June 30, 2024


This week's update includes a summary of the Select Board's June 25 meeting. The Board will not meet the week of July 1st. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 9.

This update also includes information on a proposed 40B development at 429 Harvard Street, a report of whooping cough cases at Brookline High School, and how to access and sign-up for the Town of Brookline News Alerts.

Wishing you a safe and enjoyable Fourth of July Holiday.

Paul Warren

Please note that this email is being sent by me as an individual and not as an official action on behalf of the Board. The content is created by me and any errors or omissions are solely my responsibility.

News and Updates

Proposed Harvard Street 40B Development - Brookline.News has published a story relating to a proposed 40B development at 429 Harvard St. in JFK Crossing. This topic was discussed at length at the Board's last meeting and is included in the Tuesday, June 25 meeting summary under the the agenda items titled "429 Harvard Street 40B Proposal" and "40B Affordable Housing Status".

Whooping Cough Cases at Brookline High School - Public Health and Human Services Director Sigalle Reiss and Superintendent of the Public Schools of Brookline Superintendent Linus J. Guillory Jr. sent a news alert on June 27 to update to the community regarding cases of Pertussis, often known as whooping cough, at Brookline High School. The full text of the alert can be found here.

Brookline Town News Portal - The news portal is a resource to keep community informed about the latest updates from town departments. In addition to listing news items and other town resources, the portal offers a sign-up form to receive news items directly in your email.

Visit the News Portal here.

Last Select Board Meeting - Tuesday, June 25

Miscellaneous - The Board approved the following miscellaneous items, licenses, and contracts.

Annual Appointments - The Board discussed and approved a Request from Town Administrator for annual appointments of department heads, administrators, other officials and employees and of setting the benefits, salaries, and wages of all non-union employees effective July 1, 2024.

Housing Advisory Board Interview - The Board interviewed Carol Gladstone.

Walnut Hills Cemetery - The Board received and discussed a Trustee Report from Randolph Meiklejohn, Chair of the Trustees of the Walnut Hills Cemetery.

Extreme Heat - The Board reviewed and discussed the recent extreme heat emergency and the current Emergency Policy.

Ground Floor Commercial Incentive - The Board discussed and postponed to a later date, a vote on ground floor commercial incentive standards presented on June 11, 2024.

40B Affordable Housing Status - The Board received and discussed an update by the Department of Planning and Community Development on the Town's percent of land and housing units associated with affordable housing, related to the Comprehensive Permit process (Mass General Law 40B).

429 Harvard Street 40B Proposal - The Board received a presentation on the proposed 40B development and heard comments from the Public. The Board agreed to draft a letter to MassHousing requesting that the State agency not approve the project as proposed. The Board will finalize and vote on the letter at its next meeting on July 9.

Town Clerk Reserve Fund Transfer - The Board approved a $10,515 Reserve Fund Transfer for Town Meeting expenses to be submitted to the Advisory Committee.

The Board discussed and approved the following requests from the Fire Department:

  • Reserve Fund Transfer - The Board discussed and approved
  • $979,302 to address the shortfall in the FY24 Fire personnel budget.
  • $41,000 to address the shortfall in the FY24 Fire utilities budget.

  • Appropriation Transfer Request
  • $9,700 from Emergency Mgt General Supplies to Fire Admin Diesel.
  • $12,800 from Admin Computer Equipment to Admin Water.

The Board discussed and approved a memorandum of understanding between the Town and Schools regarding the Pierce School's temporary use of the former Newbury College property on Fisher Hill.


Next Select Board Meeting - July 9

The Select Board will not meet during the week of July 1st. The next meeting will be held on July 9.
