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Friday Snippets

Medication Administration and First Aid/CPR Specials

2 & 3 Hour Professional Development Classes for October and November

Selected MSDE Tuesday Tibit Articles

  • 2024 Annual Basic Health and Safety Update
  • ENGOUGH Grant Program Deadlines

Medication Administration and First Aid /CPR Specials

If you need certification for medication administration AND

first aid/CPR this is the discount for you!

2 & 3 Hour Professional Development Classes for October and November

We've launched a new program for accumulating professional development hours. Each month, there will be at least one 2-hour instructor-led Zoom class, along with frequent discount coupons to help defray costs. For those who prefer online self-paced classes, be sure to watch for these too; they will also feature frequent discount offers.

Avoid the last-minute rush to complete your annual professional development credits. With our new monthly program, you can earn them gradually and avoid the stress of meeting deadlines at the eleventh hour.

NOTE: Click on the coupon for coupon information and click on the class for class details.

Select Instructor-Led Classes:

From Tantrums to Triumphs: Equipping Preschoolers with Self-Regulation Skills

Select Online Self-Paced Classes:

Selected MSDE Tuesday Tidbits Articles (October 15, 2024)

Available Now: 2024 Basic Health and Safety Annual Update Training

The 2024 Annual Basic Health and Safety Update Training is available now on the MSDE CANVAS webpage. This training meets the regulations for the annual health and safety training, as required by the office, by the end of each 12-month period.

The training must be completed by all child care staff and family child care providers by December 31, 2024. All newly approved family child care providers and staff hired from October to December 2024 must complete the training by March 31, 2025. This training is also recommended for child care substitutes and volunteers.

The training qualifies for Core of Knowledge/Hours: Health, Safety, and Nutrition/1.5, and it is a 90-minute training. Upon successful completion of the training, the system will produce a “Certificate of Participation.” Please download and save the certificate to email to your licensing specialist.

Check out this flyer to learn how to access the Basic Health and Safety Annual Update. You can also find the training using the below link.

Access the Course

ENOUGH Grant Program: Apply for Partnership Development Funding

The funding opportunity from the Governor’s Office of Children (GOC) – the ENOUGH Grant Program – continues to accept applications for the Partnership Development Track. The ENOUGH (Engaging Neighborhoods, Organizations, Unions, Governments, and Households) Grant Program fights poverty and builds strong support systems, uniting sectors like education, health, workforce, housing, and safety.

In the Partnership Development Track of the ENOUGH Grant Program, grantees will develop a formal partnership network to conduct a place-based initiative around a shared vision for their community’s success.

Applications are due November 1, 2024. Visit the GOC website or the ENOUGH Learning Hub for application support, including live and pre-recorded webinars.

ChildCareEd Training Center

Phone: 1.833.2TEACH1 (1.833.283-2241) |

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