The 2024 Annual Basic Health and Safety Update Training is available now on the MSDE CANVAS webpage. This training meets the regulations for the annual health and safety training, as required by the office, by the end of each 12-month period.
The training must be completed by all child care staff and family child care providers by December 31, 2024. All newly approved family child care providers and staff hired from October to December 2024 must complete the training by March 31, 2025. This training is also recommended for child care substitutes and volunteers.
The training qualifies for Core of Knowledge/Hours: Health, Safety, and Nutrition/1.5, and it is a 90-minute training. Upon successful completion of the training, the system will produce a “Certificate of Participation.” Please download and save the certificate to email to your licensing specialist.
Check out this flyer to learn how to access the Basic Health and Safety Annual Update. You can also find the training using the below link.