Year 7 Vol. 3 | December 2024

Your Monthly GEAR UP Updates
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December students of the month

Welcome advisors!

Angelica Rios

Angelica has gone from mentor to advisor for the GEAR UP program! Angelica is passionate about education and has shown her dedication time and time again. She is in charge of South Ogden Junior High and TH Bell Junior High!


Becky Sessions

Becky is our newest member of the GEAR UP team, taking on Sunset Junior High! She is a warm, supportive, and endlessly friendly! Welcome to the GEAR UP team, Becky! We're excited to have you here!



Major Quest

Students were invited to learn about majors, minors, and certificates at Weber State University, as well as the programs and resources they offer! Students connected with advisors, faculty, and more, gaining useful insight for their future endeavors in higher education!

Northridge USU Trip

Northridge students were treated to a special visit from former GEAR UP/NHS graduates Wesley Figueroa and Evelyn Saldana who presented to students about different programs at Utah State University and what it takes to become a true Aggie! The Aggie Space Debris is officially our new favorite flavor of ice cream! Thank you to Wesley and Evelyn for visiting your Alma Mater and for being a great resource to all of our students in pursuit of higher education!


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Statewide GEAR UP, Region I | (801) 395-3547 |