Dear colleagues,
As we move into the fall quarter, I’m pleased to share a few highlights and upcoming activities that are relevant to our core facilities.
First, we’d like to give a warm welcome to the new Chief Administrative Officer of the Genome Center, Kyle Summers, who started on October 1st. Kyle brings a wealth of experience from his previous roles in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, and we’re excited to have him on board as he steps into the shoes of Ernie, who will be sticking around for a period of time to ensure a smooth transition.
Second, I’m pleased to announce that Dr. Jean Challacombe has accepted our offer to be the new Director of the Bioinformatics Core. Dr. Jessie Li, who has served as Interim Bioinformatics Core Director for the past three years, has decided to focus on her other contributions to the core, and we are deeply grateful for her outstanding leadership and service. Jessie will continue her valuable work in the core, while we finalize Jean’s appointment, with her anticipated start in January 2025.
On the infrastructure side, we are discussing plans for the future of our HPC computing resources and exploring the best ways to support the needs of the Genome Center cores and everyone in the GC. We are also in discussions about acquiring instrumentation for hybridization-based spatial transcriptomics, so please let me or the DNA Core know if this is of interest to your work.
We’re also excited about the upcoming Halloween Symposium—thanks to Jeannette Martins, Oliver Fiehn, and the metabolomics group for taking the lead. We have broadened the type of presentations to include short videos, and we encourage everyone to participate in the festivities, costumes, and all!
Thanks to all of you for your hard work and continued contributions to our vibrant core facilities community. We look forward to seeing you at upcoming events.
Blake Meyers
Director, UC Davis Genome Center