We cannot wait to see you at Ladies' Night Out 2024 Wednesday, October 23rd!

Purchase Tickets Here!

Not only can you purchase tickets through the link, but you can purchase a table, take out an ad in the journal, sponsor an Outreach Recipient or make a donation.

And stay tuned for our On-Line Silent Auction*

Items Include:

Designer Handbags


Event Tickets and Outings

And More!

*winners need not be present to bid on and win items

All contributions are tax deductable (except $60 per Ladies’ Night Out ticket). The Manhasset Women’s Coalition Against Breast Cancer is a Section 501 (c) (3) charitable organization. MWCABC is an all-volunteer, charitable organization whose mission is to fund innovative research, increase awareness through education and provide support services to those with breast cancer and related diseases.

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