
October 25, 2024

Finding Place Workshop with Dr. Cyndi Parker Saturday!

Cyndi Parker

Church Phone


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Marylou Durett

Rev. Dan Haugh

Taryn Noelle


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Thought for the Week

There are three things I’ve learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin.

Lucy Van Pelt from It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown


SCC Halloween

This week in the Quest

  • Sunday Service: 9:30am
  • Important Dates
  • Pumpkin Carving Canceled!!
  • Upcoming Events
  • Seeking Halloween Candy!
  • Brunch Volunteers Needed for October 27th!
  • Women's Fellowship Meets on October 29th!
  • Sign Up to be an Usher!
  • Confirmation Class Enrollment Is Open!
  • Mission of the Month - DCF!
  • Green Tip for October!
  • Healthy Lamoille Valley Event Oct. 24th!
  • SCC Care Team: How to be a Better Listener
  • Frozen Jr. Tickets
  • Raise the Roof on Homelessness Event November 2nd!
  • Pictures
  • September/October Sermons
  • This Week's Music Selections

Sunday October 27, 2024 9:30AM


Blessing of Costumes

Celebration Service!

Blessing of the Costumes!

Masks are optional at our services at this time. As a congregation, we respect those who choose to wear a mask out of personal concern/safety.


READING Psalms 121 Lay Reader David Roy

ANTHEM "Open Thou Mine Eyes"

READING Judges 4 and 5

MESSAGE "Women of the Book: Deborah" Dr. Cyndi Parker

USHERS Jerrine Gangas and Tracy Wall

Naomi and Ruth

Children's Worship

For this week, the Lesson title is:  Naomi & Ruth, and. the Key Phrase associated with the Lesson is:

Good friends stick together through famine, death, and distance. 

And the Key Bible Verse associated with the Lesson is:

But Ruth said, “Do not press me to leave you or to turn back from following you! Where you go, I will go; where you lodge, I will lodge, your people shall be my people, and your God my God.”

                                                  (Ruth 1:16)

We are in need of Volunteers for Children's Worship and Nursery Care. 

Important Dates

Upcoming Calendar

Saturday, 10/26

9:00-11:00am - Finding Place Workshop with Dr. Cyndi Parker in Fellowship Hall

Sunday, 10/27

9:30am Celebration Service In-person and Livestreamed!

~10:45am Brunch with Dr. Cyndi Parker in Fellowship Hall

Monday, 10/28

Noon AA meeting in Fellowship Hall

5:00-7:30pm Frozen Rehearsal

6:00pm New Member Orientation Meeting via Zoom

Tuesday, 10/29

5:00 pm - Women's Fellowship in Fellowship Hall

7:30 pm AA meeting in Fellowship Hall

Wednesday, 10/30

Noon AA Meeting in Fellowship Hall

5:30 Choir Rehearsal in Choir Loft

Thursday, 10/31 Trick or Treaters at Church and Parsonage

Friday, 11/1 Church Office Closed

9:00am - All Saints Day Service at Riverside Cemetery

12:00 noon - Red Cross Blood Drive in Fellowship Hall


Jerome Bouramia, David McGaughy, Rachel and Rose Stafford on 10/25

Diane Bruns, Madeleine Copeland and Marianne Davis on 10/28

Liam Stowe on 10/29

Winship Leisman on 10/30

Leslie Anderson and Jennifer Bennett on 10/31


Michael & Jena Anthony on 10/26

Johannes and Lynne von Trapp on 10/26

Greg Morrill and Meg Scotti on 11/1

Mark and Linda Fucile on 11/2



Pumpkin Carving Scheduled for Saturday Is Cancelled!!

We apologize for the late notice, but we have to cancel the Pumpkin Carving event planned for Saturday!

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events!

Dr. Cyndi Parker is coming to SCC the weekend of October 26-27.

Blessing of the Costumes Sunday, October 27th during the 9:30 am service.

Copley Woodlands Kids Club Monday October 28th After School

Women's Fellowship Meeting Tuesday October 29th 5:00pm

Trick or Treat at the Church Thursday October 31st 4:30pm on

All Saints Day Service Friday November 1st, 9am at Riverbank Cemetery

Raise The Roof on Homelessness Saturday November 2nd 6pm at Spruce Peak Great Room

Kenyan Mission Presentation Sunday November 3rd 11:00am

A Pastor, Priest, and a Rabbi Walk Into a Bar Thursday November 7th von Trapp Bier Hall 6:30pm

Pumpkin Carving
Halloween Candy

Seeking Halloween Candy!

The Parsonage and Church will be giving out candy on Halloween and we need your help purchasing bags of candy to ensure we have enough to go around. Over the past few years, between 800-1000 children have come through our doors on Halloween. Thank you!

Copley Woodlands

Copley Woodland Kids Club Monday!

We have an exciting Copley Woodlands Kids Club opportunity on Monday October 28th! Molly Gaines is leading the kids in a fun In Costume Fellowship time with the residents of Copley Woodlands, and the plan is to meet at SES for after school pick up, and kids will walk up the hill to the Woodlands, and parent pickup will be at 4:30 pm at the Woodlands! 

If you would like to sign up/ RSVP you can email Taryn at:

Dr. Cyndi Parker

Women's Fellowship: Welcome brunch for Dr. Cyndi Parker!

Dan has asked the Women's Fellowship to put on a brunch for our guest Dr. Cyndi Parker on Sunday, October 27th immediately following church service. 

Womens Fellowship

Women's Fellowship Meeting on October 29th!

Hi ladies of Stowe Community Church,

Please join us on Tuesday October 29th at 5:00pm for a monthly Women's Fellowship meeting in the Fellowship Hall. If you are able, please bring a small appetizer OR beverage to share. This is a time to gather and socialize, as well as hear about some up and coming activities.

Additionally, we will have a guest joining us briefly for the first part of the meeting to share about an opportunity regarding something called the Enneagram


Sign Up To Be An Usher!

Interested in being an usher? We are always looking for people willing to help at our 9:30 Celebration services! It's a good way to get know folks and be a vital part of Stowe Community Church! Thanks for helping!

Sign Up Here!

Childrens Worship

"Our Kids Sparkle"!

If you want to see the magic, volunteer to assist Taryn with Sunday School.

Contact Taryn at


Mission of the Month - DCF

Our October mission moment during our October 20th Sunday Service will be DCF in Morrisville. Here is detail about the organization. We just completed a backpack, lunch box and school supply for them and will be focusing our fall efforts on preparing to support them during the Christmas season with gifts for children. 

Join us in welcoming Andrea Burton and Jodi Hess from the Department of Children and Families in Morrisville. The Department of Children and Family Services mission is to foster the healthy development, safety, well-being and self-sufficiency of Vermonters. They provide benefits, services and support to some

200,000 Vermonters every year including children, youth, families, older Vermonters, and people with disabilities. Today’s mission moment will focus on the Morrisville location and the work they do there.


Green Team Logo

Green Tip of the Month!

In August I listed 12 things you can do to curb your carbon footprint. “Eat more vegetables” made the list.  You might be asking if your mom snuck that one in. Why more veg? Well it’s really code for “Eat less meat and dairy.” Heresy you cry! And I agree, in part. As a Vermont resident, I could never tell you to stop eating Cabot cheese or to stop drinking Mansfield Dairy milk! But I might suggest that you consider less meat, the red kind in particular. Cattle, when raised humanely, require a lot of land, water, and energy and as such, they produce the greatest agricultural greenhouse gas emissions. Learn more about the link between your food and climate change at


HLV Logo

Healthy Lamoille Valley Event October 24th!

Please join us! I'm excited to share with you that Healthy Lamoille Valley's Fall Community event is on Thursday, October 24th and I think it might be of interest to you! We all support prevention everyday without even knowing it. This event provides us the opportunity to identify and connect those efforts towards a healthy community. Please spread the word. 

It also provides the opportunity to show the youth in the room that adults in the community care about the issues that are important to them.  

To learn more or RSVP at: Join us! Fall Community Event! | Healthy Lamoille Valley I hope to see you there.

SCC Care Team

From the SCC Care Team!

Eight Simple Ways To Be a Better Listener:

1. Pay attention by being a good listener to what others are saying. Always be seen as fully engaged in what is being said. Use all your senses when being an active listener. Be present and in the moment.

2. Use positive body language by leaning forward and express curiosity in what is being said. This will make you a better active listener and make you open and more receptive to what is being said. Your facial expressions also convey that you are listening such as: smiling or showing concern.

3. Avoid interrupting the speaker. This shows a sign of disrespect. In this case, the speaker may feel frustrated, hurried or unimportant. Which may cause them to lose track of what they are saying. Be polite and wait your turn.

4. Asking questions is one of the best ways to show you are interested. Ask questions about the topic they are talking about. By doing this, you will be considered a good conversationalist.

5. Though sometimes, counterintuitive, in certain circumstances all that may be needed is to listen, smile or nod. 

6. Remember and follow up on what the speaker said in your prior conversation. This shows them your are a caring and good listener.

7. Keep confidential information confidential, this will ensure to your speaker that you are trustworthy and sensitive with shared information.

8. Maintain continual eye contact. This will let your speaker know that what they are saying has value.

Final Thoughts

By listening attentively, a connection will be added with anyone in your life. You can build better, more honest, and deeper relationships by simply being present, paying attention, and asking questions that make the speaker feel like what they have to say, matters.


Frozen Jr Tickets Available!

December 5th - 8th

At the Church

Dec. 5th-7th 7:00pm

Dec. 8th 2:00pm

Purchase Tickets

Raise the Roof

Raise the Roof on November 2nd!

Join The Lamoille Community House for their 4th Annual fundraising event, Raise the Roof to End Homelessness on Saturday November 2nd! The event starts at 6pm.


This year, we'll be at Spruce Peak's Great Room! The event will feature:

·        Live music by Ali T., Danny and the Parts, and Mal Maïz!

·        A silent auction

·        Delicious food from a variety of eateries

·        A cash bar (one free drink ticket comes with your ticket to the event)


We are celebrating and fundraising for:

·        Having opened our new year-round shelter

·        Creating a sense of wellbeing for our shelter guests by providing new programming

·        Meeting people's basic needs every day of the year

·        Working towards ending homelessness in the state of Vermont

·        A sense of community for everyone to enjoy!

Venue Information

Spruce Peak

7412 Mountain Road

Stowe, VT 05672


Tickets can be purchased at :

or visit the website at:

Thank You to SCC from Kenya

Kenyan Mission Presentation November 3rd!

The Kenyan Mission Trip Team would like to invite you to a presentation on our work in Kenya with Pastor Ouma this past July. Be prepared for an exciting visual, auditory journey through Kenya while you enjoy small bites of typical Kenyan foods.


We will present a slide show with fabulous pictures of our work with vulnerable children and their caregivers. Our narrative will share the story of the courageous widows, all of whom are HIV positive, and their journey to stability. We will also discuss the welfare of the children, some of whom are full orphans, others who are from very fragile family systems. You will be so excited to see how the generous donations of our congregations were spent, from the wonderful friends and family at St. John’s in the Mountains and Stowe Community Church. Finally, our group will share how the bonds of faith and fellowship grew during our time on Safari and in the Masai communities.


Please join us for a wonderful presentation and coffee hour following our 9:30 Celebration Service on November 3rd!


·        Karen Monsen

·        Philip and Anne Bongiorno

·        Cynthia and Andy Rodman

Pastor Priest Rabbi


Seeking photos of SCC

We're always looking for photos to include in the Quest! If you take some SCC-related photos, please send them to either Marylou ( or Greg Morrill (

Last Week

(Thanks to Jim Peterman, Greg Morrill, and Nancy Jeffries-Dwyer for the pictures!)


We're In The News!!

WCAX Steeple
ABC22 Steeple

September/October Sermons

September 8, 2024

September 15, 2024

September 22, 2024

September 29, 2024

October 6, 2024

October 13, 2024

October 20, 2024

Psalm 23 Sermon Series

You can find past sermons on the Stowe Community Church YouTube channel. Go to YouTube and search on Stowe Community Church.

Musical Selections

A wonderful piece by John Rutter, "We Will Sing With the Spirit!" As I've mentioned before, Rutter's music can leave you humming the tune! Our Choir will be doing another piece by Rutter this Sunday!

Rachmaninov is not well known for choral works, but here is probably his best-known work "Bogoroditse Devo" sung by the Tenebrae Chorus.

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