Oct 1 - Tuition Due (considered late after the 5th)
Oct 3 - NO SCHOOL (LCPS Holiday)
Oct 4 - NO SCHOOL (LSPS Student Holiday)
Oct 6 - Blessing of Animals (Church, 4PM)
Oct 14 - NO SCHOOL, Indigenous Peoples' Day
Oct 16 - Fall Festival (5-7PM, outside/preschool)
Oct 16 - Spirit Night (at Habit Burger)
Oct 16 - Fall Festival (5-7PM, Outside/Preschool)
Oct 16-17 - Fire Truck Visits
Oct 18 - Fall Festival (evening, 5-7PM)
Oct 22 - POPS Meeting (7:30PM in the preschool)
Oct 28 & 29 - Halloween Parades
Oct 30 & 31 - NO SCHOOL (Student Holiday)
Music and Movement Minutes
Music: Hi Preschool families - I can't wait to get started with music class this year! Music is such a wonderful way for your kids to learn fine and gross motor skills, listening and language skills, creativity, communication, and community. We will be learning to use our voices (to sing!), our bodies (to dance!), and props (like instruments!) to create art and music together. We had so much fun last year, and I'm looking forward to another fun- and music-filled school year. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at music@sdlife.org. -Miss Ginny
Children's Choir: Miss Ginny and Miss Adell are thrilled to announce the launch of the St. David's Children's Choir! The choir will perform at occasional Sunday services, the Preschool Christmas Tree Lighting, the St. David's Christmas Pageant, the contemporary Christmas Eve service, and more! This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to experience music and worship in an engaging, educational, and community-driven way. Open to ages 4+, no experience necessary. The first rehearsal will be Thursday, October 24th at 4:30pm. If you are interested, or have any questions, please email Ginny at music@sdlife.org. We look forward to singing with you!
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Fall Festival - Wednesday, October 16th
5-7:00PM, outside of the preschool
The POPS organization has a great evening planned for our St. David's Episcopal Preschool families. We hope you can join us for some Fall Festival Fun!
October Service Project
Our October Service Project is collecting supplies for Loudoun Hunger Relief
We will be collecting at the preschool from now until the end of October
Loudoun Hunger Relief could use our help to stock the shelves with things like:
1. Dry beans
2. Whole grain pasta, rice
3. Fresh fruits & vegetables
4. Whole grain cereal
5. Canned meats (tuna or chicken)
6. Healthy cooking oil (ex: olive)
7. Peanut butter
8. Low Sodium soups (under 350mg per serving)
Volunteering with POPS
Did you know that POPS stands for Parents of Preschoolers? It's comprised of a group of parents who volunteer to help with events in the classroom and around the preschool. The next POPS meeting will be the evening of Tuesday, October 24th, 7:30PM in the preschool.
We are still looking for a POPS )Parents of Preschoolers) Treasurer and Service (Project) Chair.
For more information, or if you would like to volunteer, please email POPS at POPS1@sdlife.org
For those who have asked how they could help out the classroom, or contribute to school supplies for the preschool, check out the preschool Amazon Wishlist. In addition, teachers have classroom-specific WishLists; these will be distributed by the teachers or room parents. | We all love St. David's Preschool! Help us spread the word, and tell your friends - we have a few more openings in our 3's class, and in Pre-K. | Wednesday, October 16th - A great idea to head to before or after having fun at the Fall Festival. Enjoy a great time with St. David's friends during our October Spirit Night at Habit Burger! | |
Message from the Director | "School is a building with four walls and tomorrow inside." ~Lon Waters |
Welcome to the 24-25 school year! I am so excited to have both new and returning students join us for another wonderful year. We will spend our time encouraging students to create, explore, imagine, and discover. Our teachers and staff will help to foster friendships, communication and critical thinking. Throughout a day of play, our students will engage in problem solving and active learning. This is the first step in becoming a life-long learner and the foundation for what is yet to come. School will surely be a busy place, and our students will grow by leaps and bounds within a year!
Meg Antwi
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"Together in Education"
Together in Education
"Harris Teeter’s Together In Education program gives schools a chance to earn funds when you link your VIC card and shop Harris Teeter brands.
Harris Teeter has donated over $32.4 million to Together In Education schools since 1998! When you shop Harris Teeter brands, a percentage of your purchase is donated to the school that your VIC card is linked to.
There are NO LIMITS to how much a school can earn!
Any customer with a VIC card can link their card to a school. Customers can link up to five (5) schools to their account. The more people that connect their loyalty cards to a school, the higher the earning potential for a school."
Our school code is: 6103
Click here to link your VIC Card
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October Children's Chapel
My name is Maureen Carey and I am the Preschool Chaplain. Children's Chapel will begin this month. During children's chapel the children hear stories about the love of Jesus and how they can share this love and kindness with one another. This is explored using all the senses and learning that God is present in all things. I look forward to sharing the love of Jesus with your children this year.
Baking with the Bible
You are invited to participate in Baking with the Bible each month with our Preschool Chaplain Miss Maureen, live, via the St. David's Facebook page. Each month a Bible story is explored through hands on baking, interactive live sharing and sharing with our neighbors- loving one another as Jesus taught us. The recipes are simple and child friendly. Look for more information about recipes coming home in your child's backpack in October. Questions? Contact Maureen mcarey@sdlife.org
October 23rd Pumpkin Bread and The Pumpkin Patch Parable
"For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ." 2 Corinthians 4:6
We will be making pumpkin bread and cookies with extra to share with our neighbors.
November 20th Apple Pie and The Parable of the Great Banquet
“Come, for everything is now ready.” Luke 14: 17b
We will make apple pie and ice cream, talking about thankful and preparing for Thanksgiving and time with family and friends.
December 18th Christmas Cookies and The Nativity Story
"And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in
a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn." Luke 2:7
We will make nativity cookies to decorate and retell the story of the birth of Jesus.
(Cookie kits will be pre-ordered)
October Bible Verse
"I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.”
~Philippians 4:13
God is my superhero. We grow stronger in faith the more we learn about Jesus.
| Join the church for Blessing of the Animals, Oct 6th at 4pm in front of the church. [Bring] your furry friends or that special stuffed lovey for a blessing as they celebrate the Feast of St.Frances of Assisi. |
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Today's Tips
Here are a few tips and reminders, now that we're getting into the swing of things:
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- Snack - Please remember to send a nut-free snack with your child. It should not be processed in a facility that contains nuts, so be sure to check those labels! Also, if you choose to send fruit, please make sure it is NOT pre-cut at home. Whole fruits are fine.
- Please label your child(ren)'s snack with their first name prior to bringing it to school. You can use marker, printed name stickers, etc.
- The weather is changing! With the cooler temperatures, please make sure the spare clothes in your child's backpack are warm enough for the cooler days. Thank you!
- Reminder: carline should start in Row 1, NOT row 0 (zero).
- Please be kind/courteous during car line. Follow the car in front of you and please be patient; do not pull out of car line and exit before the those who are in front of you in line.
- If your child is going to be absent for the day, or longer, please email psfrontdesk@sdlife.org, or call the preschool (703.723.0286), to let us know that they won't be in school.
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