Friday Newsletter

October 4, 2024

This Sunday

10 am: Youth-Led Worship Service & World Communion Sunday w/ Peace Offering

11:15 am: Coffee Hour w/ Beignets & Pina Coladas

11:30 am: Presbyterian Beliefs Class

5:00 pm: Art Festival Set Up

This Sunday is World Wide Communion Sunday and also the Sunday we receive our Peace and Global Witness Offering. Twenty-five percent of this offering stays here at Westminster for a local mission, and this year's offering will be going to our youth group so that through their mission projects they can continue to grow in their faith as they "Sow their Seeds of Peace". Would you rather give online? Go here.

Looking Ahead

September 22-October 27 @ 11:30 am: Presbyterian Beliefs Class

October 5 @ 12 pm: Car caravan w/ Citizenship in Oregon

October 6 @ 10 am: Youth Sunday and Peace & Global Witness Offering

October 10-13: Festival of Fine Arts

October 14 @ 6 pm: Women's Night Out at Marco Polo

October 15 @ 5:30 pm: Town Hall Forum

October 20: Pancake Breakfast & Stewardship Kick-Off

Access the full church calendar here. To add or correct something, please email


Check out the fall calendar for Infant-5th grade to see what's happening. For more detailed info about the structure of Sunday morning Infant-5th grade programming, see here.

Sign up to help out with Sunday mornings here.

Or maybe you'd rather help with youth group? Sign up here.

Talk to Vik ( with any questions or to get Child Protection Certified.

Festival of Fine Arts is next week! Gather some friends, plan to attend one of the special events, or just come browse the curated offerings and see if anything catches your eye. Check out the schedule of events and open hours here.

Join us for Swedish Pancakes

Mark Your Calendars! On the morning of October 20 we will be serving a Swedish pancake breakfast and kicking off this year's stewardship drive. Stay tuned for more details.

Sincerely, Your Stewardship Committee

Looking for musicians!

We are looking for musicians who would like to offer their musical gifts on worship team. This could be playing acoustic/electric guitar, vocals, piano, drums, or another solo instrument to add musical color. If you have been interested in making music in worship this way, please reach out to Ariana Recher:

The Stephen Ministry Team would like to expand! If you are a person who likes to spend time with people, listen to others’ stories, and offer caring concern and support, then consider becoming a Stephen Minister. Being a Stephen Minister is one way to reach out to people who are going through difficult and painful times. It is also a way we can individually carry out our mission of We Welcome, We Serve, We Grow. If you want to learn more about being a Stephen Minister, talk to anyone on the Stephen Ministry Team, (those of us with the blue name tags), or check out the resources on the table

below the bulletin board in Boulder Hall.


We are looking at doing a Trunk or Treat again this year safely in the upper parking lot on SUNDAY OCTOBER 27th from 5-6:30 PM. We would have host cars arrive at 4:45 to get set up. If you are willing and interested in hosting a car this year, please let us know via email ASAP (!


On Sunday mornings, please remember to leave the handicapped parking spaces for those who need to be close due to mobility issues. In addition, if you arrive early, please consider the Winola lot (next to the Scout Lodge) so the closer parking is available for those who are running late. You can get your steps in!!!


A big thank you to the tech team! The sanctuary now has a new amp which will help with sound!


For the family and friends of Pauline Mather, who passed away this week.

For LeAnn Goodenberger, who is starting treatment for a new cancer diagnosis, and for her family.

In the Community

Our friends at Citizenship in Oregon, Ciudadania en Oregon, based at Temple Beth Sholom have extended an invitation for Westminster Presbyterian Church to participate in the 2024 Car Caravan to visibly support the right to vote, and the defense of all of our civil and human rights. Pastor Kelly will provide the mid-caravan reflection at the WWII memorial at the Oregon Capital that afternoon. Contact Michele Hare, Outreach for Social Justice (MPEJ), and/or Vik Schaaf, Youth Director, to join and for more information.

Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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