National Eucharistic Pilgrimage This Weekend!

Hello St. Alphonsus,


Be a part of an historic event!!

Join the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage as they make their stop at St. Alphonsus this Friday, June 28th. Dive more deeply into the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus ❤️ 

Come experience this historic Eucharistic event as the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage officially makes its way through Chicago on its way to Indianapolis for the Eucharistic Congress in July.

After a brief welcome, the Pilgrimage event will feature the celebration of Mass, a Eucharistic Procession around the block, and returning into the church. There one of the Perpetual Pilgrims will share his testimony before the Rite of Solemn Benediction. Following the liturgy, we will have social time on the veranda outside and in the Athenaeum next door where free food will be available with live music. This Eucharistic Pilgrimage Mass and Procession is an amazing opportunity for healing and grace! 

Please take public transportation or car pool if possible! Parking will be limited. During the time of the Procession, the adjacent streets around the parish of Oakdale/Wellington/Greenview will be closed to traffic from 7:15-9 PM as part of the procession. In the event of inclement weather, the procession will take place inside the Church.

A HUGE THANK YOU in advance to all of our amazing volunteers for helping out with this event. We could not have this event without YOU!

Learn more about all of the Chicago events during the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage here

Register for any of the Chicago events here

There are many events happening around the Chicago area and suburbs this weekend, but all are especially invited on Saturday, June 29 to Mission of Our Lady of the Angels, 3808 W. Iowa St. from 10 AM – 2 PM. as they will host a block party with food, fun and games! The event will include preaching, witness talks and Eucharistic Adoration throughout.

****A plenary indulgence has been granted for all National Eucharistic Pilgrimage event participants -- “It is with gratitude to the Holy Father that we receive his papal blessing upon the participants in the National Eucharistic Congress, and for the opportunity for Catholics in our country to obtain a plenary indulgence by participating in the events of the Eucharistic Revival.” - Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Click here to learn more about the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage  

Celebrate Sunday Mass at St. Alphonsus!

This Sunday's Gospel tells of two stories of healing, where Jesus heals a woman afflicted with a hemorrhage and raises Jairus's daughter from death. In each story, the request for healing is itself a courageous act of faith.

During the pandemic, liturgies were streamed virtually in efforts to reach the faithful unable to worship in person. However this Gospel shows exactly why this was never optimal. The synagogue official begs Jesus to come and “lay hands” on his daughter, knowing that this is the only way for her to survive. He doesn’t ask for Jesus’ good thoughts or approving gaze. He knows that isn’t what is needed.

In the Gospels, Jesus saves people chiefly through his own touch because he wants to show us — you and me, sitting in the pews — something very important about how we are saved. Grace might not be something we can see with our eyes, but it is very much something that is transmitted physically. Jesus has a human body for a reason. He needs to touch people.

Daily prayer keeps you in good relationship with the LORD, and yourself.

Invite your friends/loved ones to Mass! Sunday Mass schedule is at 9 AM, 11 AM, and 5 PM in English. Mass in Spanish is at 12:30 PM.

Mass Readings for Thirteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time

June 30 Parish Bulletin

This Sunday, all parishes will take up a special collection for Peter's Pence, which supports the work of the Universal Church, the Holy See, and the charitable works of Pope Francis. Take this opportunity to be a sign of mercy to our suffering brothers and sisters. Thank you for your generosity.

Our Knights of Columbus will have their monthly meeting in the rectory dining room this Monday, July 1 at 7 PM. If you are interested in joining our parish KoC, please contact parishioner Ray San Agustin.

Our parish wishes everyone a wonderful and safe Independence Day holiday! Please note that daily Mass on Thursday, July 4 will be at 9 AM, rather than the usual 8:30 AM timeframe.

Men's Group- Thursday Evenings  

St. Alphonsus Men’s Group meets Thursday nights to pray the liturgy of the hours, have fellowship, and to propose challenging topics to discuss. 

We meet every Thursday night at 7 PM in the rectory. Food and drinks provided. All men are welcome, with most men being in their 20s and 30s. Access can be gained at the west facing rectory door in the parking lot. For questions or more information, contact us here!

Our St. Alphonsus Men’s Group is hosting a Holy Hour of silent adoration on Friday, July 5, from 7:30—8:30 PM in the church.

All parishioners are invited to be in the presence of our Lord during this hour, and confessions will also be heard.

Lectio Series- Salvation  

Monday evenings at 7 PM

Every Sunday we confess that Jesus "for our Salvation came down from Heaven." But have you ever wondered what this means? We explore these and related questions using the FORMED Lectio series on Salvation. 

To sign up, costs, location, or for other questions, please contact pastoral associate, Brooks Robinson, MDiv, MTS 

Walking With Purpose  

Women's Group on Tuesday mornings and evenings

9:30 AM—11 AM or 6:30-8 PM

Come as you are. You are welcome here. Make authentic connections with other women! Refuel and Refresh! Learn more about God!  

In a world where women are measured by their beauty, achievements, and possessions, wouldn’t it be nice to find a place where you could just be valued for who you are? Living in the Father’s Love will lead you to that safe place where you are unconditionally loved, baggage and all. 

This brief but powerful summer Bible study, through July 16, is the ideal way to revive and refresh yourself. Discover just how much God loves us and how the gospels are deeply relevant to our relationship with God and with those we love. Questions? Contact Susan Combes 


Young Adult Ministry

St. Alphonsus has a vibrant young adult community! Be sure to check out our Facebook page for service opportunities and other future events!

Visit our Linktree

Sippin Social Happy Hour- Sunday, June 30 on Rooftop after 5 PM Mass

Join us after the 5 PM Mass this Sunday, June 30th for some drinks and socialization on the St. Al's rooftop! Invite some friends to come and stop by! Some of us will meet at the back of church to walk up to the rooftop together.

YAM Independence Day Rooftop Social!

Come join St. Al’s YAM on Thursday July 4th from 3 PM to 8 PM as we have a fun 4th of July party on St. Al’s rectory rooftop. Enjoy the great weather, fantastic views of the Chicago skyline and great time meeting new friends. This event will be a “stock the bar” theme. To gain admittance, please bring a beverage you enjoy (alcoholic or not - beer, seltzers, wine, soda, or soda water) to enjoy and leave behind to help us stock our YAM drink supply for future events. There will be a small grill to cook up some brats/burgers as well! Contact our Social team coordinators for any questions!

Theology on Tap This Summer! More details in our upcoming July newsletter!

Weekly Philosophy Forum meetings continue every Tuesday at 7 PM.

Visit our website for the readings and more info!

"Honor the Lord with your substance and with the first fruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine." (Proverbs 3: 9-10)

What Does It Mean To Give First Fruits?

If you would like to learn more about living a stewardship way of life, please visit our section on giving on our website, or contact a member of our parish stewardship team by calling the rectory at 773-525-0709 or by emailing parish Director of Operations Daniel Szymanski.

Thank you and God bless you!

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