Sage-ing Times
Editorial Team
Thérèse Bourgeois, CSL
Service in Community Team Co-Lead
Anne Boynton, CSL
Marketing and Communications Team,
SI Emeritus Executive Circle
Penny Clark, CSL
Marketing and Communications
Team Leader
Nancy Hutter
Service in Community Team
Katie Lieberman, CSL
Co-chair, Sage-ing International
Anna Wisehart
Sage-ing Times Design
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In This Issue
Sage-ing Times Welcome
Anne Boynton, CSL
Marketing and Communications Team,
SI Emeritus Executive Circle
Making Empathy a Way of Life
Mary McKenzie, M.A.
CEO and Founder, NVC Academy
What My Damaged Eye Teaches Me About Peacefulness
Heather Plett
Founder of Centre for Holding Space
Story...Our Aging Superpower
Christina Baldwin
SI Council of Honored Sages
Book Reviews
Inspirational Links
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Sage-ing Times Welcome
Anne Boynton, CSL
Marketing and Communications Team
SI Emeritus Executive Circle
The Editorial Team of Sage-ing Times began preparing Volume 6 knowing that the outcome of the US Election would be foremost in our minds. We thought about authors who could write about ways to “talk to each other” and to communicate with others respectfully and non-violently.
For each of our issues, we have focused on one of the Qualities of Sages in Service. Although this is not a peaceful time in our lives, our country or the world, we chose Peacefulness as the theme for this issue.
Peacefulness - Practicing inner calm that can come from a sense of gratitude, we speak and act in non-violent ways. Pursuing peaceful solutions to conflict, we respect and promote justice in relationships.
Our intention with this issue is to share the words of our authors, books, and other resources that will be supportive and useful as we face the future. We include articles on peace, gratitude, resilience, and perseverance. We have included resources with constructive examples of practices that have worked in the world over time, and in the present. There are many who are bringing light, awareness and inspiration during these stressful times, and we share some of that work in this November issue.
Despite the challenges and all that may be yet to come, we are reminded of the healing power of nature. As we approach the seasons of winter in the northern hemisphere and summer in the southern hemisphere, we can take comfort in the words of Rachel Carson, “There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature—the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.”
Kamala reminds us in the words she spoke on November 6, “we will continue to wage this fight in the voting booth, in the courts and in the public square. And we will also wage it in quieter ways: in how we live our lives by treating one another with kindness and respect, by looking in the face of a stranger and seeing a neighbor, by always using our strength to lift people up, to fight for the dignity that all people deserve.”
Being in community with others is where we will find our strength. It may not always be easy, but learning to engage in conversation by really listening, and responding with intention is a start. Next week in the United States, many of us will join with our families and friends to give thanks and experience gratitude for the blessings we have. As this year comes to a close, we can focus on what we can do to bring as much Peace into our lives as possible. It is a choice we can make, and hopefully the resources
in this issue of Sage-ing Times will shine some light on how you can make peacefullness possible in your life.
With gratitude,
Anne Boynton
Sage-ing® International Emeritus Circle
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Making Empathy a Way of Life
Mary McKenzie, M.A.,
CEO and Founder, NVC Academy
We’re in the throes of dealing with such differing views of where we are as a country and where we are going. We have just witnessed our Presidential election and are in the aftermath of that election now. Combined with world affairs, war and global warming of our earth, we are seeing a level of despair higher than I ever remember experiencing.
As a result, the level of blaming others, judgments, dis-ease, and lack of trust that I experience or hear about every day is at an all-time high. I think there’s so much fear that we’ve begun lashing out at others, and rage is either visible or ever lurking.
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Qualities of Sages in Service |
In February of 2012 the Sage-ing International Service Team asked themselves, “What do we mean when we say service?"
They took the time to observe what it means to be an elder in their families and communities, and through their authentic, organic collaboration defined ten Qualities of Sages in Service.
For over a decade these qualities have guided us in our Sage-ing work and have been woven into the fabric of Sage-ing International.
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What My Damaged Eye Teaches Me About Practicing Peacefulness
Heather Plett
Founder of Centre for Holding Space
Practicing peacefulness is the theme I’ve been invited to write about. Ironically, at this moment, when I sit down to write about peacefulness, I am feeling the opposite of peaceful.
My mind has already visited a hundred places this morning, and none of those places feel like the kind of metaphorical peaceful garden I would like to have permanent residence in. I’ve been cycling through anxiety, frustration, discouragement, and self-doubt – almost everything other than peace.
Story...Our Aging Superpower
Christina Baldwin
SI Council of Honored Sages
Human beings are the only species that loves or hates, welcomes or rejects, determines good or evil, even goes to war or makes peace based on the power of story alone. When story comes into the room, an alchemical reaction occurs that is unique to our kind. We are swayed by the word, especially swayed by story.
From the first guttural utterances of early Homo Sapiens, we are a species that specializes in language. Humanity is currently speaking in 7400 tongues, and the core of every one of these languages is narrative. Words are how we think; stories are how we link. Story is both enemy and ally, a power, once unleashed, that takes on a life of its own.
The misuse of story has ruptured the social fabric of our country, dividing families and communities. But story is a power that resides in every one of us. This is a time when sages who want to contribute to the betterment of life around us, must grab hold of story like a lightning bolt and use it as our aging superpower.
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The Beekeeper's Question
by Christina Baldwin
Reviewed by Anne Boynton, CSL
Marketing and Communications Team,
SI Emeritus Executive Circle
I just finished reading Christina Baldwin’s new book, The Beekeeper’s Question, and share Carol Scott-Kassner’s reflections after reading this capitvating story. We both had tears in our eyes as we finished the story, and Carol’s words capture beautifully the essence of this exceptional book.
“The Beekeeper's Question is a book for our times. Although set in rural Montana during WWII, themes we still struggle with today reveal themselves throughout the book. Baldwin infuses her compelling story with deep love, healing, and community that ring true in current times. Threads of spiritual truths from the Blackfeet tribe of Montana, the Christian tradition, and the Gaelic tradition weave the story together, calling us to where we need to go as a human race.”
Prepare to be enchanted by Christina’s beautiful telling of the story of three elders, Leo, Doc, and Josie, who find ways to protect, guide and learn from the younger generations whom they love. There is comfort in how Christina sheds light and hope on the challenges that have been and continue to be part of our human condition.
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Sage Warrior
by Valerie Kaur
Reviewed by Thérèse Bourgeois, CSL
Service in Community Team Co-Lead
Valarie Kaur addresses these 3 questions in her book:
- How do we find the wisdom to envision a new world and the courage to fight for it?
- How do we survive seemingly apocalyptic times?
- In a world on fire, how do we find love and joy?
We are not the first to ask these questions—in fact, seeking answers to them forged one of the world's great wisdom traditions. In a time riven by caste, conquest, and cruelty, Sikhs blazed the path of the sant sipahi, the sage warrior. The sage radiates love and Oneness; the warrior activates that ethical power to fight for humanity. These energies empowered the first Sikhs to survive near-annihilation in South Asia nearly half a millennium ago. The sage warrior is the essential archetype for our time of turmoil—one we can all embody to cultivate our souls and transform the world.”
What this book shows us is that it is possible to stand up for integrity, fairness, and equality even when it looks impossible to do so. We live in a time where autocratic repressive governments are taking over all over the world, demonstrated by the recent US election. As the world enters a dark period in its history, this book shines a light on being a sage warrior as a means to fight against this darkness.
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The Art of Holding Space
by Heather Plett
Reviewed by Penny Clark, CSL
Marketing and Communications Team Co-Lead
Agitated by the events of November 6, 2024, I intentionally turned to listen to Heather Plett's calming narration of her book The Art of Holding Space. In the listening, I began holding space for myself. Heather's book guides one to learn to “face the discomfort with tenderness, to soothe your activated nervous system, navigate the liminal space with courage, develop healthy boundaries, and hold all of your emotions without shaming yourself for having them." (Centre for Holding Space)
Not only do you learn how to hold space for yourself, but you learn how to hold space for others. Holding space is the practice of compassionately witnessing, accepting, and supporting someone without judgement, while retaining your boundaries and sense of self.
In a world where many of us feel disconnected or disempowered or having difficulty understanding or communicating with others who hold differing positions, The Art of Holding Space is a roadmap, a companion and guide. You will find insightful and practical guidance highlighted by the author’s personal experience and professional path. Visit the Centre for Holding Space a wonderful resource offering connection, a range of courses, podcasts, and newsletters.
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How do you remain peaceful when having difficult conversations? Check out the following programs for ideas:
Elders Action Network Building Bridges program
Center for Nonviolent Communication
Centre for Holding Space
Worried about polictical divisions in the United States and beyond? The articles linked below offer suggestions for using the common bonds of humanity to connect with strangers of differing ideologies.
One Small Step Initiative
The Necessity of Superficial Bonds
Struggling to find inner peace? Check out one or more of these resources:
Gratitude Practice
Mindfulness Meditation
Indigenous Poetry
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Why Volunteer with Sage-ing International?
If you would like to connect (and work) with like-minded and like-hearted people, have we got a place for you to call home! We are a 99% volunteer organization that touches 4,000 people globally. Volunteering is a great opportunity to use your talents and develop new skills as you get to know more of us within the Sage-ing Community. We need people in marketing, fund-raising, graphic design, web development, social media, community outreach, and so much more.
Please visit our website, to see a listing of teams that would welcome you and contact the Team Lead for more information. Time commitments are flexible. And, you can also attend the free Intro to Sage-ing webinar.
Tuesday, December 3rd
11:00 am - 1:00 pm ET
Tuesday, January 21st
1:00 - 2:30 pm ET
| Check out the November Bulletin for more events. | | |
We Would Love to
Hear From You!
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Share your photos, poetry, book recommendations, thoughts, questions, and opinions with us. We welcome dialogue about topics that relate to your conscious aging journey and enjoy incorporating member contributions into our newsletter.
Email your photos, poetry, and article responses to
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