibit by former Binkley minister Jim Pike beginning September 15th, with a reception after worship. From nature studies to whimsy to landscapes, these beautiful paintings are a treat for the eyes! Make plans to see this lovely exhibit!
Nursery Co-Coordinator Needed
Childcare is needed in our church setting when families come for Sunday School and 11:00 am Worship.
Generally, our nursery areas host children from infanthood up until they begin Kindergarten (currently we have a higher concentration of toddlers and preschoolers rather than infants).
The Nursery Co-Coordinators also assist in providing care for elementary school age children as well during the Sunday School time. A Nursery Co-Coordinator is a person who is comfortable giving childcare, but their main responsibilities are to guide, and work with the adults in the nursery: parents, volunteers, and Sunday School teachers.
Hours: Approximately 4 hours per week (9:00 am-1pm Sunday)
- 9:00-1:00 Sundays (including time for set-up and clean-up)
- longer on Sundays for special events (if available)
- other periodic special events need child care (if available)
Compensation: $18 per hour; no benefits. Time sheet is turned in on the last or next-to last Sunday each month.
Click here for the full job description.
Contact Amy Armstrong at amy@binkleychurch.org if interested!
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If you are interested in formal Binkley church membership and learning more about Binkley's ministry, vision, history, and places for service here, you are warmly welcomed to attend a one session Inquirer's Class opportunity after church on September 22nd. A catered lunch will be served. Deadline for reservations is Thursday, Sept.19th. Please email Donna Crisp at office@binkleychurch.org, to reserve your spot.
The class is facilitated by our Senior Minister, Marcus McFaul. The session will conclude by 2pm. The next opportunities to formally unite with the congregation will be in worship on Sept. 29th and Oct. 6th.
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September 28 10:00 – 11:30 am Art Room
Join Angie Hutto and others to paint rocks, line envelopes with beautiful paper or other designs, and embellish gift bags with items you love. Register here: https://tinyurl.com/3arsvucu or scan the QR Code below.
Please register by September 26.
Contact Dorothy Pennell at beachwoman2@yahoo.com if you have any questions.
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IFC Community Kitchen Help Needed
Binkley provides volunteers for the IFC Community Kitchen in Carrboro on the 4th Wednesday of the month, at 10 am for lunch and 4 pm for dinner. For a couple of hours, we assist in preparing meals, serving on the food line, and cleaning up. Helping people get fed is meaningful and satisfying.
Each mealtime currently now has three regular volunteers, but those people need to have vacation and sick time off. We are looking for a regular list of substitutes who are willing to fill occasionally. If you have volunteered in the past, or want to try it out, please consider becoming a substitute. Anyone who hasn't volunteered at the new facility needs to register with IFC.
There are registration forms available in the office in the IFC Volunteer box. For more information, call V. Sue Wallace at 919-260-4611, or email at vswallace@yahoo.com.
Approved April 15, 2024
Binkley Baptist Church Council
As members of the Binkley Baptist Church, we are followers of Jesus who embrace spiritual growth, mutual care, and service to our neighbors and God; inviting all who walk through the door or stand on the street with us to join our commitment to peace, justice, and care for creation.
We unequivocally condemn the horrific attack by Hamas militants against Israeli civilians on Saturday, October 7. We also unequivocally condemn the loss of civilian life and suffering, caused by Israel’s retaliatory bombardment and total siege of the Gaza Strip, and any U.S. government support of such action.
Every human life is precious, and we mourn the deaths of Israelis and Palestinians caused by these tragic cycles of violence and retaliation. We acknowledge that the causes of the conflict are complex and historic and are inflamed by outside forces for their own self-interest.
Believing that silence in the face of injustice is complicity, we call for an immediate ceasefire, full humanitarian access, and the return of all hostages. Furthermore, we call on the parties involved to take action to address the underlying causes of the ongoing conflict, with the goal of obtaining a long-term peace for all parties.
Our conviction that peace will prevail on earth, as the scriptures of the great religions of the world have promised, is challenged to find its footing amid such incredible violence and suffering. This is a time for strong moral resolve, spiritual fortitude, and immediate action.
The fob system for accessing (unlocking) the doors at the church has been upgraded this month. If you currently have an old fob it will not work with the new system, unless you already worked with Donna. You will need to turn in your current fob and choose from one of the following options:
- Option #1 Get a New Fob
- Option #2 Set Up Your Mobile Phone to Use In Place of a Fob
Exchanging fobs, setting up mobile access, or getting a new fob will be available during weekday office hours. Please contact Donna Crisp (office@binkleychurch.org) to set up a time to stop by the church.
| Greeters needed! Sign up through THIS LINK or contact Sheryl Scrimsher. |
Palestine Lending Library has moved to the Binkley Library
A multitude of resources are available to expand our horizons, including books, visuals, pamphlets and DVDs. What do we mean by military occupation? Why is the term apartheid being used? How is the environment impacted? Please use the sign-up sheet to sign in and out.
For more information: Mary Lou Leiser Smith mloupwj@nc.rr.com
Our Wider Community
Click the links for more information
Support Binkley Preschool
Click HERE to learn the various ways you can support Binkley preschool through linking loyalty cards, purchasing from specific merchants, and purchasing holiday greenery.
How to be a Trans Ally - Save the Date!
The LGBTQ+ Senior Resource Team sponsored by the Orange County Department on Aging invites you to a powerful and informative program on September 26 (Thursday, 5:30-7:30pm) at the Seymour Center, Chapel Hill.
How to be a Trans Ally will offer a panel discussion exploring we can support our transgender friends and family. The panel will include members of the transgender community and local leaders in medical, legal, and spiritual areas who work with transgender people.
The event is free and open to all. Due to space restrictions, registration is limited. To register, call Seymour Center at 919-968-2070.
Questions? Contact Binkley member Betty Prioux at 919-225-3107.
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Publication Deadlines
Submissions for the October
Newsletter are due by:
September 19
Submissions for the weekly bulletin and Friday Update are due by:
Please read our publicity guidelines before submitting:
Office Hours
The office is open Monday-Friday,
9am - 4pm
Email the office
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The Olin T. Binkley Memorial Baptist Church
919.942.4964 | info@binkleychurch.org | binkleychurch.org
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