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Direct Support Professionals Deserve Our Thanks | |
| | Last month, The Arc of New Jersey and The Arc of Union County had the pleasure of celebrating Direct Support Professional Recognition Week. This annual celebration is an opportunity to pause and show appreciation for the incredible DSP workforce that does so much to support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. DSPs wear so many hats. At times, they are teachers, friends and confidants. Other times they are the bridge that allows individuals to succeed safely in the community. And sometimes they are the cheerleader pushing someone to reach their full potential. But no matter what role they are playing in a person's life, their importance can never be underestimated and should never be diminished or forgotten. When The Arc of NJ was formed by families 75 years ago, the need for services in the community became clear. Our DSPs are as critical today as they were then. I hope you carry your DSP appreciation beyond the Recognition Week. They deserve our thanks now, and always.
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Thomas Baffuto
Executive Director
Pictured above is Wendy Yosco, Chief of Staff at the Division of Developmental Disabilities, with The Arc of NJ's Executive Director Tom Baffuto, The Arc of Union's Executive Director Edwin Asuta, board members from the Chapter and Direct Support Professionals. To read the proclamation from the Governor in honor of DSP Recognition Week, click here.
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GOTV Guide Ready for Download Ahead of Election Day | |
| | The Arc of NJ works hard to ensure the rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and that includes the ability to make your voice heard by voting. Voting is an essential way to participate in our democracy. To help individuals with IDD and their families understand the voting process and to learn more about how to cast a ballot, we are proud to present out annual Get Out the Vote Guide for 2024. This Election Day, New Jersey residents will not only cast a ballot for a new president of the United States, they will also send a new US Senator to Washington. With this in mind, we encourage you to use this Guide as a helpful reference as we head toward November. It includes insightful pieces from self-advocates and a family member on why it's important to vote, and offers candidate policy stances on critical disability issues. Also, don't forget to visit our Get Out the Vote website, www.gotvnj.org, for useful resources and links that can help you find your polling location or the steps you need to register.
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The Arc to Host Healthcare Symposium in October | |
The Arc of New Jersey is excited to announce a one-day conference focusing on training and education for current and future healthcare professionals to better understand and meet the health and medical needs of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The 2024 Beverly Roberts Memorial Healthcare Symposium will take place on Tuesday, October 15 at the New Jersey Law Center in New Brunswick. The event will be offered in a hybrid format, allowing attendees to participate in person or virtually. For additional details, please click the flyer.
If you have questions related to event, email Connor Griffin, Director of Health Care Advocacy, at healthcareadvocacy@arcnj.org.
To register for the event, click here.
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The Arc of New Jersey Recognized by
State Senate in Honor of 75th Anniversary
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The Arc of New Jersey, along with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their family members, were recognized by the State Senate last month in honor of our organization's 75th anniversary. Representatives from The Arc of NJ were presented with a ceremonial resolution by Senate President Scutari, Senate Majority Leader Ruiz and Senate Minority Leader Bucco, to celebrate this important occasion.
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Criminal Justice Advocacy Program Participates in Panel Focused on Bias and Discrimination | |
Nearly 100 invited guests—comprised of law enforcement officials, social service employees, faith leaders, educational administrators, community leaders and members— learned about efforts made by the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office and its collaborators to address bias and discrimination of all kinds. A series of speakers followed by four separate panels described the partnerships, trainings, initiatives, and services that exist, with a focus on the Atlantic County Safe Place law enforcement initiative, interfaith relations, immigrant populations, and the special needs community. To continue reading, click here.
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Chapters Host Events Throughout September | |
Chapters of The Arc throughout the State held community events during the month of September. Pictured top left is The Arc of Cumberland's 20th Annual Walkathon which took place on September 15, at Parvin State Park. Pictured is Kevin Walsh, The Arc of Cumberland Executive Director Jackie Steiner, and The Arc of NJ's Associate Executive Director Celine Fortin. Top right is The Arc of NJ's Assistant Executive Director Michael Prendergast (center) at of The Arc of Camden's Dennis Riley Annual Golf Tournament on September 13, at Valleybrook Country Club. Pictured bottom right is The Arc of NJ's Executive Director Tom Baffuto with representatives from The Arc of Bergen and Passaic Counties at their Cocktail Reception at Preakness Hills Country Club in Wayne.
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The Arc of NJ congratulates all of the Chapters on their wonderful events! | |
Pictured above is The Arc of NJ's Associate Executive Director at two events hosted by The Arc of Warren. Left is the grand opening of The Hive by The Arc of Warren County Day Program and right is the grand opening of the Jonestown Road Community Living Home. Congrats to The Arc of Warren on both occasions. | |
Founding Executive Director of The Boggs Center Retires
The career of Dr. Deborah Spitalnik was celebrated last month at a retirement party at The Palace in Somerset. Leadership from The Arc of NJ were on hand to congratulate Dr. Spitalnik who is leaving the Boggs Center after a 41-year career. We wish Dr. Spitalnik all the best in whatever she tackles next.
Pictured left to right is The Arc of NJ's Associate Executive Director Celine Fortin, Deborah Spitalnik, and The Arc of NJ's Executive Director Tom Baffuto.
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It's Not Too Late to Support The Arc of New Jersey | |
Thank you to everyone who supported The Arc of New Jersey through our 75th Anniversary Gala and Ad Journal. The funds raised enable us to make tremendous progress as we continue to grow and expand our advocacy and support services for people with IDD and their families.
But the need still exists. From now until December 31, 2024, The Arc of New Jersey's 75th Anniversary Campaign is looking to raise $75,000 to support our information, resources and advocacy for individuals with IDD and their families. Your donation, no matter the size, will contribute greatly to our ability to help the increasing numbers of individuals and families who call upon us for assistance. Click here to donate today and thank you for your support!
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Upcoming Webinars with the
NJ Self-Advocacy Project
Stay Healthy at Home webinars and Healthy Lifestyles Project LIVE! events are hosted throughout the month by the New Jersey Self-Advocacy Project. Registration links for Stay Healthy at Home can be found here. This webinar series covers a variety of topics related to advocacy, life skills, employment, and civic engagement. Sessions are designed to be accessible to self-advocates, parents, and support staff. Live viewers can share comments, ask questions, and access resources. Live transcription is available. Healthy Lifestyles Project LIVE! events can be found here. This interactive series of events is hosted by the NJ Self-Advocacy Project and focuses on activities to promote health and wellness education for students and adults with IDD. Live viewers will be able to share comments, ask questions, and participate in activities led by professionals in real time.
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Upcoming In-Person & Virtual Events
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Check out what's happening this month or visit our calendar to see upcoming virtual and in-person events.
Wednesday, October 9, at 6:30 pm - Guardianship and Durable Power of Attorney
Friday, October 11, at 10 am - In-person Tour with KACH (Keep Achieving Program) at Brookdale Community College
Wednesday, October 16, at 6 pm - Navigating the New Way of Seeking Employment Called Reverse Job Fair
Wednesday, October 16, at 1 pm: Fireside Chat with Alex Encarnacion Assistant Director, Office of Constituent Affairs (DCF) & Staff
Wednesday, October 16 at 1 pm: Children's Advocacy: Interview with Dana Catapano, NJ 211 System Updates
Thursday, October 17, at 10 am - New Opportunities under Medicaid to Support Young People in Correctional Systems
Monday, October 21 at 6:30 pm - Medicaid Monday - The Arc of Essex
Monday, October 28, at 12 pm - Children's Advocacy: Community Spotlight with The Arc of Essex County
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