President’s Message
The approach to our long-anticipated snowmobile season is seemingly slow. Hopefully, in approximately 60 days, we will be riding the best-groomed trails in the Midwest. We are still anxiously awaiting cold temperatures to freeze the ground and the lakes before the snow comes. We have experienced our first freezing temperatures and snow flurries, but not enough to convince us the season is here. The trails, equipment, and groomer drivers are ready for the season.
Thank you to those who volunteered for our fundraiser and community service project for Clean Boats, Clean Waters at the Found Lake Boat Landing. We were presented with a check in the amount of $4,000 from the Found Lake Association for our 200+ hours of service. A dedicated group of 24 volunteers helped educate boaters about invasive species and how to clean their boats and trailers.
Thanks to all of the volunteers who helped with brushing and cleaning the trails on October 12. What a great turn out! Also, thank you to The Timbers Bar & Grill for hosting the after-brushing celebration and to Spang’s Italian Restaurant for providing the pizzas.
The new 2025 Bo-Boen trail map has been proofed and will be soon available at our advertisers’ businesses. We are grateful to all the businesses and organizations that purchased map ads. Please patronize our supporters; they are an important part of the success of our trail system.
You can click the Calendar of Events link at the end of the Newsletter for upcoming events and opportunities to volunteer and support the trail system. You can also keep up to date on Bo-Boen happenings, snowmobiling, and other events in our area by following our Facebook page and checking our website. Please consider buying a raffle ticket to support the trail grooming efforts. It takes all of us working together to have a great trail system.
Let’s all do our part to keep our trails safe and enjoyable for all by riding our side of the trail. As always, think snow.
Roger Klein, President