Letter from the Principal

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." - Mahatma Gandhi

As a principal, one of the best parts of my day is observing our classrooms in action. Watching our stellar teachers engage students, and seeing our hardworking, kind, independent, and smart students learn and grow, fills me with hope. Even the learning that takes place at recess and the lunchroom—building relationships and working out conflicts—is a hopeful experience to witness. We are all called to embody Christ-like values in our actions and words, both in easy and difficult situations. 

One of the blessings of Catholic schools is our engaged and active parents--that's all of you! As a Catholic school, we are committed to following all necessary training and safety protocols as required by the Seattle Archdiocese. All staff, faculty, and volunteers who work with students are required to complete training through the Safe Environment Program, Virtus. The good news is that the Virtus program has been revamped and is now more accessible. The training can be completed online at home, instead of an in-person 3-hour class, and only requires minimal follow-up once the initial training is complete. A background check is still required and can take up to 3-7 days to process. 

We currently have only 20% of our families registered in Virtus. Going forward, we will only be able to continue in-class volunteer support, class parties, or filed trips with adults who have completed the entire Virtus process. Here is the link to register and begin the Virtus process:

Our goal is:  60%   by:  October 15, 2024

If you have additional questions, you may reach Mrs. Sullivan in the front office.

This is a commitment not only to our students, but to one another. Thank you for all you do.


Mrs. Farewell

From the School Office


  • Grandparent Day! Invite grandparents to join us on Wednesday, October 16th fro mass, a tour of their grandchild's classroom, book fair, and refreshments!
  • Prepare your students for PE! Please ensure that all Preschool through 8th-grade students wear tennis shoes and bring a water bottle.
  • New this year: 7th and 8th graders are required to change into spirit wear shirts and shorts or sweatpants (blue, black, or gray only) for PE.
  • Please note: the domain for all emails has changed for Finalesite. Please save our new address to your contacts <>.


Eleanor the Eagle has been soaring around the school!

Today, second grade took the lead with the most pledge support. Way to go! Previously, Preschool, Pre-K, and third grade (seen in photo) held the top spot. Let’s see the other classes make it to the top!

Jog-a-thon is this WEEK! Friday, September 27th

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

This is the final week to support your students in the Jog-a-thon fundraiser! Check your inbox for an email from 99 Pledges. If you haven’t received one, visit:

Search for your child(ren)'s name under participants and send emails to friends, family, and co-workers to sponsor them.

We're at $6,300 towards our $12K goal, but with only 38% participation.

We need 100% from our St. Pius X community! Each family has a $75 obligation. Instead of getting charged through Finalsite, let others help by sending out sponsorship requests to family, friends, and co-workers to support your student!

Exciting Individual Prizes:

  • 1st Place: Design your own custom Nike sneakers
  • 2nd Place: Fujifilm Instax Camera
  • 3rd Place: $50 Movie Gift Card

And that’s not all—classroom and school prizes are up for grabs too! Questions? Contact Chelsea Meyer-Misko at

Want to get in on the fun? Click the button below to volunteer!


SCRIP Gift Cards are available for almost all your needs!

Gas, Gifting, Groceries, Travel and More! Explore the 750+ brands that are available! Visit our website for more information:

We need SCRIP Volunteers to help out on Sundays after Mass! Please call our office at 425.778.9861 to sign up!

Parent Association News

1 Week Left!

1st Parent Meeting & Potluck

Tuesday, October 1st 

Join us for the first Parent Association meeting of the year! Connect with our school community and get the latest updates from St. Pius X School.

  • Potluck: 5:30 PM – Bring your favorite dish to share!
  • Meeting: 6:00 PM – Stay informed and engaged.

Don’t miss this chance to meet fellow parents, discuss upcoming events, and get involved in your child’s education. We look forward to seeing you there!


Meet our Volunteer Coordinator!

Hi, I am Tina Acevedo, my son Andres is in pre-K’s this year. I wanted to introduce myself as the Volunteer Coordinator. This position is new to me, so please give me some grace as I am learning right along with you!

My goal is to create a simple way for ALL of us parents to connect and complete our volunteer hours for the year. There are plenty of opportunities throughout the year to fulfill all of our hours required.

As a reminder the requirements are as follows:


Two parent families: 20 hours minimum

Single parent family: 10 hour minimum


Two parent families: 40 hours minimum

Single parent family: 20 hours minimum

Preschool families are not required any hours but are much appreciated!!

Please reach out to me via e mail:

Or phone: 206.228.8462. Texting will probably get the quickest response!

When I am not at St. Pius helping out, I work as a hairstylist in Ballard. Therefore I will try my best to return any e-mails/calls/text when my schedule allows. 

Let’s work together to complete all of our volunteer hours this year! Below is a link you can follow to SignUp. This is how we will all be signing up for events and tracking our hours. Sign up online

God Bless, Tina Acevedo

CYO Athletics News

Cross Country Meet this Weekend!

Woodland Park

1000 N 50th St, Seattle, WA 98103

Come support our blended team "More Pius" which includes St. Pius X, St. Thomas More and St. Elizabeth Ann Senton Parish this Sunday September 29, 2024 at 3:15PM!



Registration Now Open  

Interested in playing basketball this winter? 

Register today at: 

Register Early! Registration is open now through October 2nd, 1 month only! 

Register to secure your spot, Spaces are limited. If enough students don't register by the CYO deadline we aren't able to form teams so sign up today!

  • Open to students in grades 4-8 (3rd grade plays in the spring)
  • Practices start in October
  • Games start in November
  • Volunteer coaches wanted!


Calendar Highlights

September 2024

  • Friday, September 27: STPX Fall Jog-a-thon Event 2024
  • Sunday, September 29: STPX Cross Country Meet #2

October 2024

  • Tuesday, October 1: 1st Parent Meeting & Potluck
  • Wednesday, October 9: Fall Open House
  • Wednesday, October 16: Grandparent Day & Scholastic Bookfair

The St. Pius X School's Full 2024-2025 pdf/printable calendar is here or on our website at

Parish & Community News


A Blessed Celebration: Gym Blessing & Banner Reveal

On Sunday, September 15th, Father Miguel started the celebration with a special gym blessing, followed by a banner reveal in honor of Kim and Nanette Villanueva! To top it off, the school choir filled the gym with their beautiful voices right after the blessing.

Ribbon Cutting!

Gym Banner Reveal!

A Blessed Celebration: Classroom & Office Blessings

On Wednesday, September 18th, we were blessed to have Father Miguel visit for the blessing of the classrooms and office! All the staff, faculty, and students enjoyed this special moment with him.

7th Grade Class & Mrs. Poteet

Preschool & Pre-K Class


Catholic Daughters of the Americas Fundraiser

Click on the logo above to visit the Parish website!

Click on the Bulletin above to read the recent publication.







Stay Connected with us & Share!

Connect with us on social media to stay up-to-date on school happenings! Please follow us on:

We look forward to keeping you informed! ✅

St. Pius X Catholic School is a diverse community providing a stellar academic education through Catholic discipleship and service.

Phone: 425.778.9861 | Email:

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