It’s our goal to make this newsletter as accessible as possible. please email us if you are having difficulties or to share suggestions for improvement so that we can be read by everyone!
Este boletín tiene ahora una versión en español. Si usted o alguien que conoce habla español y puede beneficiarse de recibirlo, envíenos un correo electrónico para hacérnoslo saber.
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Hey there, Nelson!
Welcome to RIPIN's Self-Directed Support Program's December newsletter!
The goal of the Self-Directed Support Program (SDSP) at RIPIN is to guide families and individuals in navigating the systems and supports available to them when they choose self-direction. Sharing information in this newsletter is one of the many ways we do this.
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In this month's newsletter, you can:
- Reflect on our November 8th Self-Directed Support Conference with us.
- Watch the recording of our Partner Showcase Webinar from October.
- Review some of our webinars from the past.
- Register for our last webinar of 2024, our Peer Mentor Panel with Advocates in Action, on December 3rd!
- Take a look ahead with our 2025 Calendar!
- Look back on 2024 with our year-in-review.
- Share your 2025 goals with us!
- Explore some unique gift ideas for your loved ones this holiday season.
- Find out what our partners are up to this month.
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Our Self-Directed Support Conference | |
The Self-Directed Support Team would again like to thank all the families, consumers, professionals, presenters, exhibitors, and RIPIN staff who participated in this amazingly hopeful and energizing day.
Attendees chose from 12 informative panels or interactive presentations across three different sessions throughout the day, engaging in discussions around employment, information from the Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities, and Hospitals (BHDDH), a community activity guide, self-directed staffing, supported decision-making, goods and services, and blended services. They also heard from a peer mentor panel with Advocates in Action during lunch. Many of those in attendance visited our 15 exhibitor tables with representatives from Rhode Island's fiscal intermediaries, state agencies, support brokers, and advocacy organizations.
We appreciate everyone's efforts, enthusiasm, and willingness to share their experiences, which reminds us of the importance of our work and the power of our consumers’ voices.
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Stay tuned for information on a conference in 2025! | |
Review Previously Recorded Webinars | |
We have been building up a library of our previously recorded webinars on our webpage.
Check out the many topics and resources we have covered and shared with the community. They are full of important information and cover a wide variety of useful topics related to Self-Direction.
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Register for Our December Webinar | |
Join RIPIN and Advocates in Action for a web-based panel featuring peer mentors. Learn about self-directed peer mentor training and listen as they share their experiences! | |
Look out for the links to register for these events soon! | |
RIPIN's Self-Directed Support Program had an amazing and busy year!
Take a look back with us:
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We hosted a "Community Connections" virtual focus group for feedback about what families, caregivers, professionals, and participants in self-direction need to feel supported in their professional and...we'll be bringing it back next year! This session was not recorded to foster a safe space to share feelings freely.
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Photo: Bilingual Support Navigator, Olga Hulse, and her daughter, Shelby at the dinner dance.
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We hosted two in-person events for our "Self-Direction Connection." One was for Parents, caregivers, and supporters of those who self-direct, and one was for participants who self-direct with their DSPs or family members who support them.
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The RIPIN Self-Directed Support Program celebrated its first year!
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Our "On the Rhode with Self-Direction" tour kicks off at the Warwick and Peace Dale Libraries.
The Link with Your Community guidebook is released on the RIPIN website.
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The "On the Rhode with Self-Direction" tour bus stopped at the Barrington Public Library.
We updated our webinar with information on Employment Supports with new and current information for 2024.
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- For the first time, a Spanish version of this newsletter, "El Navegador" was created and emailed to our Spanish-speaking families and participants.
We visited our final stop for "On the Rhode with Self-Direction" at Central Falls High School.
The team presented our interactive webinar on "Natural Supports"!
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On November 8th, we hosted our first Self-Directed Support Conference at the Crowne Plaza in Warwick. It was great to connect and share information with the self-directed community!
Photo: The SDSP team at the conference: From left to right: Olga Hulse, Bilingual Support Navigator; Jane DeMelo, Support Navigator; Laura McGreevy, Support Navigator; Sharon Kochan, Program Manager; and Susan Donovan, Program Director.
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Do you need some unique gift ideas?
Need to get organized?
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We will be starting a new feature in this newsletter where we ask a question for you to email us with your answers. Some of these answers will be shared in the newsletter that comes out the next month! | |
Our question for the January issue is:
What are your goals for the new year?
Many people make new goals to focus on meeting in the new year. You may call them “resolutions,” as well. Share with us a goal you want to achieve in the next year!
Email us using the link or at with your answer to this question!
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Updates From Our Partners | |
Each month we share updates, information, and upcoming events from our partners below: | |
Advocates in Action is getting ready for the 2025 Leadership Series!
The Leadership Series is an in-depth learning experience on Zoom that's user-friendly, interactive, informative, and fun!
Class members learn to speak up for themselves, navigate the DD System, connect with the community, and live life on their own terms, just like everyone else does!
The Series is designed primarily for individuals who have an I/DD, live in RI, and are at least 18 years old.
Family members, staff, and friends who will be supporting a class member are also welcome to apply.
The application will go live the first week of December, and applications are due by January 17.
For more information, and to apply, visit the Leadership Series page on AinA’s web site.
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Paul V. Sherlock Center on Disabilities
In December, Sherlock has the following event:
Work Pays! An Introduction to Youth SSI Work Incentives
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
12:00 -1:00 pm
On Zoom
Register for this event!
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We look forward to sharing more self-directed news with you in December! | |
Founded in 1991, RIPIN is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that helps thousands of Rhode Islanders each year with health care, special education, and healthy aging. RIPIN uses a model of peer professional support—more than three-fourths of RIPIN’s staff are caregivers of a loved one with special health care or special education needs. For more information about RIPIN and its mission, please visit the organization's website at | | | | |