Miscellaneous - The Board approved the following miscellaneous items, licenses, and contracts.
Meeting Minutes from June 11, 2024.
Hire request from the Department of Public Health.
Gift of $7,913.16 from the Simon family for the Police department.
- $311,799 grant from the Department of Mental Health.
Amend budget for ARPA Project #23-51: Brookline Teen Center.
Restructure $30,000 ARPA funds for Public Health Champions project.
Temporary ARPA reallocations to increase EV charging funding.
$30,100 amendment with Lemesurrier related to the Tunnel project.
$64,723 amendment with Miller Dyer Spears for a traffic study.
$98,780 amendment with Miller Dyer Spears for additional Article 97 services related to the Pierce School project.
$148,785 amendment with Miller Dyer Spears for environmental services
Coolidge Corner Merchant's Association request for a 2024 Sidewalk Occupancy Permit.
Petition from Eversource for construction along University Road.
Applications for Change of Manager, Alternate Manager, and Entertainment License for XOXO Sushi at 1154 Boylston Street.
Expand alcohol license to include outdoor dining for El Penol at 404 Harvard Street.
Expand alcohol license to include outdoor dining for The Upper Crust at 286 Harvard Street.
Entertainment license for Merai at 14 Harvard Street.
Annual Appointments - The Board discussed and approved a Request from Town Administrator for annual appointments of department heads, administrators, other officials and employees and of setting the benefits, salaries, and wages of all non-union employees effective July 1, 2024.
Housing Advisory Board Interview - The Board interviewed Carol Gladstone.
Walnut Hills Cemetery - The Board received and discussed a Trustee Report from Randolph Meiklejohn, Chair of the Trustees of the Walnut Hills Cemetery.
Extreme Heat - The Board reviewed and discussed the recent extreme heat emergency and the current Emergency Policy.
Ground Floor Commercial Incentive - The Board discussed and postponed to a later date, a vote on ground floor commercial incentive standards presented on June 11, 2024.
40B Affordable Housing Status - The Board received and discussed an update by the Department of Planning and Community Development on the Town's percent of land and housing units associated with affordable housing, related to the Comprehensive Permit process (Mass General Law 40B).
429 Harvard Street 40B Proposal - The Board received a presentation on the proposed 40B development and heard comments from the Public. The Board agreed to draft a letter to MassHousing requesting that the State agency not approve the project as proposed. The Board will finalize and vote on the letter at its next meeting on July 9.
Town Clerk Reserve Fund Transfer - The Board approved a $10,515 Reserve Fund Transfer for Town Meeting expenses to be submitted to the Advisory Committee.
The Board discussed and approved the following requests from the Fire Department:
Reserve Fund Transfer - The Board discussed and approved
- $979,302 to address the shortfall in the FY24 Fire personnel budget.
- $41,000 to address the shortfall in the FY24 Fire utilities budget.
The Board discussed and approved a memorandum of understanding between the Town and Schools regarding the Pierce School's temporary use of the former Newbury College property on Fisher Hill.