November Membership Meeting- Thursday, November 14- Mar-Li's Bar

St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club

November, 2024

Volume 2024-25 | Issue 3



Trail Conditions

President’s Message

The approach to our long-anticipated snowmobile season is seemingly slow. Hopefully, in approximately 60 days, we will be riding the best-groomed trails in the Midwest. We are still anxiously awaiting cold temperatures to freeze the ground and the lakes before the snow comes. We have experienced our first freezing temperatures and snow flurries, but not enough to convince us the season is here. The trails, equipment, and groomer drivers are ready for the season.


Thank you to those who volunteered for our fundraiser and community service project for Clean Boats, Clean Waters at the Found Lake Boat Landing. We were presented with a check in the amount of $4,000 from the Found Lake Association for our 200+ hours of service.  A dedicated group of 24 volunteers helped educate boaters about invasive species and how to clean their boats and trailers.


Thanks to all of the volunteers who helped with brushing and cleaning the trails on October 12. What a great turn out! Also, thank you to The Timbers Bar & Grill for hosting the after-brushing celebration and to Spang’s Italian Restaurant for providing the pizzas.


The new 2025 Bo-Boen trail map has been proofed and will be soon available at our advertisers’ businesses. We are grateful to all the businesses and organizations that purchased map ads. Please patronize our supporters; they are an important part of the success of our trail system.


You can click the Calendar of Events link at the end of the Newsletter for upcoming events and opportunities to volunteer and support the trail system. You can also keep up to date on Bo-Boen happenings, snowmobiling, and other events in our area by following our Facebook page and checking our website. Please consider buying a raffle ticket to support the trail grooming efforts. It takes all of us working together to have a great trail system.


Let’s all do our part to keep our trails safe and enjoyable for all by riding our side of the trail. As always, think snow.

Roger Klein, President

October Membership Meeting

Thank you to Rob, Kaye & the rest of the staff at Fibber's Bar & Restaurant for a delicious dinner and a great evening!

November Membership Meeting

 Thursday, November 14

Mar-Li's Bar


Doors OPEN at 5:45PM**

Cocktails: 6 pm

Dinner Payment Due: 6:45 pm

Dinner: 7 pm

Menu Selection

  • Broasted Chicken with baked potato
  • Pork Loin with baked potato
  • Deep Fried Butterfly Shrimp with baked potato 

The cost is $30/person, and all dinners include salad, vegetable, dessert, tax, and tip. Members are responsible for payment of their reservation whether they attend or not. Make checks payable to Mar-Li's Bar.

**As a reminder, doors don't open until 5:45; please don't arrive before then as the restaurant staff is still setting tables etc. in preparation for the night. Thank you!

Please RSVP before Saturday, November 9 using the below button, or call Shelby Szott at (715) 614.2240. Please contact Shelby immediately if you do not receive an automated email confirming your reservation.

Register Here

Groomer Appreciation

We held our annual Groomer Driver Appreciation Dinner last month to thank our drivers, maintenance crew, support volunteers, and their spouses for their hard work all year long. Not only are they busy during the season, but they are trail brushing, taking care of equipment, submitting reports, and driving our groomers in parades during the off-season. We have an exceptional team!

Our maintenance/brushing crew has also been working hard the last few weeks to get the trails ready for this upcoming season. They take pride in all they do and "They Do This For You". These guys are very good at it. It is a long, drawn-out chore but they stick right to it. After brushing is finished, it will be time to get all of our signs up to specs. A big "Thanks" to the guys who participate in getting this done.

2024 AWSC

Volunteer Groomer of the Year

Congratulations to our Trail Boss, Fred Suchy, on being named the 2024 AWSC Volunteer Groomer of the Year at the AWSC Fall Convention. Did you know that Fred has been grooming trails since 1977?! We are so proud of you, Fred; and grateful for all you do for our Club and the sport of snowmobiling.

Membership Corner

If you have not yet renewed your membership, this will be your last newsletter.

Memberships continue to come in. As of mid-October, we have around 900 renewed and new memberships. If you haven’t yet, please either return the form that was mailed to you, or use our secure membership renewal form online at

Any questions, please let me know. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Ed Siergiej, Membership Chair


Snowmobile Safety Class


After speaking with the DNR, other clubs and many conversations with Roger Klein, we have made the very difficult decision to cancel the Snowmobile Safety Class scheduled for December 7 & 8. There are several other classes being held in Vilas County; therefore, we did not meet the minimum number of students needed for the class. The students that did sign up have been notified and referred to the other scheduled classes.

Many thanks to the instructors and volunteers that had offered their time. After many years of having a very successful program this is a difficult moment.

Peggy Ausloos


Club Brushing Day

Thanks to our great volunteers for coming out for Trail Brushing day! We got a lot accomplished in clearing and preparing the trails for the upcoming season. It was fun to see old friends and make new ones. Thanks to The Timbers Bar & Grill for hosting our party and Spang's Italian Restaurant for the delicious pizza.


Our 2024 brushing day/cleanup is in the books. I would like to take this time to thank all the volunteers who took time out of their busy schedules to get our trails ready for winter. Our maintenance/brushing crew has completed our trails with our tractor and its attachments. Now is the time to go through our trails and check our signing to make sure it is up to date. We are also making sure our grooming equipment is in tip top shape for this upcoming snow season. Hope to see you all on our trails. If you are in the area on Mondays, stop in to say "Hi" at the groomer barn. We start at 8:00 am and are usually done around noon. You are always welcome. Thanks again!


Fred Suchy, Trail Boss


Peggy Ausloos, Found Lake Volunteer Coordinator for the Clean Boats, Clean Water initiative, presented a generous donation to the Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club. Twenty-four Club members spent an impressive 200+ hours helping to educate boaters and fishermen about preventing the spread of invasive species in Found Lake throughout this past summer.

Special thanks to everyone that contributed to this effort!

Club Cash Raffle

RADAR RUN CANCELLED for this season!

Our Club Cash Raffle will be our BIG fundraiser for this season.

Please consider buying a raffle ticket. Tickets are NOW available

at the following club map sponsors until sold out:

Bauer’s Dam

Clearview Supper Club

Fibber’s Bar & Restaurant

Knocker’s Pizza Co.

Mar-Li’s Bar

Premier Powersports & Marine

Rock’s Rent-All

Rustic Manor Motor Lodge

Sister’s Saloon

Sportsman Chalet

St. Germain Sport Marine

St. Germain Rentals/Service

The Timbers Bar & Grill

19th Hole Sports Bar and Grill

Tickets will be available at club dinner/meetings and club events.

Due to Wisconsin gaming laws, we cannot mail tickets. Out of towners to reserve a ticket to purchase, send an email to Francine at

Thank you for your support!

The Apple Dumpling Gang rides to lunch every Wednesday once trails open and conditions are favorable. We meet at the Bo-Boen groomer barn and depart at 9 a.m. We also do an overnight trip in January. 

To get Dumpling Gang details via email, send your email address to Wayne Ax at

Think SNOW!

Wayne Ax, President

Apple Dumpling Gang


A sympathy card was sent to Fred Locher, whose wife passed away. A sympathy card was also sent to Ann Strait, whose husband Don Strait (a long-time Club member and Apple Dumpling) passed away.

Please contact Judy Schell at (715) 542-2321 or when you have information on births, members who are ill or hospitalized, or in need of a bit of cheer, sympathy, or encouragement

Mark Your Calendars

November 5 - Board Meeting

November 14 - Membership Meeting at Mar-Li's Bar

December 3 - Board Meeting

December 12- Membership Meeting at Whitetail Inn

Click here to view the full 2024-25 Calendar of Events

St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club

2024-2025 Officers & Directors

President: Roger Klein

President-Elect: Joe Domenico

Treasurer: Ed Siergiej

Secretary: Roxanne Platz


Bob Strand

Dianne Dieter

Bill Humphrey

John Lindberg

Josh Renkes

Kyle Szott

Past President: Bob “Ozzie” Ausloos

Trail Boss: Fred Suchy